wtf I love cosplay now
Wtf I love cosplay now
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Fucking gross
Why is Amy Schumer such a fat fucking disgusting pig? Why does the inside of her vagina smell like turkey gravy?
She's a hefty lass. Kinda looks like Pam off Archer.
>tfw no colossal-titted, 5ft cosplay gf to pat on the head
Why even live?
really interested in seeing more
That's a good handful tbqh
that broad from Mythbusters really beefed up
You've grabbed my attention.
What is this OP?
>that gut
if I can't look between a woman's legs and see her tits dangling as I fuck her from behind then she's not worth my time
Literally perfect.
Gonna need sauce on this my friend
>look between a woman's legs and see her tits dangling as I fuck her from behind
>look between a woman's legs
>as I fuck her from behind
How is that even possible?
Loser here never watched Inception.
My fucking sides, thanks
It's Cosplay Melee. My mom watches it all the time. Almost every episode there's some whale on there promoting "body positivity" and "plus size cosplay", talking about how the cosplay scene is dominated by males. I did watch a girl make a pretty cool GoT themed armor with a flail that was good though.
Didn't they can that Heroes of Cosplay show?
Holy shit, kek.
>I did watch a girl make a pretty cool GoT themed armor with a flail that was good though.
pic related
Oh is that actually her? I couldn't remember. I was on the computer while it played, I wasn't fully watching the episode. I don't really care for this show alongside Face Off.
like this maybe?
how do I get a woman like that, big tits, stout, but not turbo obese? are they all stuck up cunts who demand a Hemsworth brother or do regular dudes have a chance with them?
>sides crippled
I only found out about it yesterday when I walked in on my gf watching it right on the cleavage scene, so I felt compelled to check it out. Mammoth breasts aside, her final costume was pretty fucking sick, she looked hot too.
hahahahahahaha I'm dying
Any nightclub or college party. It's not hard but they tend to be clingy or ultra evil.
Where my KING OF THE NERDS bros at?
>clingy or ultra evil
>sums up females in general
Cheers Sherlock
I don't even mind bigger girls but every single mei cosplay I see is more disgusting than the last.
How much semen do I have to swallow to be as gay as you?
its actually true though
i dated a girl like this
she cheated on me and was just otherwise a generally evil person
good thing she still keeps all her nudes in a public imgur album
Some fat girls can be a special kind of evil. I'm talking Ursula proportions.
>are they all stuck up cunts who demand a Hemsworth brother
id suck a fart out of her fat asshole
don't be fooled by her fatness, her tits are fake.
when i see women doing stuff like this
i get the compulsion to beat them to death. with a piece of steel pipe or something. it disgusts me. it fills me with rage. hatred.
i feel like i'm looking at some sort of parasitic vermin. not a human being. just a piece of shit that needs to be cleaned. it's absolutely vile.
i have instantly zero desire to have sex with a woman making stupid fucking faces and acting like a fucking retard. i just want to stab them to death.
maybe this is what islam recognizes and acts on. violently suppressing women that try to practice their sick witchery that works on idiots and wrecks things.
I like this one.
someone order enormous cosplay breasts?
I'll raise you
Is it okay if I call you dad then?
"Daddy" to you.
>being tit guys
>in the year anno domini MMXVII
I could live in there, she wouldn't even know.
pics or it didnt happen
big asses are for niggers.
plain fucking fact.
Only true patricians like everything. You aren't a pleb, are you?
can you link me your nu-male blog? I need a good laugh
MOMMY BABY WANT MILKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so THICC and soft
Why is she all smudged up?
disgusting pig
Because you need to visit the optomistrist.
god I love fat pigs
i want to kill this bitch with a machete.
What did she mean by this?
That's a peculiar fetish.
Me too brother
boner status: fully operational
Fuck off with these My 600 Pound Life threads, no one wants to watch this disgusting show
Well done.
Well, the girl in the pics w/ pink wig and the purple wig isn't quiet about the fact they are implants, so as far as milk...
it's not sexual at all.
it's the forced affections she's making that fills me with cold black hatred.
A. you can see the whites of her eyes above 75% of the way to the top of the iris.
B. her teeth are separated and her mouth are open even though her lip positions indicate she is not speaking. why does she do this? if you knew why, you'd know why i want to hack her into pieces.
C. her levator labii superioris fascia are pulling her mouth and buccinatorial flesh into a disgusting smirk.
D. the combined effect of this expression effectively conveys to any lucid individual the fact that this piece of shit should be exterminated. she should have her skull smashed in with a ball peen hammer.
E. posing for a photo on a computer desk with a bottle of fucking fireball whiskey? forced as fuck. she, the photographer, and everyone who doesn't want to kill her is involved in a disgusting farce. their entire lives are fake.
F. if you don't want to kill this bitch i probably want to kill you, too.
lol ok buddy
>liking ass makes me a nu-male
hello rebbit
yeah you're gay. you aren't convincing anyone, not even yourself.
kek thanks guy I needed that
in the past thicc women where considered as beauty ideal and were sign of fertility. le skinny women is a recent invention, but in the recent years it's beginning to change. and it's a good thing, fuck skinny women.
I love the 600-lb life threads. I never would have watched the show if not for them.
i bet you like twerking too. i'd love to run you over in my car.
this is a retarded and unsubstantiated meme. 98%+ of all western art dealing with women show's slender, lithe bodies.
there is no truth to le 'fat is beautiful in le past' bullshit. none.
fat chicks are sexy to you because they're easy pleasure, and they're soft and jiggly, which is comforting. easy gratification is the sweetest and most tempting pleasure. that's fat bitches. don't feel bad, i feel the same way about fat bitches. but they're still inferior to women who are temperate in character.
skinny/flat women are great if you're some androgynous faglord and/or pedophile. thique beauties are the ultimate homo/pedo detector, and should be used to weed out those degenerates.
People also used to shit into buckets then toss the slosh out their window into open sewers.
A simpler time. A better time.
>all these fatties
is this /cgl/ general?
Guess ancient humans were niggers huh?
in ancient times, fat/plump meant they were well fed and had access to nutrition that skeleton women didn't. this meant that fat/plump women were better suited to breed. moreso if they had wide hips.
now obviously you don't want a beefqueen because it's a sign of an eating disorder and mental disorder. but thick is great.
Fat people hate incoming
Being fat was a sign of being rich is all, you didn't have to do physical work and you got plenty of food. Prosperity is still attractive today and in fact poor people are more likely to be overweight.
You raise what? Poor photoshop skills?
This is a classic.
Please include me in the screencap