ey coral m'askusum
Ey coral m'askusum
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he almost split the boipucci right in two
>They work for the mercenary. The m'askusumn man.
This is good, I need pictures though
ayo nice one nigguh
*commits crimes*
what's the context for this epic new meme
did Carl get lucilled
what's that got to do with based shane
>Sasha wants to die and take out Negan in the process
>Sasha is alone with Negan
>Negan hands Sasha his knife
>Sasha does nothing
Episode 1: Negan kills Abraham, Glenn and makes Rick cry
Episode 2: Carol is still an emo teenager and there's a community leader with a tiger
Episode 3: Naked Daryl is subjected to listening to Easy Street all day
Episode 4: Negan takes Alexandria's stuff
Episode 5: Simon takes Hilltop's stuff and Carl hides in one of their loading trucks
Episode 6: Tara meets a community of lesbians who have a bunch of guns
Episode 7: Negan makes Carl sing
Episode 8: Negan feeds Carl spaghetti, kills Spencer and has Olivia killed
Episode 9: Rick asks Ezekiel to fight, he says no
Episode 10: The worst writing since Season 2 makes an appearance on the show known as people who live in a junkyard
Episode 11: Eugene becomes Negan's bitch so that he can play old console games and eat pickles
Episode 12: Rick and Michonne find guns and food and spend quality time together talking about it
Episode 13: Morgan Seagal goes crazy again and kills Richard for getting Benjamin killed over the Kingdom delivering 11 melons instead of 12
Episode 14: Simon takes Hilltop's doctor to The Sanctuary
Episode 15: They take the Lesbian Ocean community's guns
Episode 16: The worst shootout I've ever seen with a trained leaping assassin tiger
You're welcome. This season was fucking terrible.
Give me strenght
>Episode 10: The worst writing since Season 2 makes an appearance on the show known as people who live in a junkyard
Yeah, trash people don't make any fucking sense. Nowhere near enough time has passed for a patois of that sort to have developed, let alone be readily adopted by so many people with culturally similar backgrounds and a widespread extant language.
Also, Abe was the only good actor left on the show. He will be missed.
I try to look past things like how the fuck are they all managing to live and where do they sleep?
Why on Earth did the writers make them talk like they're learning English?
>Yours yes? I lay with him after.
>Up up up
>We don't bother. We take.
I really think the writers wanted to give people something more annoying than Tara.
Can Shane lean back?
Why did Negles want to hurt Coral?
Because he doesn't care and he gets off on making people his bitch. He's a sociopath.
next season will be even better
>have no fear, we have episodes for years
There's no way they can stretch this out. JDM is about 10 years older than Negan is in the comics. He's still around in the comics too and they haven't even gotten close to the Whisperers (if they do it).
I think they'll kill Negan in S8 and have Simon locked up or something.
I haven't seen a fragment of this garbage since their 2nd season. Did that kid die?
How do you think the writers will handle Chandler's transition?
Nope. He was saved by a leaping assassin tiger and a black King who talks like he's in medieval times. No, I'm not kidding.
Jesus Christ.
At what point do we just give up on television and film forever?
Jesus fucking christ
Also the cookie cutter badboy whose purpose is to make all of the bored middle aged house wives who watch this shit wet who has had the same crossbow for 10 years somehow is getting fat
Give up on it when you stop enjoying it, you dont have to wait for a hivemind to make the decision for you.
Make your own decisions, user.
>Everyone that just walked off the set of Grease
>Edgy emo all black trash people
>People who wear protective armor meant for roller skating
>People who look like your average every day suburban people
I thought people at the Sanctuary worked for points, which includes food? How the fuck are so many Saviors fat?
I'm going to be completely honest with you. I haven't actively followed a television show since Breaking Bad aired and I _rarely_ watch movies, but I still shitpost here all the time. Its more entertaining.
I do something similar.
We're all just entertaining ourselves till we rot.
I'm going to be following leaks and spoilers in the hopes that the fucking trash people aren't in S8. I really hope that's the last time we see them and that broken English dumb hair looking whore.
>I have no face for when the incompetent writers will inevitably turn them into the whisperers
It makes sense. They barely talk as is so I can see them doing it.
Fuck this show.
Even "fans" who give the finale a good rating can't help but spiral into talking about how much the show sucks
just turn off your brain brah
Damn that Lindsay chick is p. nice. Nice amount of belly.
Christ, I forgot about that roller skating scene. That and the Tara scene walking back home with the stupid glasses on after she had to hoof it from ocean side which had to be at least 100 miles.
Quality shop. +10!
I want long haired tank top Maggie back :(
Now she's turning into a stay at home suburbia mom
holy shit that's a real scene. i thought the show had hit rock bottom by season 4.
i was fucking wrong.
>Killing the finest boypuss in the whole apocalypse
What a fucking faggot.
Wait how pregnant is Maggie supposed to be because the clip is pretty ridiculous if she's actually 2-3 months. Her waist is fucking tighter than mine and I run track.
Why would anyone still watch this show. YMS videos should have been the death knell back in season 2. At least it seems like everyone knows it's shit and hopefully AMC will stop being cheap pieces of shit.
Watch any episode from season 1 and then watch any episode from season 7. Holy fuck that quality drop in every single category of quality.
The drop in quality of the cinematography is be biggest annoyance. It's so fucking lazy. Everything looks like it's shot handheld and with the same lens for the entire show now.
>that webm
that's not the actual shot, is it?
Imagine being part of this shows money train. Just endless amounts of money for stuff that would take less than a day to write
Rick becomes a robot, then something happens and Doo doo Doo doo
it is.
we're reaching high-school levels of production value.
what makes it so fucking bad is the fact they take themselves completely seriously while doing this kind of silly, cartoony shit
>only the saviors and trash people actually bother taking cover
>they're the ones losing the gunfight
yeah nah
did they even try?
Thanks dude
>This season was fucking terrible
>this season
Nigga it's been unwatchable since the first episode.
actually the first episode was good
compared to the series as a whole it's positively kino, too bad they only made one kino episode
Daring Synthesis
I think they just wanted to make some MUH CRAZY MAD MAX group and forced it in without giving any background
>wakes up after a week long lsd binge
is their skull made of paper
I love casual and bored she seems. And how they're literally in a line to get stabbed in the head. Really a 10/10 comedy scene
>blue steel taking a dump with mouth open expression
>aims magnum at a tilted angle with one arm
>"People" actually defend this trash
just read the comments in youtube of this scene
they actually like and eat this shit up, what the fuck
how braindead do you actually have to be to enjoy this?
>Copy and paste CGI trash pile
i liked it up untill the end of season 5. S6 was so shit that i just stopped watching S7 after i found out who died in the first ep.
what reference is blue steel
did they just stop trying because they realized people will watch no matter how shit it is?
fucking jews
To be fair nothing fucking happened in Season 2 so they could probably have the time and money to make a decent looking deer. What I don't understand is why they would even put a deer scene in S7 when it looks that fucking bad. It didnt even serve a purpose.
Negan war will wrap up in a season and a half at most. They'll do it just like the comics. JDM will get captured and only appear in 1 episode a season until his release from jail.
This was the low point of the series. And yet I know it'll get worse.
And this actually makes the season seems better than it was.
This part was handled particularly poorly. It was supposed to be a high tension moment, but instead there was a fucking battle going on all round this moment that was happening in the back corner of the community. All the other characters were too busy fucking fighting for their lives to give a fuck. It didn't at all feel like Rick was utterly defeated a second time and now completely hopeless, it felt like Negan was running an errand.
That and 90% of the episode being filled with sappy fucking soap opera tier flashbacks
why does everyone take a dump on s2?
is it because it felt like a house drama?
I was about to post about how you're all a pack of whining bitches but that really is bad, topkek
It's a crime what they did with the show after that insane first season.
>we have the zombie virus in us
>getting bitten somehow accelerates this or something
I knew there was a reason I dropped this shit after the first 3 episodes. For some reason I decided to give it a second chance.
>viruses require live cells to reproduce
>dying makes the virus more potent
i-its a magic virus
i just know the guy playing neegan has that horrible teacher coffe breath. Must be a pain to shoot scenes with him
And fuck your shit channel, you faggot.
>m-muh stutter
It's a show about the living dead. When did your ilk start thinking zombies aren't supposed to be supernatural?
If I wanted supernatural shit I'd watch Supernatural.
The walking dead is a zombie show and the classic zombie cause is a virus. This show is retarded and should be taken off the air. Not even anime could be this retarded
breddy gud
kek'd and checked
They only talk that way around people that aren't part of their group. They only say what they absolutely need to, to not give away anything.
Basically they do it to fuck with people
Truly we are AMCs the waking dead
did this cute boy die?
It's better if you marathon it.
Watching it one episode at a week was painful.
It's a boring, shitty season. When people complain about something, read their complaints before asking why they're complaining about it.
>It's a boring, shitty season.
How so? I got into the show when 3 was coming out and I never thought "golly this is a boring, shitty season"
Technically, she's canonically a dumbass who admitted she made a mistake not taking that chance when she could've. She was blubbering about that to Eugene through the cell door. Doesn't make it any less of a retarded plot point, though.
They should've just been more faithful to the comic. I hate that The Walking Dead game, Fear the Walking Dead, and The Strain ran the head bag trick into the ground in the span of like a year, when as far as I know The Walking Dead comic did it first a couple years earlier. It made the show try something else that was nowhere near as good.
that might actually work if the cable they were towing was made of some absurdly strong thin material and a computer was controlling the cars