How is this not considered as better acting than yelling to bears or playing a quiet drunk guy?
Also What's up with the Bruce in the end of the movie?
How is this not considered as better acting than yelling to bears or playing a quiet drunk guy?
Also What's up with the Bruce in the end of the movie?
Also great movie and the three girls were all top tier.
Cos it's capeshit. Even though the actors were great, and it was a pretty good film. Also, I suspect James is disliked. Don't know why.
>Also What's up with the Bruce in the end of the movie?
It's his character from Unbreakable, it's why he says "Mr. Glass," it's the man the people in the diner were talking about and the tweest antagonist from that movie. It ties the two together
holy shit. It's been so long that i don't remember anything about that movie other than there were Samuel jackson and some comic book thing? I have to re-watch it.
Yes, SLJ's character was called Mr. Glass as a child because of his brittle bones.
honestly, all I saw was the trailer but his performance looked like fucking dogshit. It looked like your generic "le craaazy guy!!" performance, like something anyone could've come up with. Like was it supposed to be a comedy or something? fuck man it seems like it's a parody of what your average person thinks a "craaaaazy!!!" guy looks like. what a bunch of trash.
you should watch the movie. His performance was really good and the movie is solid too.
Just watched this last night.
Good performances, particularly and most obviously Mcavoy, but the story was a bit lame. One of those movies where, 3/4 of the way through i kinda felt like i got the gist of it and could probably have just turned it off there and then but instead i thought eh fuck it, nothing better to so i watched til the credits roll.
Bruce at the end felt like it was just tacked on, like they finished filming and everything was done, but Shamalam was at home getting stoned or something a week later and thought "Fuck, imagine if i put this at the end of it!", then he called Bruce and some of the film crew back in and filmed that final scene, now everyone acts like it's some genius move when that scene is literally the ONLY thing tying the two together.
I mean, you could do that with any movie, really- just add some final scene in to tie it to another, otherwise unrelated movie. Could be a way to pass time with friends, like a game or activity- take two unrelated movies and somehow connect them by having some actor from either appear in a final random scene.
whats up with spoiling the end of the film in your OP without spoiler-warning, you retard?
it's hardly a spoiler though, it's literally just Bruce Willis sitting in a bar doing a Bruce Willis impression. Doesn't actually pertain to the plot of the film, felt more like an easter egg than anything.
dude thats 100% a spoiler. thats like the expected "reveal" from shymalyalylans movies. not quite a twist, but a surprise, and OP is ruining it for people
mods must be too baked today, why isnt this thread deleted
Except he wrote this character for Unbreakable before he decided it was interesting and would detract from David Dunn's story.
Dunn fights a guy whose holding people captive in the end of Unbreakable. That was meant to be Kevin, but Shamalalalala shifted gears. Put the Kevin parts away
general rule of thumb for all of Sup Forums is to watch/play anything you want not to be spoilered before hand and avoid coming to this shithole until you do.
They have basically super powers
mods delete spoiler-threads all the time
lack of consistency, i guess
The ending was complete dogshit.
Mcavoy now has powers and shit
Also, hurr im just letting her go because she got raped XD
>i kinda felt like i got the gist of it and could probably have just turned it off there
I need floaties to keep my head above the normalfaggotry on this board.
yeah i can't understand this either. No matter how shitty the movie is i'm watching it to the end because i started watching it.
Yep, except that on a more grounded approach.
and they're not even going around superheroing
is a movie about a kid with a gun holding a store hostage while the police negotiate with him a war movie?
Yeah, I think Shyamalan was trying to humanize a bit of Kevin's DID, but it end up a little bit forced. The movie is still great, anyway.
Both things were set up throughout the movie
He gave a better performance in Filth.
Hedwig was best split!
Anyway, great acting on Mcavoy's part, alien girl did well also, however the 'climbing the fucking wall' part greatly weakened the movie for me, even with the way Shyamalan tied it nicely to unbreakable.
Mcavoy's acting 9/10
Movie 6/10
i didn't get how hedwig was able to block barry?
don't know if that makes it worse then, that it felt so odd and disjointed when he's had it sitting there for years and somehow intended or at least knew in some way the two movies would be tied together. Maybe it's because he wanted to have his little "twist" or "surprise" at the end, so he intentionally ignores any and all references to the other film, but he ignores them to a fault, to the extent that the surprise is only referred to as such because it is inexplicable, though not particularly clever or well crafted, it's just... there all of a sudden. And yes, i know that this is in some way the literal definition of "surprise", but i think it's funner when you can go back and watch the movie again and see the hints and whatnot, not just fucking ram it in there.
Reminds me of Hateful8, where the previously unmentioned, unknown villain just fucking pops out of the floor and shoots the main character in the nuts, 3/4 of the way through the film.
Yeh, it's a surprise, but it's kinda weak.
yeh i thought this too. Kinda rolled my eyes.
Spends the whole movie planning to fuckin eat her intestines or whatever, only to have some epiphany when he is literally a few feet away from her, fuckin reaching out and gnashing his teeth, all because he notices she has a few scars on her body?
not sure what you're trying to get at here. Do you think arrogantly insisting on or forcing yourself to endure an experience that is bland, predictable or otherwise uninteresting somehow makes you special?
David was a fucking terrible superhero. If the orange jumpsuit guy hadn't been literally autistic he would have drowned. And David didn't even really need superpowers to fight him, any normal guy could have jumped on someone and choked him from behind. The Beast was taking shotgun rounds like they were nerf darts. There's no way this is an even fight.
The timeline also make no sense, in split brucve willis is old and mr glass is in prison, in unbreakable he learns about this powers by beating up a guy in the house, but who knows, with shyamalan it's probably all timey wimey bullshit too.
If you know anything about the movie industry you can instantly see what Split is
They clearly optioned this big ambitious script that is trying to do the "semi-fantasy-esque over-the-top criminal underworld" theme (similar to Payback), with post-Matrix action, and the movie was clearly supposed to establish the setting for a franchise and trilogy, BUT, for whatever weird reason, someone got cold feet along the way and told them to trim it back to a standalone single feature.
You can just smell that it was originally meant to be like 3 hours long and much deeper lore-wise. You can smell the characters that were hastily miscast and smushed to fit into the edited script, so that they seem bizarrely out of place and overexaggerated for how little screen time and relevance they get. You can tell that the budget was gutted.
Some financial decision was made by the higher-ups that the original gamble was no longer worth it, but that they could still have their shot at making it a franchise if they somehow managed to take the hugely reduced scope and budget of the project and create something great. And they didn't.
Watching Split is like watching 1/4th of something ambitious that a lot of people resignedly stretched and flayed to cover the space left by the absence of the other 3/4ths. It reminds me of Lucky Number Slevin, where they optioned a script and then forgot to apply enough funding and care to actually turn it into a movie, so it's bizarrely uncanny to moviegoers, like watching an inexplicably high production quality stageplay of some guy's shitty fanfiction with a dumb name.
>Ending felt tacked on
I don't know maybe I'm a sucker but that Shamalamadingdong twist ending tying it into Unbreakable provoked an audible response of excitement in me. It was a good twist, didn't see it coming and it didn't ruin the movie at all and it made me excited about a potential tie-in. I thought this movie was kino.
agree, i cant believe people are praising this shit
>all these contrarian faggots ITT
This was a decent movie.
Alien girl, McAvoy and old lady had good performances.
I agree with the Bruce Willis scene - it was kinda unnecessary.
But it definitely didn't ruin the whole thing.