ITT: post a movie frame and others try to guess where it's from

ITT: post a movie frame and others try to guess where it's from




Shit this is too easy!

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

its conair you simple nigger


The Mask




Silent Hill


Predator 2


Seriously that was like a good version of silent hill mythos

Total Recall?

running man
was just watching it desu

Running Man

Fine, I just wanted to put a picture of Ahnold up there anyway cause I couldn't find a freeze frame in that movie.

Yeah, I was trying to make it subtle but failed. Have this.

Bow before my obscure taste.

This frame shall go unidentified even through the heat death of the universe.

Falling Down? I'm guessing.

Paleolithic Garden

Nope. Gonna have to guess if you aren't a fan of this specific movie. Kinda cult.

ambulatory human

Repo Mang

repo man



V for Vagina?


Pirates of the Caribbean

You're good, thought it would be harder.


ghoulies 3




The Fountain?


The Limits of Control

pirates of the caribbean (at the witch's place)?


i like that filename

Nope. Very interestingly miss though.


ding ding


Goddamn yes.


Hell or High Water

A Most Violent Year

That was quick. Yep.

Lethal Weapon 2.


Looks like a Friday the 13th, I haven't seen them since they came out.

wrath of khan

Iron Sky?


im out of movies

resident evil: the last one

I think it's a resident evil, not sure

looks like maybe zombos, but a palm tree? escape from LA or something?


Not close, I'm actually not sure how to rank this one cause I might have been the only person to see this movie repeatedly when I was younger. Never heard from again.

whoops meant to reply here it was the fountain


Night of the Comet?

Nope. I should get that again, pretty good movie. Lemme try and find another from it. Might be obscure.


Groundhog Day?

Groundhog Day?

Nah, maybe I should just ruin it if this is stumping folks though. It's not even a really good movie.

probably too easy

is that casino royale starring peter sellers?

lol, sure

Semi-hard mode.