Why does he get more time in jail than some thug who shot somebody in cold blood on public transportation last week in my city

he's in the mob bro

Anyone see that nigger's arms lately. Comical. Literally the definition of a curlbro.

Nigga got sniped

The government doesn't care about niggers being killed but tax evasion loses them money.

Nobody cares about niggers being killed.

Murder doesn't threaten the system.

I'm surprised he hasn't overdosed on synth yet. He's so bloated

I though the Jew media did tho.

He's white

>hes only 34

That thug probably saved the city money.

Because the government didn't get their money on time

In which country is your city located

He should have been arrested for bombing so hard at the Donald Trump Roast.

this made me laugh for some reason


Faces != Convicted

15 is just the maximum sentence.

What kind of person thinks is a good idea to call himself 'The Situation'? Is it ironic or something?

to get on the show they took a bunch of retarded guido personalities, the casting people probably had a field day with his audition tape

So the show was made basically to make fun of them without them realizing it?

Yes, like all reality television.


Only in americuck

Stop paying your taxes in whatever europoor country you live in and see what happens.

Because stealing from the government is the worst possible thing anyone could do to anyone, ever