Can someone explain what Class Arya is supposed to be?

I thought she put all of her points into rogue/assassin but she's wearing Wanderer/Warrior armor.

Is she multiclassing?

What you've posted isn't funny.

You seem to have intended to be funny, and I understand the terms you are using, but your post is completely devoid of humour.

Prestige class famalam

Thanks for the constructive criticism.

I'll take it to heart so that my next posts can be even funnier.

i think the house of many faces lets you respec as a perk

This is a 10/10 in england

Goblin Rogue

She's clearly toggled God mode, what a pleb

You must be fun at parties

depends on what face she's wearing

is slag class a thing

Probably yeah. It seems to be that he's elevating the level of funniness at parties by filtering out or teaching unfunny people about their lack of comedic presence.

I'd probably enjoy his parties a lot more than I would enjoy, say, yours or OPs.


>implying Sup Forums has some kind of high bar set for humorous standards
>implying you aren't the person you're talking about
>implying you've ever had a party or told a joke

Bard archetype

>visiting a dwindling thread to see if he's had any replies 20 minutes later

A bit pathetic mate.

You must be fun at parties.

Saber or Rider.

>is slag class a thing
don't knock the slag class, easiest rootrats out there

>oi lad gimme a kebab and i'll nosh on yer knob

now ya cooking with gas

>10/10 on /got/

You must be really fun at really fun parties

While being both a fighter and assassin the best way to describe her is as a Skirmisher. She can shred through any enemy but lacks fatal burst. Using her sustained damage she is able to enter and exit a fight and find the value target.


does leather skirt count as armour?

It is good just because of you though.

If you didn't post that it wouldn't be good, but since you posted that you made it good.

The reason it is good is because it is so not funny that someone (you) posted about it being not funny.

Alone it is a shitpost, but with your cooperation it is good now.


She's the faggot multiclasser that doesn't have a plan so they suck at everything and contribute nothing to the party while wanting all the loot.

Maise is sexy in a very ancient, primal sort of way, it's like someone took a young woman from 500 or more years ago and planted her here

>Can someone explain what Class Arya is supposed to be?

She's playing as a Nightblade.

High sneak, Sword and Dagger, Assassination, Thief skills and minor Illusion Magick.

What do you mean class? It's not an RPG.

Are you multifagging ?

This is really accurate desu

I don't see how this is a party.

>light leather armor
Don't see the problem here

>that big ass cloth
>being good for being fast and or sneaky

what about Brienne of Tarth, she claims she's not a knight, is she a tank/warrior/swordswoman or just classed as a fighter?

She is just a fighter because she isn't initiated into a Knightly Order. It's a technicality but a big one.

kek, best post

I bet you're a blast at parties man



she's wearing gobby mail

No. But she does look like one of the Croods.

makes sense
