Recently started college in San Francisco

>recently started college in San Francisco
>expect to become better at writing in my English class
>instead my professor spends every class rambling on about his radical far-left views
>every piece of assigned reading is about racial justice or LGBT issues
>I've actually started secretly recording some of the wacky things he's been spouting off on my Iphone
>so far I have him unironically and in a completely serious tone saying that every Republican wants to bring back slavery and kill gay people
>also constantly mentions the inherent racism of white people and how white Americans should assimilate themselves to immigrants and not the other way around

The funny thing is 90% of my class consists of middle class, privileged Asian kids but our professor is basically teaching them to view themselves as victims and white people as the enemy.

I thought this was just a meme. Are there really no rules to stop college professors from saying insane, opinionated stuff like this? This isn't even a private school, it's a public school for fucks sake.

Other urls found in this thread:

do you go to city college faggot

Sounds gay. Glad I have trade

Sadly yes.

The KKK is recruiting in San Francisco. Go join them.

>I've actually started secretly recording some of the wacky things he's been spouting off on my Iphone

Do you mind posting some of this? Perhaps on mega or something?

I'd be really interested to see/hear what you're being taught.

How do the asians take it?

It's just a psyop to try and remove Chinese confidence in themselves. Chinese people know they are the best and this cuck wants them to second guess that.

I've been through this, from my experience there's jack shit you can do about it. You can either call him out in class and hope to redpill people and get your grades fucked over or possibly kicked out, lodge a futile complaint, or just keep your head down and focus on getting good grades and getting the fuck out asap. Yes, this is how shit tertiary education (especially non-STEM) is and as a student you've no chance of fixing it.

>San Francisco

There's your problem.

"""'"White People""""" go to state or USF tf you doing your a like unicorn dude

Post it, faggot

Post the Iphone recordings.

Transcribe and post some recordings please, I'd like a laugh

why don't you disagree with him

Bring the videos to his employer.

I went to that school, and sadly your going to hear some fucking wack shit there. Brace yourself user

>Gook has a problem with """"""white supremacy""""""" in America
>No doubt doesn't say shit about Asian supremacy, which actually fucking exists, in Asian countries. Or Black Supremacy going on in Africa

Fuck off gook. I hope you get raped to death on your next trip back to Vietnam.

post vids, faggot

I'm going to transfer out of here as soon as I can. I actually live really close to USF

And have him fuck my grades over?

Where can I upload it?

Where'd you transfer to bro?

Asians seem less susceptible to racial agitation than niggers or spics. I think it's just because you're in the shit tier bay area, where marxist ideology runs rampant.

Sup Forums is always right

welcome to the team


This is nothing.

My university is pretty racist in a white supremacy way, so you should feel at home there. However, they are therefore super big in the feminist department.

I'm not shitting. I study art and we go to museums a lot with the class. There is this completely crazy lecturer who spews feminist shit wherever she goes. She recently told the entire group in a loud voice, in the middle of the fucking museum, that Armor (mythic figure) is penetrating/raping women with his arrows.

Universities have nothing to do with education. They are just exclusion mechanisms to ensure the white middle/upper class can inherit their socio-economic status to their children. It's full of insane people.

OP see through their scheme... don't grow up to argue and whine with idiots. Do something good for the world and quit english, and pursue a career in engineering, science, technology

Report him to the accreditation society. If the college faces loosing its accreditation for """teaching""" unaccredited material, his ass will be fired before he can even scream racism.

Yo if you are for real send that shit to Breitbart, guaranteed front page article. The alt right memers over there love talking about this stuff and it will end up going viral like all the other wacky liberal college shit they feature.

The professor is a gay white dude

Funny thing is they don't even give a shit. Every time he talks about racial justice and LGBT stuff it's only the one black student and a few white cucks replying and agreeing with him. The Asians only care about getting good grades

Somebody goes to CCSF.

I was pretty liberal but being around those libcucks are what began my redpill.

>Funny thing is they don't even give a shit.

Chinks are literally too practical for this kind of stuff.

"What you want me to say for A? Okay good, I say that."

>Where can I upload it?


A lot of Asians here in St. Paul too, but if you've looked at the mugshots of the people arrested for blocking I-94 last weekend, none of them are Asian.

I can't tell if that means Asians aren't influenced by the jew, or that they are soulless husks of humans who really don't give a shit about anything but "the hive", akin to the ant colony.

OP, just put your phone up to a laptop speaker and have it on Vocaroo

People tend to be influence by their personal experiences more.

White are nig of Asians.

the enemy of Asians is not wrong.

Okay guys here's a snipet from his latest rant:

I'm going to try vocaroo in class next time.

I had a pol sci 101 prof at SMC tell the class that if anyone records him, he will press charges and work to have you expelled.

Nothing you can do except make a complaint. Also see if you can find anyone who agrees with you and have them do it too. If the guy isn't teaching anything and is really just there to indoctrinate students into social justice they might do something. Let them know that you are going to transfer because of it. They probably won't do anything but they will care a bit more if they think that one professor is responsible for you wanting to leave.

spot the korean proxy

Expose it online, will help our cause more

Really? No mugshots of Hmong people?

I guess the arrests of Hmong are only when they do something to other ethnic groups. They probably keep the Hmong on Hmong shit low key and deal with it themselves.

Sounds like a faggot in his early 20s. I'm somewhat doubtful some idiot would be allowed to sit and rant like this a whole year in a literature class. My guess is that it's fake in order trigger people.

>>I've actually started secretly recording some of the wacky things he's been spouting off on my Iphone
This is the correct thing to do

He's openly gay and in his 40's. And yes this is literally all he does. Even when we are talking about course material it's no different since all the material he picks is far-left political stuff about LGBT, race issues.

I'm going to keep recording and maybe turn this into a compilation. It would be pretty cool if Breitbart or someone ends up showing interest

Good work, keep it up. Keep recording, keep posting. It's best if you can prop of the phone covertly and record the speakers if possible, otherwise, stick to audio recordings and compress to AAC for spoken word.

Have any more snippets to share?

Have you ever heard of tenure?

sounds like an easy A

just play along. classes don't last that long anyway; it'll be over before you know it

Asians SJWs are pretty bad. They are basically white SJWs plus they hate asian men and actively campaign for asian men not to be considered POC. Seriously.

Yes, but the notion of those born within a certain group, even outside of their larger collective, having a similar understanding of the world around them seems to linger.

I work at a place where half the staff is Hmong. The worst I ever hear about is idiots getting arrested for racing their ricers cars and an occasional DUI. They don't really start too much shit, considering most are at least a foot shorter than everyone else.

Yep, the modern college is nothing but a marxist brainwashing reeducation center, that fools pay money to attend.

>It would be pretty cool if Breitbart or someone ends up showing interest

You are in a unique position with a high-potential opportunity. If you are smart about this, get some quality video recordings, organize them, and host them online, I'm sure it would get picked up by a larger media outlet.

>San Franciso

What did you expect?

Have you got any laws against hatespeech? this would be considered as racism, separatism and radical extremism in Russia.

Take a class with Linda Bacon.

She's the world expert on Health At Every Size.

>this would be considered as racism, separatism and radical extremism in Russia.

Yup, you are in Russia, alright.

In my conjectural opinion, it seems like the Asian SJWs above anyone else are the ones most likely to harbor latent sexual fetishes revolving around racial tension.

OP, do you have a way we can follow your progress as you continue to record and post things?

>whites fall
>chinks colonize apefrica and enslave the niggers
>chink business goes big
>Jews rule Europe and america, chinks rule Asia and Africa.
never trust the chink, dont listen on what he says, they are the jews of asia and views all non chinks as subhuman like jews sees the goy.

>He's openly gay and in his 40's. And yes this is literally all he does. Even when we are talking about course material it's no different since all the material he picks is far-left political stuff about LGBT, race issues.
OK, well if this is true, God bless.

Might I suggest to finish his class before you make the material available online.

Also, please write a paper so fucking ridiculously SJW that it seems like a parody and get an A on it. Post it along with the material as evidence the dude is fucking insane. (Impossible task as you are white and will autimatically be deducted at least a grade)

How do you not know of Benjanun Sriduangkaew or the legion of SEAmonkeys involved in SJ? Or even that attention whore Suey Park?
I think the only protection for Asians from the cancer is personal, earned success.


As an Indian

I respect the white man

Do you know why?
Because we, along with a good deal of the rest of the world, would be backward ass savages, moreso than some of us are now.

So anytime I see a fellow Asian hating on the white man, I really hate said Asian.

Not to mention a lot of the Asian girls I know want the white dick or are butt blasted Asian men like me are dicking white girls.

r/asianmasculinity are more obsessed with white dick than the SJWs that are actually fucking them over, so for them it is probably true

Nah man, Free Speech is guaranteed under the US constitution. No laws concerning speech at all, other than that it's protected.

Your flag reminds me that I haven't gotten past chapter two in my Russian studies, and I started a few months ago. Procrastination is bad.

Chinese people had great societies. The communist government is pretty shit but you guys were the first to make guns while Europians were shooting bows and Africans were chucking spears. You gous lead the way to medicine with herbs that worked while the rest of the world was dying at 25. China was never colonized by a white man because of their powerful armys. Chinese people are great and these professors want to put you on the same level as porch monkeys while balming whites. It's pathetic.

English class will teach you nothing. Do the requirements and get out with a respectable stem degree. If you care about English, read a variety of writing closely, and critically self-examine why it's effective. Read Orwell's Politics And The English Language and get that he's telling you that morality is predicated on linguistic clarity because linguistic clarity has to do with ideation.

>Where can I upload it? is in Russian but it plays mp3, uploads are up to 100MB.

I know of them, but they certainly aren't as prominent as SJWs of other races. Suey Park especially, since she has dropped the confrontational shtick, started going to church, and got a white boyfriend. That was a year ago though, so maybe she changed back.

Chinese society did however get subverted by the Brits during the Opium Wars, so you could make the argument that they did get "colonized" economically. But yeah, everything went to shit when they tried out communism.



Plenty have already tried
The kikes and commies have the legal system so tied up that every times it's been tried in court they file it under an "attempt to silence free speech and break the first amendment" and tell whomever files it to fuck off.
It's getting to the point where killing them would actually be easier than fixing the system itself and that's pretty fucking sad

You don't have to be very tall if you have a gun. Guarantee you that all the Hmong you work with have a least one male member of their family in a gang. And at least another male, over the age of fifty, who currently has more than one wife.

Seriously, ask any of your Hmong co-workers:

"Do any of your uncles, or even your dad, have a Second Wife"?

My school teacher was feminist, she told us men are the weak sex, not men. I don't remember her arguments but I remember we told her "What about physical strength and menstruation"? We just discussed it and laughed at her.

You think it's a joke; almost every White kid at my school is either Jewish or an athlete.

its a reddit for insecure asians and closet homosexual asians, its basically an asian /r9k/ knockoff

>Free Speech is guaranteed under the US constitution
This is different. He's paying for an English class, not a liberal politics class. It's fraud.

Last fall I took a business/technical writing class as an elective, and the professor was pretty much Sup Forums incarnate. He would spend the entire 50 minutes talking about racial crime statistics, Asian hookers, or about how awful the women's studies department was. For instance, he would say something along the lines of, "You know, some of the most advanced societies in human history were built on the concept of racial inequality. Many people in the English department believe that accepting basic statistics makes you a bad person. But facts don't care about your feelings! Our educational system has been broken ever since it stopped requiring Greek philosophy and logic classes in the 'reforms' of the 1960's." All the while, we were supposed to be writing memos or something.

I was his favorite student by far.

This is exaggerrated. Chinese legal thinking is that power was its own justification and they handle pleasure by completely abstaining or full degeneracy. Were Chinese to sell opium to other Chinese, as happened, the result would be the same, as it was. The British defeated the Chinese because of Han racial supremacist tunnel vision, not magic powders.

One guy from Burma said he had two wives. I really don't care about that though. I'm more forgiving of straight polygamy than I am of homosexuality.

How the Hell did he stay employed? Was he tenured?

The lefty professors are to blame. They spread their retarded ideology to every minority.

Damn what school?

I'll record more stuff with vocaroo this week, I'll wait to compile everything until I'm done with his class. Until then I'll keep posting more of his ramblings on Sup Forums

In the future I'll put "city college of san francisco" into the subject line of my threads so you can find them in the catalog or archive.



gotta transfer to a rural college my nigga. no one bothers to give a shit

Pay close attention. I've got you covered, OP!

That's all for now. Most of my recordings are too long to upload and I need to edit and sort out the good stuff first. I'll make more threads this week

>MIT in New Jersey


This is an instant redpill for anybody in that class who isn't already a fucking lunatic

One nationalist was punished for jewdophobia then he reported a muslim girl who was telling Muslims on social media to stop celebrating haram holydays and she was punished too. Labour IIRC. It's a new law,



Oh, gotcha. Eating some Chinese takeout, so I'm not 100% paying attention to stuff right now.


Did OP deliver?