Why didn't he let Homer fuck up on his own?

Why didn't he let Homer fuck up on his own?

Because he's a Jew and they will never leave the goyim be, but their hubris is always their undoing.


what was this episode trying to say? That we're all supposed to hate homer and stop watching the show?

Grimey wasn't a jew, he was buried by a protestant priest.

Why is your brain always full of fuck? This is why your parents wish you dead.

Being an idiot can pay off

Thou shalt not covet

this episode was pretty dark desu

>This is why your parents wish you dead.

That's some hardcore projecting there, mate? Is there something you want to get off you chest?

You're the grimes of this thread

>That's some hardcore projecting there, mate?
That's just a more complicated way of typing "NO U". Get it together, garbage boy.

That success isn't always just by working hard and doing the correct thing. A good number of times, sheer dumb luck/timing can make someone far more successful than you'll ever be.

Also, meta humor.

>what was this episode trying to say?
That The Simpsons is a cartoon and putting a realistic sensible man in there is a recipe for A+ comedy. It casts a mirror on Homer from outside his own family/friends and shows quite humorously that in many cases he's kind of a shitty person.

Great episode tbqh.

He had no family though, so for all we know they just gave him a normal Springfield burial assuming that's what he'd want.

Although desu it would have made more sense that he'd just get cheaply cremated.

The show started getting more and more meta and dramatic by this point. Other big example being The Principal and the Pauper.

this episode really fucked me up

Didn't he have a brother who tried to avenge him later? Maybe not, zombie simpsons are like a blur to me.

i also like to compare the homer-flanders relationship with grimey-homer. homer and grimes are both the "average joes" who compare themselves to the "superior" person

bastard son with a prostitute

That was supposed to be "Frank Grimes Jr"

Which really didn't make any sense because Frank seemed to only be in his late 20s at most.

Yes. It was initially planned to be the last episode. If the show had ended there, it would be one of television's masterpieces.

He did but it kept backfiring and working out in Homer's favor.


He was 35 according to the wiki.

Frank Grimes lives in The Simpsons mobile game. He was just in a coma and he dug himself out of his grave.

I watched this episode and masturbated right after...
with my tears. :'''(

The episode's about how success isn't earned solely through hardwork and dedication. It also takes good character, kinda like good karma in a way. Grimes was a role model worker, but from the very start of the episode, he was irritable and quite an asshole to Homer. Homer on the other hand might be a genuine retard, but he's also genuinely caring and friendly. Throughout the episode he legit tries to be a good person to Grimes but he always fucks up accidentally. Grimes just wanted to fuck him over all the time. Homer built his success just from being a lovable idiot and nature rewarded him for that.

simpsons wanted to shill anti-nuclear energy so made nuclear engineering a farce in their show

Grimes was an anti-social sperg who thought he was entitled to success because he worked hard.