30 mins into it and this is turning out to be one bad ass movie. I have played the games and so far its living up to the theme. The cinematography is pretty damn amazing as are the colors. Why the fuck does it have shit ratings?
30 mins into it and this is turning out to be one bad ass movie...
Is it based ass 2 or not otherwise they fucked up.
main character isn't asian
it made the same mistake as the first few Assassins Creed games: making the modern day story the central plot
>main character isn't asian
I have no idea why.
Imo it would have been had Micheal Fassbender been alone in his assassin quest and not helped inside the facility, but i really liked it.
It seems like i don't understand movies anymore.
I liked Ghost in the Shell and Assassin's Creed
It's not, it's an original story that takes elements from different games.
30 mins into I also thought it will be a fine movie, but then the fucking pile of shit ended
Im a sucker for period settings and having playing the games the movie has some amazing historic setting shots. The rooftop chase is truly kino
why do you stop watching a movie 30 mins into it to fucking post on Sup Forums? Especially a post about how the movie isn't shit, when you only watched fucking 1/4 of it.
It's pretty good, the ending leaves a bit to be desired, but other than that, it's a slightly above average action flick, I enjoyed it.
Meh, Syndicate was pretty solid and bug free cf. Fucking Unity.
Spaniards are white....
>Hollywood finally got vidyakino right with this, Warcraft, and Angry Birds
>they all failed financially and critically
It's not fair lads...
pick uno
>only muh nordics are white!
all europeans are white, retard
yea i marathoned it last night in about 6 hours(snack breacks and checking up on threads) and it was pretty good to be honest
6/10 on imdb, that's a shit rating? it's an action flick lmao
but the combat, story and characters were shite, only good thing was that qt girl assassin
>why does it have shit ratings?
legitimately decent film. not even into assassin's creed but it felt like a decent action suspense flick, and NOT another painfully obvious """" videogame movie."""
I seriously think the ratings are just due to the christopher columbus scene.
everything else is a solid 6.5/10. there's no reason for it to have been lambasted as a 2/10
Should I buy an xbox?
I enjoyed it too. I hope they do more.
>it made the same mistake as the first few Assassins Creed games: making the modern day story the central plot
I enjoy the modern part. It's a shame it died with Desmond. They should have continued either with his father or that Russian chick (she's in the novels)
cute. CUTE
It's a shame that poo in loo got to bread her
2bh after playing the games I expected nothing but the movie was pretty fucking fun
Literally the underdog of movies based on games. Good shit.
Ps4 > xbahks
you have to be 18+ to post here
>the rooftop chase after the execution
Almost saved the movie for me.
It's not very good, the action is so fucken boring. Barely any motivation. It did some interesting things but it mostly just falls flat.
>terrible choreography
>non-stop quick cuts and shaky cam that make transformers 1 seem well directed
>unironically the modern parts were the better part of the film because there was only shitty dialogue
>didn't capture the feel of the game at all
>not a single moment in the past where he slowly sneaks up on a guard/target and assassinates them with the hidden blade and then disappears into the crowd
"why does it have shit ratings"
gee, i wonder
t. obese virgin
Is Fassbender blacklisted by (((them))) or something? All his latest flicks seem to get roasted.
No sorry im not an amerifat
no, he just takes literally every project thrown at him without reading the script
Jobs and Frank got great reviews among some other films. This was just unfortunately kinda shitty
>plays video games
>stops a movie 30 minutes in to talk about his mundane experience
yep. It all makes sense. You have to go back.
The game is made by Japanese, its just like anime - the characters look white but they're Asian.
He doesn't act in good movies.
My buddy and I feel asleep in the theater watching this. It's bad?
>I have played the games and so far its living up to the theme
so it's trash?
t. embryo that only watches capeshit and vidyashit
But Fassbender's last 2 films are this and X-Men, ie. vidyashit and capeshit
So surely it's the people defending Fassbender who only watch capeshit and vidyashit?
I liked it quite a lot.
except the editing. that shakycam and those quick cuts are pure cancer.
>so far its living up to the theme.
Pushing random civillians off roofs and bridges for 30 hours?
His past 4 or 5 movies have been pretty mediocre.
>But Fassbender's last 2 films are this and X-Men, ie. vidyashit and capeshit
He's had two come out this year already and one inbetween xmen and assassins creed. Sincerely don't know why you think those were his last two...other than you being an embryo that literally has no idea what he's talking about.
>s-shut up!
you sound buttblasted friendo
this is a safe place
Especially when they have blonde hair and blue or green eyes. Those are the EXTRA Asian characters.
>30 mins in
>Has to brag about how long you've been watching
Fucking millenials and their 5 minute attention span
Rate it AFTER you've seen it, mong