I've had better film discussion on ________

I've had better film discussion on ________

Sup Forums!

Reminder OP is a buttblasted plebeian getting upset his kiddie movies are being bullied in

>Sup Forums not god tier

>Sup Forums that low

We're a meme making powerhouse and have been proven to have the highest IQ posters

where the fuck is r9k

it should be on god tier

Not that person but it seems you're pretty buttblasted

yes we get it Sup Forums sucks. why don't you leave, tourist?


how can any other board even hope to compete?

Where does Sup Forums fit on that ranking ?

>Sup Forumseddit

do you need to ask?

>Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums in High-tier

Sup Forums used to be god tier but now it's shit tier because the faggot janitors ruined everything

I remember when /tg/ was good ;_;

>b is mid-tier
>v is high-tier

Let me guess, Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is the same as in here dude,

Hold me bros

>Sup Forums
>a board of actual face bookers and redditors

Sup Forums Has absolute shit taste. They are right to shit on 99% of vidya though

Who else spams SW, lotr, GoT, and capeshit if not veddit

I'd argue, but you're correct.

The jannies ruined our board.

Reminder that Sup Forums has a Sopranos thread going on right now, and Sup Forums doesn't.

Sup Forums is for laughs, not serious discussions, and for that reason Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /fit/ and occasionally Sup Forums are the best boards

I've had better film discussion on ________
>a fucking street corner, bars, with old and young and black people whom's opinion I dont really value

>Sup Forums in shit-tier
should be lower honestly


Fuck off.


>he thought anyone gave a shit about tripfags in pre-janny Sup Forums
top jej, they're still looked down on, even in their shitty /trb/ circlejerk

Right, because the boring generals are so much better

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums


Sup Forums, Sup Forums and maybe /r9k/ are the only boards that still produce OC and maymays

Sup Forums used to be king but the jannies shut that shit down


I've tried to forget the rest of the faggots. Shouldn't have started spamming offtopic shit then. The game threads are still fun, you just don't have faggots attention whoring any more. Tripfags like cest or King or whatever were EPIC BANTZ PART OF DA LADS!

The fact they stayed for so long was because people gave them the time of day.

>/his/ doesn't even warrant a mention

It's actually

Sup Forums

It's no secret that the best place for conversations about a topic are not on the the board it was meant for. /k/ has great vidya discussion, etc.

Sup Forums is objectively the best Board
>always Produce the best memes
>best banter
>perfect combination of humor and cultural discussion
>solid amount of discussion threads are serious and you always get well informed answers

>Sup Forums not even on the list

Pretty much, no matter how cancerous someone is - if you give them attention, they're sticking around.

>/fit/ god tier
Good gravy, the homosexual takeover of Sup Forums is complete.


>God tier

I powerlift regularly and I think /fit/ is a waste of time. Once you have your routine down, what do you gain from discussing it with homosexual autists? Misc is better for lifting talk and banter anyway.

Basically the same thing as /fit/ in the sense that I own guns but I have zero interest in engaging in meaningless gun talk for more than like 15 minutes a month tops. There is no good banter or anything like that on /k/ either, it's all just fake stories of valor, exaggerated EDC pics and Sup Forums-lite shit.

>Sup Forums
WAHH THE PAGEETS ARE TAKING MY JOB: The board. Also you have a fair amount of Trump shit and product shilling. Not a great board.

The only boards which come even close to having decent banter are Sup Forums, Sup Forums (especially before the faggot mods ruined everything) and sometimes /r9k/.

>god tier

>Sup Forums
>not dogshit tier

Fuck off reddit

/tg/ used to be the best site to talk about random shit, until that 'how to troll Sup Forums boards' post came round and the /tg/ 'trolls' didn't work and the meme of '/tg/ can't be trolled' took off.

Plus general mod problems and now it's a shithole.