So what do we think of this film?
There Will Be Blood
it's good but this is Sup Forums so people will say it's shit
desu it's probably a masterpiece
Nearly felt asleep. I can take slow, talking movies but this was too much for me.
Really? I found it thoroughly engaging all the way through..
it's good but birdman is better
>Yet, Anderson’s story becomes stupidly fashionable in its stacked contest of Plainview vs. Eli, capitalist ruthlessness vs. religious fanaticism. The shabby set-up of Plainview and Eli’s ultimate confrontation in a bowling alley is so confusing and slapdash that their symbolic clash—where one forces the other to confess his shallowness and deny his beliefs—comes across as just secular-progressive prejudice and loopy, unconvincing drama. Each man is a thesis position, not a character. Is There Will Be Blood an undeniable expose of American ruthlessness, or a formidable dramatization of the struggle between power and faith? No!
it's fantastic desu, but you have to be in the right mindset to watch it. if you are, you'll be glued to the screen.
Armond White got dubs. The King has spoken.
a bunch of random scenes put together forming an artificial "epic". has some good acting and it's somewhat interesting until you realise how messy and empty it is. 5/10
Good critique user, which publication do you write for? I wish to sub for more quality insightful reviews
This is a legitimate criticism if this is your first PTA film
I'm not writing to change your opinion on it. I know many people feel that way about it.
yes many of his other films could also be described like this, it's called dishonest filmmaking
its great up until the last scenes when daniel day lewis does his daniel day lewis schtick
>I can take slow, talking movies
Obviously not. Watch My Dinner With Andre if you want to see what an actual slow, talking movie is like.