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Some of the most retarded movies I've seen, and the books were even worse somehow. Sorry nerds but this is cinema mediocrity, only the production itself is impressive.
spotted the only child
I'm gonna guess you're 25 or under. Good luck kids.
>he will never experience LOTR bantz with his siblings
LOTR bantz? You mean between the dorf and elf? Nothing in these movies even counts as bantz, I was being harsh before but now you've really made me mad you plebian redditor.
I think if I were about to ride my horse into some orcs and giant elephants, I would prefer not to be reminded of my impending death.
>being harsh before
You don't even know what gay means because you've never met your dad whom I've had relations with you fucking casual. Cry your tears out and collect them in a bottle for me.
not an argument
Why did they stop and give the enemy time to form up before charging?
t. literal actual plebians
I feel actual pity for you. Sorry about your lives bros. Better luck next existence.
i knew it
enjoy your night
Joke's on you, I turned down my GF because I felt like getting drunk alone. Better than your life you fucking virgin fag. My brother's a fag and probably gets more ass than you. It's okay to be jealous I don't even blame you homo. Go watch Avatar it's probably your speed idiot pleb frickin virgin dummy.
You are a real actual pleb. Wow.
full circle
The themes of the story are immature and... small, but the actual story and characters and the overall creativity of the world is top notch. And the filmmaking is flawless. Everything hits just the right emotional notes. Everything fits together perfectly.
>yfw you realize LOTR started production 20 years ago