What was the message of the film again?


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what did he mean by this?

The failure of capitalism.

the message was da' maniac loves you

Beware of KGB.


It's a mystery


>biting the hand that feeds him
>throwing away the source of shekels that allows him to continue making what he does

Not the brightest of sparks, are you?

>that fucking fight scene


It pretty much sums up the jews tho.

>which is slander and a lie

I'm glad he cleared that up...

Not as good as The Dead Alive, sorry.

Nobody can tell me it wasn't about jews. They blew up a broadcast tower at the end for fuck sake. It's just too perfect.

It's about the Interdimensional Reptilians

one word PARANOIA

Don't let Roddy run out of bubble gum.



So many Sup Forumstard cucks itt...at least this goof posted something funny.
Seriously, you Sup Forumstards need to get yerselves some glasses and wake the fuck up.......


Dear OP, you don't need to shitpost like that to bump a thread

oh noes! his Sup Forumstard butt is hurting...

Wear the goddamn glasses.


Are you retarded?

I can't believe nobody posted this earlier. Zizek is based.

top kek

Stay mad, kiddo. And quit shitting on a good movie. Faget.

Again, what thee fuck are you talking about? Are you retarded?

i think the whole antijew interpretation is retarded, but thats unironically hilarious

jews are 1% of the population in the US but make up 44% of the top 1% in the country