Hello, I'm Shelley Duvall

Hello, I'm Shelley Duvall.

>Stanley! What are you doing with that axe! No please Stanley! I'll act good this time! I swear!


anyone can look qt with the right photographer

She literally screamed JEEZ LOUISE while an axe killing madman was after her

>Alright, Shelley, let's do one more. Lights, camera, autism — take 3,361,785.


i remember we used to watch fairy tale theatre or something like that when i was in school and she was the host.

Bunnyfu version 1.0




you just never know how this broads will age, mostly badly. this makes me seriously question a black woman for those genes



>Hello, I'm Shelley Duvall.
And I was an early pioneer of tentacle porn.


>early pioneer of tentacle porn


treat yo self

It was an HBO kids series IIRC.
She wore a poofy black and yellow skirt and a fucking gigantic hat, right?

still hard to believe robert altman directed popeye.

almost seems to weird to be real

user The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife was created in 1814. The nips have always been degenerates.

My same thought

>He needs me
>He needs me
>He needs me

>You know Stanley, I didn't really mean Robert was a better director, you know. It was just a joke.

Bizarre choice in punch drunk

It worked so well.

That episode is sad and terrifying.
She claims that Robin Williams is still alive and is a shapeshifter.

PT Anderson worships Altman so I get the connection

plus harry nilsson's songs were probably the only good part of that awful movie

>Hello, I'm Shelley Duvall.
...and this is Jackass.

she was top cute in that film
so was harold

I unironically love that tune as I'm a big Harry Nilsson fan.

Looks like the girl from West Wing

Shelley, dont run away from me....

She's probably right.

Someone finally out JUSTed Brendan...

>grew up watching Faerie Tale Theatre when young
>popped the biggest boners to shelley
>smooth lovely voice
>she was always my princess
>say shes pretty
>say i want to marry Shelley
>my mom hears this
>my mom calls me a faggot

what the fuck did she mean by this? she doesn't even use that type of language


well known for his shapeshifting abilities

8/10 will go to jail