Are we in a climate crisis?

Are we in a climate crisis?

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Not yet no.

But we're headed for one...

When the World starts listening after decades of warning because it's a retard girl (with no whatsoever knowledge on the topic) speaking

I'd say we have a bigger issue right now

No, we are simply doing our job by destroying life on Earth.


She's very fuckable

we're in an immigration crisis

No. Look at club of Rome and their members(one was Al Gore) and two others can be tied to Greta. They use climate change like a Trojan horse. Also George Soros is involved, so now you know

No. The Earth is doing what it does. There "might" be a tiny bump from man's shenanigans but barely perceptible. And it will fix itself and the ecosystem drifts just a tiny bit.

we've had that problem forever and will continue to have it, atleast the climate can still be fixed, because we cant.

I say yes we are.
There are to may things that happened these "days" that not happened in the last hundreds of years before.
Yes there was many hurricanes and floods and so on before but not intense like we can see them now.
We found plastic everywere on this planet even the arctic shelfice is contaminated.
AAAND its scientific proved that these microplastics are in the humans itself.
So ok why is that a problem?
The softeners in this substance kill your /our/ my testosterone and I like it to have a hard one in the morning.
So stop producing everything and its cheapest and we can survive.
Btw. somebody sayd she is fuckable.
Aeh I met some of these oekoturds and I cant stand the smell.
Ladies soap is great use it daily...

How dare you

>" that not happened in the last hundreds of years before.
The climate goes through cycles and was much warmer in the past than it is today, or is predicted to get with "man made" global warming in the next 200 years.
>in the humans itself
retard confirmed
It is one thing to say that the earth is getting warmer and another to say that this is a huge threat to humans. The first is reasonable the second is not.

Yes, and every single person who ignores scientific pleas are literal enemies to life.
Jus saiyan

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We're in a leftist power grab crisis. Any environmental problems we may have, can be addressed once they have been brought to heel.

not yet "crisis" but going straight to it


IPCCs latest report have a foundation of 7000 studies and reports.

Every single study in the area just keeps confirming what we already know. If we keep increasing CO2 it will get warmer.

People who deny this are just dumb. I mean, it's the same people who would believe the earth is flat just because the blogs they read say so.

>Also George Soros is involved, so now you know

Nice tinfoil hat! The world is controlled by lizard people as well?

like tomato or potato
>sissy gay homo boylover

>Every single study in the area just keeps confirming, white people must pay more taxes to fund social programs designed to get them out of their cars and as many third worlders into their countries as possible.

Not controlled by them, but they are fuck well trying.

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No. This is the latest fraud bring leveraged to impose global communism.

Maybe, but "the west should just turn it's factories off and let China rule the world" isn't a real position and it's the only position I've seen leftists demonstrate. It's just another "patricapitalism kill urself" taunt and nothing serious. I certainly hope the world isn't actually dying while they treat it with this cavalier, entirely political attitude. If we want to save the Earth together, great, but that's not what anyone is suggesting. It's just another avenue of "white man please die" and there's no practical reason to listen to this racist, parochial, politicized, pro-communist attitudes.

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global warming is good

1. it makes girls wear revealing clothes

2. this shitty world is finally gonna end
