/ourdoctor/ Edition
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Daily reminder that he is more cannon than Big Finish
Gonna keep the game of Rassilon going with
notable entries:
(good foreskin)
Who won the penis contest contest guys?
of those, 01
01 is the best. Here's my attempt though.
>Gonna keep the game of Rassilon going
>literally 2 minutes later
Impatient little fucker
We're different posters I promise but I will take this opportunity to say that all of the penises drawn today were of great quality and deserve a moment of reverent reflection before the award is given
It's okay I'm the one who said to keep it going and I won anyways
I put like 20 minutes into it even though I should've been doing something else that was really important so I don't know who the real winner is
I mean, if you can't randomly take 20 minutes to draw a penis then what's the point of living?
chronological user here, watching rise of the cybermen.
never been thrilled about this story, lumic seems like a cut price davros, and never cared for this version of the cybermen or there origin.
the truck used to take away the homeless being branded with international electromatic branding was a cool touch.
>by CyberLink PowerDirector
Are you actually asking this question?
Just woke up from a nap, can I still draw celeryman peen, anons?
Someone who has an account and can upload pics and embed videos, go edit this on the wiki.
WTF is happening on GB everythings been on lockdown for hours, was there a super major leak that the BBC doesn't want out? I mean bigger than Simm.???
If you mean the Spoiler thread it was probably just because someone behaved impolitely.
Do it, user. Don't let your dreams be dreams.
It's never been closed for this long though. Somethings up. It wasn't us anyway if there was trouble. Unless a rogue /who/ user was doing a lone wolf, but they would have posted here surely. Rumours are someone posted the 13th Doctor, and the BBC has panicked and told the owner of the site to shut down the thread until they're ready to announce.
It was those rogue Twitter users. Just ask Matt Whelan, they're dangerous.
Dubs confirm the next doctor is cara develigne.
You've earned it! I will personal make sure that Peter's staff sees this image. /who/ recognizes your talent on this day
Tweet it to him
Did anyone love during the RTD when pop songs used to play at weird moments such as ''toxic'' by B. Spears in series 1.
kill yourself.
After you
/who/ this is the stupidest shit I've ever put effort in to drawing and I hate all of you
We hate you too user xxx
Did you win?
Why are many fans so mean to Capaldi? like we get it , you don't like him as the Doctor, but the personal insults they come out with are horrific. No respect at all. It shows what kind of people they are. I didn't like Smith as the Doctor, but I didn't trash talk him online with horrible insults.
No, I won
Love you too bb
I think you'll find that I won
Not any more you don't
Here you go, /who/
1000 hours in ms paint
Alright I just wanted to make sure that the winner wasn't dissatisfied. I am physically mailing the image to him.
Meh. Mine had more character. But I will be jacking off to this.
wew lad
Not bad. Someone post this to e621
>I am physically mailing the image to him.
To Peter Davison?
I'm a little confused by the pants line
is he meant to have pulled his pants down far enough for his dick to be visible, or is his dick popping out of the opened fly? Because the pants line doesn't look like it's pulled down far enough for the dick to be fully out in the open
That's incredible but I have to take points off for not including the testicles as that's where his white guardian sleeps
To be fair, I doubt that peter will see the image himself but I'm including it in an envelope with a request for an autograph and will deliver if he signs it.
Don't do that
Do it. PLEASE do it. Peter's so fucking vulgar I'll be he'll have a laugh about it.
It took me like 10 minutes to make though, it's not exactly quality
but they're in his pants
It's just supposed to be pulled down a bit, but again, it took me like 10 minutes don't put too much thought in to it JUST ENJOY YOUR ENGLISH BREAKFAST user
Why is GB so hard to navigate? I made an account last year, but never used it cause I couldn't find anything worth while. Where is the spoiler thread?
locked atm, but look for the past and present spoiler part, it always has the most viewers.
If you want to try for a higher quality version, I'm sure that no one would complain. It's already so good. Not as funny as the winner but it's of such high quality that I feel it had a chance if it wasn't posted later.
Not sure if I actually want to dedicate two hours or so to actually drawing Davison's timedick
took 5 minutes to draw some animuwhu tho
>look for the past and present spoiler part
Yeah I have no idea where to begin looking for that
do you draw porn normally?
Fucking adorable
Amazing user
It's a very real possibility
can I have a transparent
Now this is what I call good posting
UHHH, I didn't properly colour in his shirt with white so it'll look shit. Give me like 15 minutes, and I'll make a nice version if you guys want?
>tfw I spent longer than five minutes on my timedick and it's actually the full extent of my artistic abilities
reminds me of pic related
Big announcement today.
Ugh, why do people want Missy to be the Rani so bad???? the Rani doesn't give a shit about the Doctor. Shes a boring one dimensional character, who should never return.
Please post any response.
Cute! CUTE!
It's very chibi like from what I've seen of the genre.
I looked into time old man, and I saw your demise.
wtf is going on in this thread
OC and funposting from /who/'s finest
Oh? Do tell! I'm kinda hoping I drown in a bucket of water after slipping while mopping or surprise electrocution. However just so long as it's eyes open. I want to see the look on death's face when I go and then challenge him to a game of battleship for my life. Maybe give him a melvin and ask why his solo career never took off.
Peter's peter thus far.
>yfw you look into time and you see cloister's demise
Oh you!
Not even the worst part of the sonic.
Here you go!
I do this shit for a living though, so don't feel too bad
At 3pm, right?
Most comments I see are along the lines of
>great actor, shame about Moffat's awful scripts
>he had so much potential
>if only we could've seen him written by Chibnall
Which I disagree with - I think he's had some great scripts, and a couple of mediocre ones, same as all previous Doctors.
Yeah, there's the occasional 'he's too old', 'he's boring', but they're few and far between.
I promise to post any response or even lack of response.
I agree with all of it, and what you said too. He has the same sort of quality era as the other Doctors, but Capaldi had more potential than them so it's more disappointing.
Dubs and Jacobi is also in the Mulit-Master ep.
What's the deal with Lalla Ward? I had no idea that she divorced Richard Dawkins. Does she just really love cock or what?
Christmas Special 2017 spoilers.
Since class got axed Moffat liked the idea of the ''arrival'' and has adapted to use the story himself. 12 will sacrafice himself to stop the angels, however he survives but needs to regenerate because of it. 12 holds on long enough to get River out of the library and into a new body. River gets a truly happy ending and goes off, knowing they will meet again. 12, then returns to Earth, and regenerates outside this time and turns into 13. It's a solo episode, both Bill and Nardole are gone.
>shame about Moffat's awful scripts
I've heard this argument so much but I never hear anyone explain what they actually think is bad about the scripts
it feels like "I think it's bad but I can't explain why so I'll regurgitate this thing I heard someone else say"
Guys give me Ideas for weeping angel variants, I can draw great, and will post.
>using a plot point from a show nobody watched
>giving river her like 5th ending
sadly plausible
I think too many of them are too self-aware. If RTD's scripts were a lame soap opera, Moffat's scripts are often a self-parody.
In what way? Because moff has a hardon for incorporating "doctor who" into dialogue in non-subtle ways?
Dead companions as angels? Past doctors? Beatles? Statue of liberty? Sarcophagus?
>Peter's staff
The only disappointment for me is that Capaldi didn't stay for a 4th series. Yeah, he's done 3 series like Tennant and Smith.
But Tennant and Smith had 14 episodes per series (Capaldi has only had 13). Plus Tennant had an additional year of specials and a huge 2-parter send off over Xmas/ New Year. Smith had the 50th anniversary build up, all the hype over that and the worldwide simultaneous broadcast.
In comparison, Capaldi's run hasn't had any big memorable 'events', if that makes sense.
Also, Tennant had two pretty big spinoffs to interact with, Smith had zero, and Capaldi had one that failed so hard it counts as less than zero.
I remember when he was first announced and everyone was hyping him up as the next Tom Baker
>7 years at least!
>he'll be the Doctor forever!
>et cetera!
The last three Doctors all gave multiple interviews about how they wanted to break Tom Baker's record. And, at least with Tennant and Capaldi, I think they really meant it when they started out.
It's just harder than it looks, I guess.
Often mistakes convoluted for clever. Tries very hard to depict the Doctor as an epic superhero figure. Values cool scenes over quality drama. "How do you do fellow kids?"-tier jokes.
Basically, I just don't like his general style. He views and writes Doctor Who in a really flashy substanceless way. I don't think he's all bad though obviously, he's written some really good stuff too and even his bad episodes have interesting scenes here and there. And it's not like RTD's era as any different really. That's just what modern Who is.
I'm not expecting Chibnall's era to be much different but I'm very eager for the change.
Capaldi will have the privilege of having the first multi-master story on screen.
I wonder how long his Christmas special will be. Ideally, there would be an additional extra-long New Years special or something that is his final episode instead.
When you think about it, and how long they spend actually shooting and doing press shit and being the Doctor pretty much every time you go out in public, you can see how it could get exhausting, especially for a man who's almost sixty fucking years old
>Tries very hard to depict the Doctor as an epic superhero figure
as opposed to RTD?
I'm sure filming the show is absolutely exhausting. It's physically demanding - these are intense scenes that have multiple takes for every shot. It's not like how it used to be in Classic where they would film it once, and if it was usable, they would call it a wrap.