Is liberalism a mental disorder?

Is liberalism a mental disorder?

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partisan politics is a mental disorder

you, sir, are redpilled.

*tips fedora*

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why do americans think democrats and liberals are the same in america as foreign countrys?

liberalism, no
progressivism, yes

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i'm canadian

Islam vs environmentalism vs gays.
What is worse?

I'd just like to say this: everybody in the whole world that has any kind of leftish principles, whether LGBT or socialist or human rights or whatever... those people are ALL in a SINGLE TRIBE called "liberals" and they ALL have a SINGLE HIVE-MIND and they all ACT AS ONE.

So that's why I talk about "liberals".

Yeee hawww.

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Summary: My experiences of these types and why I think they turn out like this.

I used to know a lot of hipster types who always seem to follow the same well-trodden path:

Aside from the obvious causes of insecurity and projection that will characterise some of them, I think that the symptoms are often amplified by who they end up becoming after a catalog of bad decisions.

Awkward kids from middle-upper class backgrounds, often from quiet sheltered, head to university to study arts degrees and fall in with a bohemian/hipster crowd.

All the post-modern art and philosophies seem novel and crazy for a while; getting stoned and making your very own Jackson Pollock, living free of rules and funding it all using your student loans you start to believe that "perhaps all the rules and traditions we live by are just made up and we don't need to adhere to them".

Pt. 2

...Fast forward 5, 10, 15 years later, and they are all in the same shitty housing, making the same atonal synth music and toddler-level paintings to adorn their squalid houses, and going seeing yet another feminist punk band in the basement of a dive bar doing an ironic cover of an 80s pop track whilst dressed as vaginas.

The difference now is they are older, fatter, and significantly less attractive due to poor lifestyle choices. The combination of stagnation, regular drug use, cheap booze and tobacco, being in social groups that abhor self-improvement over self-centred rationalisation, the victim-privilege complexes and socially expected self-flagellation that tells themselves daily how they are either born of this new-age sin or under the boot of the world, more often than not they are in open relationships and have to jump through mental hoops to convince themselves they they are wrong for feeling bad when their partner goes out for a date and does not come home that night, living in filth, subscribing to veganism and not taking the steps to make this limited diet nutritious whatsoever, and having no prospects for failing to address this all-consuming hellscape they have joined...and all the while not realising that certain behaviours were frowded up on because they lead to the sad state they find themselves in.

This is why these types take whatever underlying issues they had, and add petrol to that fire for years and years.

I think a major turning point in my life was back when I was at a party (being a dreadlocked, grungy-looking type back then), and having this realisation that, if I don't make some stark changes to my own life, I could join the panoply of blue-hairs droning about feminism, whipped podgy "men", and tweakers looking a good 10+ years older than they actually were. I have wrote well enough, and that party was a whole other story, but it just made me realise, deep down; "These people fucking disgust me".

Technically it's an acquired brain injury.

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You pathetic Greta/AOC assholes would be more at home over on Sup Forums where you only have to be scared of 20 million jews.

get in the helicopter

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Imagine being afraid of a 10-year-old kid who's really good at playing dress-up.

You massive pussy, you.

they're the equivalent of demons, possessed, evil beings that wish to destroy. i'm no jesus freak, but they're satan's wet dream: an army of easily manipulated child sacrificers with no moral standing whatsoever

Forgot to Take my Meds Today: The Post.

Islam is the plague, it kills indiscriminately. Gays are fucked up, but as long as it's just faggotry i'm okay with it. Environmentalism is doublespeak at worst and crowd manipulation at worst

It is more the fact that a child is being sexually exploited (and likely sexually abused) that we take affront to.

That and the mainstream enabling of this behavoir.

But go on, hit us with another strawman

aaaaaahhhhh fuck you. i just watched legion so i'm in a biblical mood. i know it's fucking crazy which is why i posted it.

really though, they do sacrifice children and beg others to do the same. the are easily manipulated, and will do whatever they're told is right regardless of morality.

If you even have to ask, you are a butthurt right wing control freak who can't stop progress.


No, unlike you faggots, I'm not afraid of everything. I think it's fucking disgusting. You have no shame.

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>partisan politics
If your politics thinks global warming is a "hoax," you are an anti-science hivemind idiot.

no. it's more than that. it's the idea that a boy can be made into a girl through dress-up that's disturbing. LARPing and cosplay is different than crossdressing and trannies

So you're afraid of anyone believing there are more than 2 genders too.

It's also none of your business.

>It is more the fact that a child is being sexually exploited (and likely sexually abused)

...And why would you assume that sexual abuse is part of his experience? If you don't mind his hobby (as you claim not to) and he doesn't seem to display any of the characteristics typical of abuse victims, maybe shut the fuck up?

>50 million Americans die
>what terrifies me is the hypothetical backlash against the peaceful peacepeople
fuckin trash

>peaceful people are fuckin trash
ok nazi

Comedy is hard.

>that's the joke

Norm MacDonald is a fucking legend

I'm pretty much as far left as anyone can be (I actively study leftist political ideology, support leftist political movements and policies, support protections and equal rights for minority groups, believe in dismantling the institutions of capitalism) and I've never come across any of the nonsense you're talking about. Most leftists have very coherent moral principles based on conceptions of equality, individual freedom, and communal responsibility. Maybe what frightens you is the idea the people may not need to rely on the idea of "god" to be good? It strikes me that your convictions are driven by ignorance and fear rather than any sort of actual understanding of leftism.

Nah, you're pissing yourself at the thought of a child in a dress. You see a kid whose idea of having fun doesn't involve not getting hugged by their parents and you're freaking out.

Dude, the kid is a fucking DRAG QUEEN. He's not trans, and dressing in a non-gender-conforming way doesn't make someone want to be a girl. For fucks' sake, I grew up with three sisters and used to wear blankets as capes or dresses and would even try walking around in my mom's heels just for the hell of it and I've never once felt the urge to transition. Honestly how little do you understand human psychology if you think putting on a dress is the tipping point between male/female gender identity?

No, i'm thinking that leftism is based on dismantling proven systems that work and keep people healthy, and try to replace them with new systems of belief that aren't worked out all the way. That hurts people. Socialism/Communism hurts people. Capitalism makes life difficult, but it doesn't require purges and the KGB or anything else like the commies need. Also, as for god, i'm agnostic but believe that the bible lays a groundwork for a good life.

More than anything, more than right or left, more than legislation, above ALL, i think that discourse is what we need. We can't make a decision on who's right or wrong without understanding each other, and that's where we've strayed. Talk more pls

Why does being in the minority of an opinion on an issue, possibly with your own specific feelings on it, make you part of the "Hivemind?"

>drag queen
what's the point of a drag queen? just to look pretty as a guy? i think the fuck not
it's about being as close to becoming a woman as you can, and i don't think a prepubescent kid should be contemplating that.

Sup Forums is THE mental disorder.

There has been multiple instances of him stripping in front of adult homosexual men, and being given money for it.

You know... like a stripper.

It's not a far leap to assume that he's been molested at that point. Secondly

>he doesn't seem to display any of the characteristics typical of abuse victims
How would you know? When he's in the public eye he's obviously kept on a tight leash by his parents. More than likely, if he's being abused, he's also being coached on how not to show the signs whenever people are watching under the the threat of punishment and promise of reward, as oft happens with people molested by their guardians.

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>believe in dismantling the institutions of capitalism

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Because you ignore the science and pay attention to what basically peer pressure is telling you instead. That's what hivemind ultimately is.

>get cancer
>lose house
Fine institution you've got there.

Good stuff, seems pretty accurate for a good few that I know.

nice strawman, bring it out every time you're wrong?

I've been peer pressured to believe in climate change, but never to go against it. I have plenty of reasons for believing what I believe but everyone assumes I'm and anti-science moron who watches too much Fox news. I legitimately can't tell you how many times I've heard that.

It's almost like you all think the same thing. It's almost like... well no, it couldn't be. I'm the hivemind one.

And look what a succes you are now, ranting about your former friends on Sup Forums. You have not outgrown them, mate, you just turned into a person who is disgusted.

>Be socialist
>Starve to death

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This is where you prove you actually have evidence and aren't just relying on "but scientists said".

>i'm thinking that leftism is based on dismantling proven systems that work and keep people healthy
Which proven systems? Global capitalism has only been around for 100 years or so, and capitalist crises have led to massive international economic destabilization. Capitalist institutions have continuously dismantled longstanding social relations for as long as capitalist systems have existed (British colonialism in Ireland, India, and North America, the IMF in Greece and Latin America). Capitalism absolutely REQUIRES the conformity of the majority, which is why it also relies on a strong state to enforce the dictates of the free market like property rights, debt repayment (which enables the weaponization of debt), and laws and judgments in favor of capitalism. There is a TON of leftist theory dealing with this topic that I could go into, but I would suggest reading Ellen Meiksins-Wood's "Empire of Capital"; it's a good overview of how capitalism homogenizes societies and punishes dissent.

There is already a rich discourse of leftist ideology that is dense, intellectually-rigorous, and offers practical long- and short-term solutions for dealing with the threats posed by capitalism.

>There is already a rich discourse of leftist ideology that is dense, intellectually-rigorous, and offers practical long- and short-term solutions for dealing with the threats posed by capitalism.

Name one country where communism has worked.

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Aggressive partisanship is a feature gleefully embraced by both sides of a two-party system.

Google Thomas Sankara

>I've been peer pressured to believe in climate change
science isn't peer pressure user
don't be such a huge faggot

Everyone has different reasons for doing drag. Some do it for shits and giggles, some do it to show off their makeup and fashion prowess, some do it to pay tribute to strong women who inspire them, some do it for comedic effect, some do it as an expression of gender identity, whatever. There is no evidence that cross-dressing causes or is an indication of psychological harm, and people like yourself who spend time getting angry about it seem to have an unhealthy preoccupation with it. You want to know why people to drag? Go talk to a fucking drag queen.

>I'm the hivemind one.
Thanks for admitting it.

Out of curiosity, what if I can? Do I win then?

Who is this semen demon?


Some random nigger who led a failing country in Africa that no one has ever heard of and was shot by other niggers.

What does this have to do with anything? He was Marxist, but he was leader of some bumfuck random country that no one cares about.

Okay, some nigger who fought in some wars, then died

what does that prove?

You win all the internet points

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>This is where you prove you actually have evidence
lol no it isn't
science has proven it
for decades
long before you were born user

Hey, you know that straight couple get caught running pedophile rings all the time right?

Also it's DEFINITELY a bigger stretch to assume that he's being coached as part of some abuse scandal than to say he's just a kid indulging in a hobby, especially given the lack of behavioral signs of abuse.

>When I tell people the sky isn't blue, they all tell me I'm wrong and they all think the same thing. It's almost like... no, couldn't be me. *tips grifter merch*

>science isn't peer pressure user
No but constantly calling someone else a stupid science denier for not believing what you believe despite the fact that there are logical explanations to the contrary is, in fact, peer pressure. Would you like to hear an opposing point of view, or are you just going to continue chanting "SCIENCE SCIENCE SCIENCE " like the bug brained asshat that you are?

You know im conservative and all (infact im a bit farther rightwing then conservative)
But anyone else feel like these low effort mainstream republican threads are like bot cancer?
At least post this on Sup Forums so the board will be slightly less shit in the mid afternoons.

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Cute. But seriously, what if there was a country where communism worked. Just one. Would that mean communism works? Should that be enough to earn your support for adopting it in the US?

>for not believing what you believe
this isn't about belief user
or personal preference
and yes you are stupid if you're still ignoring the science. It's like being mad at the number 1 for not being a different number.

what are the dangers of having a candle next to you neet lcd monitor ??? no joke btw

>Would you like to hear an opposing point of view
funded by an oil company?

can some faggot user help you feckinnng racists

>what if there was a country where communism worked. Just one. Would that mean communism works?

Sure, in that country. Still not really a fit for the US, but at least you wouldn't look like a total fucking retard for pushing for something that has fail horribly everywhere it has been tried.

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No user. It's just a metric fuck ton of self absorbed myopic cunts. All they care about is Virtue Points.

>predatory debt collection practices
>pollution and degradation of the environment
>slave wages and destruction of worker protections
>employment/work is fundamentally coercive

America Capitalism NUMBA 1!!!!!!

Oh, so this is our of concern for me looking like a fucking regard. Mighty big of you, user.

>Hey, you know that straight couple get caught running pedophile rings all the time right?
Not really, no, at least not in proportion. Homosexuals are far more likely to abuse children and be part of abuse rings, interestingly. Of course, I'm just a bigot who hates the gays because, I don't know I'm scared of dicks or something, so you don't have t listen to me, or do research for yourself.

> DEFINITELY a bigger stretch to assume that he's being coached as part of some abuse scandal
After it has been proven that he partakes in the highly sexualized act of STRIPPING FOR MONEY, it is NOT a logical assumption that he is being further sexualized and abused? Okay then, faggot.

See, here's the problem with you. I can show you a mountain of evidence to the contrary of your preconcieved notions and you still will refuse to budge. I would be willing to bet that right up until that boys parents are thrown in prison for having video evidence of him getting butt blasted by some AIDS positive fucking sicko you'll deny, deny, and deny again that he was ever molested and that he was just "enjoying a hobby" because it is what you have already convinced yourself of and you will staunchly refuse to see otherwise no matter what is put before you. You have a certain way that you view the world and everyone but you is wrong because they just are. It's a kid enjoying himself and there aren't possibly any troubling things going on behind the scenes because you have seen with your own eyes that smiled one time or something.

But you're above all that, aren't you? You're better. Wiser. More evolved.

When I hear anyone say MAGA, I ask them to explain the specifics of the 2018 tariffs on China and the current state of the trade war.
None of these Trump supporters can explain the situation because they follow their leader blindly.

So no example of your rigorously studied ideology working? Ever? Failed horribly every time it was tried?

Why do you think it's a good idea again?

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Everywhere else communism was tried happened where the countries were trying to recover in the aftermath of a major war or conflict. That was ultimately the case in both China and Russia Europe or the US could go communist in the next 50 years, building a communist movement out of peacetime with the goal of defeating climate change and social issues like poverty.

Take a history class. Nothing has raised more people out of poverty faster than capitalism.

Capitalism is so spectacularly successful that our biggest problems are a lack of demand for labor, and too much food.

Meanwhile in communist countries people are raiding zoos looking for something to eat.

I know what system I would rather live in.

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Trump is going to make me rich.

>this isn't about belief user
Oh but it is. You have chosen to believe what has been put before you without hearing the other side's point of view.

Did you know that back in the 19th century there was a scientific paper published about how a woman's ovaries would fall out if she was on a train in motion because of the g-forces exerted on her?
Have you heard of the four humours medical system, which was complete scientific fact until just a couple centuries ago?
What about the fact that heliocentrism was at one point an absolutely LUDICROUS idea to the scientific community for decades, even after is was proven by Gallileo?

>funded by an oil company?
I'm not big into oil power. Creates smog and causes problems in the local habitat. I just don't believe it will completely poison the oceans or boil the Earth because "muh CO2s"

liberalism is an intellectually rigorous philosophical worldview predicated upon individual liberty.

leftism is a political ideology.

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Defending any politicians is a mental disorder.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you've never read a bit of leftist theory, which is why I'll explain that not all leftists are communists. In fact, the vast majority are socialists or social democrats. Anyone who actually reads books could even make the argument that fucking Marx of all people wasn't really a communist, since he wrote the Communist Manifesto when he was a drunk angry young man but his later, much more academic works were critiques of capitalism that don't really talk about communism. I can point to several examples of socialist democracies or socialist programs that are successful throughout the world, and I'll also argue (as Lenin did) that the Soviet Union was actually a state-run capitalist economy and not actually communist in the sense that Marx and Engels spelled out.

Except no faggot, most of the world earns shit and billionaire is still a word.

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You are the global 1%

Give away everything you own to some 3rd world shitholer or you're 100% a hypocrite.

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>durr science was never accurate
nigga we're talking about peer reviewed papers
not your cool distraction
>you have chosen to believe
no I haven't
science isn't a "choice" user
you're really being a huge faggot about this
>I'm not big into oil power
I'll admit I mistakenly expected you to post the fossil fuel industry's predictable take on this, but wew lad you went off the deep end with that shit. You really are a "minority opinion," thanks for sharing it. :^)

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Classical liberalism has its own falls, but we're talking about modern liberalism, which is a whole 'nother monster.

You do realize you sound like a pedantic twit splitting hairs to the rest of us?

Being a hypocrite =/= being wrong

You don't have the high ground there, Ben.

So you're not a hypocrite and you stand by the belief that it's ok that capitalism keeps most of the world in poverty.

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You haven't actually given any real evidence for any of your claims. Still waiting.

>You have a certain way that you view the world and everyone but you is wrong because they just are.

Well, yeah. I rely on evidence and statistical probability to make judgments and reject claims that are unsupported by evidence as wrong because they usually are just projections and conjecture from a place of ignorance and bigotry.

Capitalism is what lifts the world out of poverty. Without capitalism 99.9% of the world would be living in abject poverty right now.

You lefty nutjobs need to lay off the women's studies and take a fucking history class.

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Op get a fucking life with your greta obsession.

Yeah, you're 100% correct, Billionaire is a word

great job

gold star

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Most of the world is in poverty you dense fuck. Why hasn't capitalism "lifted" them out of it?

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