If you disagree then fuck off back to imdb, /r/movies, tumblr or rateyourmusic

if you disagree then fuck off back to imdb, /r/movies, tumblr or rateyourmusic

Other urls found in this thread:


what if I agree with some but not all?

You like anime don't you?

Good thing I'm from EU and we don't have half these retarded "Last week, daily show, tonight with" shows.

Also confirmed android from the start.

What the fuck is wrong with Bill Burr? Fuck you faggots

>using the term nu-male

There is literally nothing wrong with blinds

A numale wouldn't like Maher since he hates mudslimes, only jew fucks like Maher. And if you like Maher you probably won't like Oliver.

Reminder OP is autistic and hates the word comy. He has posted this twenty times or more this is his only means of communicating with others.

How is Bill Burr numale?


I don't disagree.


>bill 'my black wife bought a pitbull which i didn't want then started to love then had to give away because it would attack people we had over sometimes when i had a kid at the age of 48, also pitbulls are bad because of the owner not the breed' burr
>not pure nu male

>lists all of things I hate as things which are bad

This is the oldest trick in the book. Jews use it very well. Are you a Jew, OP? You're trying divide and conquer tactics.

this some real jewish bullshit

can i stay?

Yes, we must fend the IMDB kids away!

I see a billboard for this everyday. It always makes me laugh.

What do you mean user? Not memeing this time.

Window shades?

Get rid of YouTube and Netflix, given they're just platforms, and it's a really accurate list.

Put Sup Forums in there too

Look a DCuck.

Pokemon really doesn't deserve to be there. While its fanbase is pretty nu-male, the games themselves are actually pretty based.

>Only two genders literally established at the start
>Encourages exploration and competitiveness to today's youth, rather than being sheltered
>Can actually be pretty dark for a kid's game
>Involves religious themes/references in a positive manner
>Has a positive outlook on capitalism
>Literally no forced diversity
>Most of the antagonists are actually parodies of radical leftism

Unfortunately, this often goes over the heads of SJWs, which is why they often know very little about the series despite saying they're huge fans. However, if you can ignore the fan-base, the games are pretty great (Just try to avoid the 3DS games and the anime like the plague.)

I agree with everything but HP. Its kino.

/mtv/ proved we were the numales lad

lmao, these pics get so many replies because there really is some truth to them. like I can completely imagine the type of guy described in the image.

>LOTR and GoT in the same package.

This will never not trigger me.

You can't really blame someone for liking LoTR

Its made by an autist who made the plebcore image.