

Attached: love-hate-relationship-comic.png (1500x500, 83K)

What the fucking hell is Pebbleyeet trying to convey here?

>hate gays=you are secretly gay
>hate nazis=you are secretly nazi

Well that's fucking stupid. I hate tomatoes; does that make me secretly a tomato?

thats the joke

Yeah, this is too stupid for me to even find it ironically funny

it is cute and funny though
the problem is you don't even understand the joke which is surprising given how simple it is to understand

i think you just didn't get it...


Attached: reparations-comic1.png (1785x851, 225K)

you can't be a tomato
you can be gay
you can be a nazi

Oh look. It's Skmorky's alt-right-alt.

I self identify as a tomato, you racist fuck.

Attached: tomat.jpg (480x360, 35K)


This type of interaction lives in the minds of pol tards but I bet I could count on one hand how many times it's happened to any one of them in real life. Turns out if you go seeking the shit you hate on the internet you'll find it.

Attached: thatsthejoke.jpg (480x360, 23K)

Attached: oi-mate-loicense-comic.png (940x300, 41K)



Attached: schizo fantasy island.png (1019x906, 1.36M)

>I self identify as a tomato
No, you don't. You're making an insincere assertion to counter others' sincere assertions.

This whole thread has been screen captured

I was here.

He might sincerely believe he is a tomato just like you sincerely believe your a women. But neither of you are.

ok boomer

I want to fuck that tomato it looks like a huge prolapsed asshole

don't fuck a tomato

you're not my dad

Attached: 1572583897618.jpg (460x1298, 173K)


man, that did not age well