Poo in loos demand that Symmetra's "Goddess" costume be taken down for insensitivity towards Hinduism

Poo in loos demand that Symmetra's "Goddess" costume be taken down for insensitivity towards Hinduism.

How will Blizzard respond, Sup Forums?


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the only thing that should be dropped here is his poo in a fucking 21st century toilet

They'll let her dress up as a toilet bowl

that feeling when the thread's first response will most likely be the highest quality response

I agree. Completely remove all cultural aspects of every game and cover up the fucking women. Why are they allowed to expose so much skin?

>giving gawker clicks

>playing the vidya jew

it's true, Sup Forums is neckbeard manchildren

>if they wear clothes it's racist
>if they don't wear clothes it's sexist
Honestly creates introspection

I guess its time to give her a Burka skin.

Literally just bought this skin last night. Better not remove it.

>talking to people on an internet forum
Fucking nerd.

>People actually play the worst hero in the entire game


Symmetra is a shit hero anyway desu. Its what newfag players pick at the hero selection screen to get rid of that annoying message about not enough supports while also not having to heal.

I hope they cave and remove it

wtf i hate overwatch now

If they were cucked enough to remove tracer's pose they're definitely going to change this.

I'll get my refund and buy an Ana skin then....

blizzard caves bro. its going to go just like tracers booty stance

>best skin
>the only one I have for her


Enjoy your 25 shields and no Mercy, fuckers


Play ranked, retard.

>playing as Hanzo.

Thank you for continuing to contribute nothing, Austria.

>Play competitive
>He's level 12


>posting link to shitaku the clickbait site
learn to archive faggot.

Smite and that small company in Georgia that makes it can get away with using things like that, I think Blizz can if they tried.

>get a legendary symmetra skin in loot box
>excited because I actually play her sometimes and think she's underrated
>want the goddess skin
>it's the shitty tech support skin that's worse than the default

>Hi-rez lets you play as a bunch of hindu gods with multiply silly skins from pirate to rappers.
>Blizzard backs down and removes a single skin.



>How will Blizzard respond, Sup Forums?

By sucking a massive amount of cocks, like they always do.

>Not playing symmetra and spamming the Impressive voice line with an unreasonably thick Indian accent



Seriously they get away with shit like this. Step it up Blizzard.

Pro tip: she's actually good on attack if u put a teleport near the capture points. Non stop pressure


>fucking IRAN was a better experience than India

so they will pretend they care and then change the skin to be even more ethnic? Tracer only got an even sexier pose.

Do you guys not remember Hi Rez remodeling Kali because people complained she was "too sexy"? Hi Rez is cucked.

add more arms?

Didn't they cave with the Tracer pose and replaced it with an ever sexier one?

They already gave in with tracer's butt, which was arguably less offensive. They're gonna ttake it down.

If we want to get into it further, they didn't make Aphro's tits large enough, according to her own lore, despite the playerbase complaining they are too large.

Point stands: the fact that its based on a Hindu god isn't the issue.

Only to their Chinese overlords. Rest in Peace Old Wa.

That's not even the first time erotic Hindu god is being used in game
There's Shiva in Final Fantasy


Do show and tell. I have no idea what it is.

level doesnt really make a difference with player skill

Never even touched him

No they replaced a generic pose she had with a better looking one, it's just that the lead designer agreed with some faggot on /r/overwatch that complained about it because it didn't fit her character. That is what caused the shitstorm in the first place because everyone thought that it meant "we are removing it" and not "we are replacing it with a better one".


Based Hi-Rez

>playing as symmetra

They made Kali WAY fucking sexier and gave her a booty sway animation to boot

When the mentaly 12 years old thinks he is cool.

They should keep it. It's not like she's dressed as any particular goddess.

stfu manchild.

>indian """engineer"""

her backstory should be she's an incompetent trained by a bitter white man who lost his job to her because she'll work for 1/100th his salary

>symmetra is known for being highly intelligent, gifted with technology and uses these skills to further advance humanity
>she's also quite attractive
>happens to have a costume that is an homage to a largely popular religion in her home nation of india
>mfw this is for some reason bad to some sensitive little bitch out there

why are these touchy little shit heads flipping shit over THIS of all things? i'm christian as fuck and wouldn't get all butt hurt if they did some kind of jesus skin.

Poo-loos are eternally butthurt. If they find something to moan about they will.

good, these skins suck anyway

Are you also so bad at the game that you still think Bastion is OP?

Her gun absolutely fucks shit up. And she is a literal must have against Riendhart/bastion in a corner combo. Her alt fire has no drop off and goes right through Riendharts shield like butter

Indians literally have an anus on their flag

You just know they are full of endless butthurt

I recall reading about how they attacked Ian Anderson from Jethro Tull for insulting one of their gods because he stood on one leg.
