Do you believe climate change is man made?

Do you believe climate change is man made?

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>facts don't care about your feelings

Who cares why it exists. It exists and Man can slow it.

man can do next to nothing to slow it. we are a thin film of scum on a big ball of water,earth and magma
get over yourself

We're definitely accelerating it and also causing ocean acidification, which is arguably worse than "mere climate change"

Wow. Your wrong as slowing carbon output will slow the change. But damn are you angry

It is Accelerated by us Instead of slowed down!

Look at these Amerifags they blow out the Candle with such passion!

Go back to Sup Forums with this faggotry

Sorry forgot the e

Yore wrong


Yes, some small percentage of it is. That's supported by science. Hell no, its not worth crippling American industry just to maybe prevent global warming by 1˚ over the span of like... 10 years.

Well, let's see.
Earth's climate was a thing billions of years before humans existed
Yeah, that's about as far as you need to think about it

People who think humans have no meaningful impact on the climate are ridiculous. Yes, the Earth's climate always changes, but it also has a natural process for filtering out bullshit and maintaining itself.

What humans are doing is the equivalent of saying "Well, animals shit in this river and it's still clean, so if we dump all of our shit in the river, it will still be clean.". The river can filter out animal turds, but it can't filter out metric tons of raw sewage being poured into it every day.

The real threat isn't the direct impact our activities have, but the domino effect of consequences that results from destabilizing the environment.

Great, now go convince China and India

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Man made? Not entirely. But we sure as hell sped up the process. If we actually achieve space colonies we'll be the first true interplanetary parasite

The fact that India and China are industrial hellscapes that pollute without hesitation doesn't mean that the point isn't valid.

Personally, I've seen enough shit in my life to know that humans won't do shit about anything until it's directly impacting their lives, so we won't meaningfully address this until it's too late regardless, but the question is whether or not climate change is man made, and to a significant extent, it is.

It's both. The ice ages are evidence that the climate can change independent of human industry. That being said, some of the same phenomenon that may have lead to past climate change can be artificially produced by our industry.

The question is, do we need to embrace the authoritarianism proposed by billionaires and their political/corporate/financial class institutions in order to solve our problems.

Why is Greta Thunberg getting all the media and not people that are actually solving these problems? This is PROPAGANDA!!! This is funded by AUTHORITARIANS and those that wish to PROFIT off of the shit heeled masses.

I was wondering if I'd see any Greta threads today.

Thunberg means tuna town in German.

You seem to be oblivious to your own post. Yes, SEA is the problem, once they goml I'll consider doing more than being a decent person.

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Don't be retarded. The natural state of the world is an ice age. For millions of year the CO2 levels were 100x what they are today. Our time is special because it's short. Climate has never, ever been stable and no matter what we do, it will never be stable. Is it man made? Fuck no

There is no climate change in the sense greta pedopotato, georg sigheil soros, et al. Want you to believe.

Yet -
The fact that criminals disregard the law without hesitation doesn't mean that we shouldn't continue to pass gun control laws, am I right?

Let's assume for a moment that man-made climate change is a thing. What's the first logical step, going after the 5% demographic that's responsible, or the 75%?

Why are millennials completely and utterly incapable of rational thought ffs

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The people responsible, of course. But how do we do that when half the population outright believes that the entire concept is a hoax. The Hollywood proselytizing is obnoxious, for sure, and Average Joe is in no way responsible for the fact that oil conglomerates worth hundreds of billions of dollars completely disregard the consequences of their actions on the environment, but at the very least, Average Joe needs to be convinced that this is actually happening. Affecting change may be a pipe dream, but it's more so when half the population has been weaponized against their own interest for the sake of corporation's profit margins.

I prefer to focus instead on this part:
>WHY does half the population believe that the entire concept is a hoax
The answer is very simple, society has been conditioned to prioritize their own FEELINGS over FACTS. Critical thinkers are the minority.

No it doesn't FUCK YOU!!!! HOW DARE YOU?!

>those goddamn right wingers are knuckle draggers!
>planet is heating up, we need cleaner energy!
>no new nuclear plants REEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Fuck all of you right in the ass with a bayonet.

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climate change is dependent on the sun. right now solar minimum cycle.. some smart people trying to monetize the "environmental economy" like al gore. btw, he lives next to a friend of mine in Ca. and he lives on the water.. if he is so worried why does he live on the ocean??

Does man make the rain?
No, it is a gift from the sky.

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why did you post a pic of a kid with down syndrome?

there is no climate change

How would you keep nuclear waste safe for 12000 years?

If you've got a plan, governments are dying to hear it

Do you know what warming of 1 degrees means? I really encourage you to google it

and it's absolutely worth disrupting industry

tuna town lel

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Down's syndrome is caused by climate change. Science says so.

she ugly af bro


wow, scientists BTFO with that epic win

pack it up boys, looks like we're rumbled

kek, pic related

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> we are a thin film of scum
> we
You, not everyone. Stop projecting.

yeah, she’s pretty offensive to look at. I guess that’s why the left uses her as a puppet

Climate change isn't automatically fraudulent just because Al Gore is too confident and loose with his predictions.

wow, ur so smart

imagine being such a shill you think scientists, rather than FUCKING OIL COMPANIES, are suppressing the truth to make money

you fucking idiot


>tree hugger thread
>gtfo to Sup Forums!! Reeeeeeeee

>nigger and jew hate thread

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Right-wingers love Greta because they don't have to argue with the science anymore, they can just say "lol stuck-up aspie" and keep subsidizing oil companies

>my trashy neighbor shits on his lawn
>fuck it. Imma shit on my lawn too!! That'll show the city planners!

good luck convincing india and china to do shit when we refuse to... how fucking dumb are you?
Trump's pig-headed nationalism is the biggest block to meaningful international cooperation, ie actually getting india and china to help

tuna town : )

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>keep subsidizing oil companies

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Well it certainly doesn't help when people that don't know what they're talking about run their fucking mouths like they do, now does it?
Remember, this is the same guy that "took the initiative in creating the internet"
Even if he was trying to make a joke (and he wasn't) it wouldn't be funny, it's just fucking sad

The whole purpose of Greta's globalist mission is to fuck over the smaller companies, the ones with principles... the ones that DON'T outsource production to India or China.

>man made?
fuck no. it's clearly the fault of women.

According to a 2015 estimate by the Obama administration, the US oil industry benefited from subsidies of about $4.6 billion per year.[44] A 2017 study by researchers at Stockholm Environment Institute published in the journal Nature Energy estimated that nearly half of U.S. oil production would be unprofitable without subsidies.[44]

>don't know what they're talking about run their fucking mouths

fuck me, the double standards you have for climate scientists and deniers is incredible

I think it's man-made, but I think the effects of not doing anything about it have been overstated to try and shock people into action.

I think preventing man-made climate change is important, I don't think it is *as important* as we are being told to believe.

i think "climate change" is a misdirect honestly.

We're out here busy fighting over whether or not our gas emissions are the reason the world is heating up... or if the world is just heating up on its own... like it always does between ice ages.... and how close we are to an ice age anyway... and if we're bringing one on faster or not....

When really, the question should be about pollution itself. Water, air, environment, trash, etc. like it was in the 90s.

I'm pretty sure we've all been tricked into missing the point. meanwhile, business and government is raping the environment in the ass.

But that's just my opinion.

Al Gore should probably have left the alarmism to the scientists, instead of embarking on his own crusade, for sure.

That said, the internet thing is pretty true, despite being mocked repeatedly. He was instrumental in the legislative push to make the internet accessible and allow it to become what it is today. That's been distorted to "I invented the internet", but his actual contribution is real.

Define climate.

>Coasts change
>It gets a lil hotter
>revert to tropical fish/fruit diet globally
>Good nutrition superboosts human intelligence

Checkmate, liberals

I listen to the independent scientists and the energy companies...and they all agree yes it is. Those who dont have brains addled by trumpcuckery

global climate change is natural and has been observed countless times, as well as evidence of it happening even more times in history since the dawn of time.
mankind has slightly accelerated it and has somewhat changed the specific conditions casued (ie temperature fluctuations in areas which would normally not experience them, likely due to atmospheric/geological variables).

The ability man has to slow or stop it is the only real thing up for debate in my mind.

It is entirely possible that man has not actually accelerated it at all and we are simply experiencing a rapid shift that we are not used to.
It is equally likely that mankind is the sole cause for the shift, and that the planet would not have experienced this shift on its own for centuries/millennia.

either way, the idea that our kids will all grow up in some unlivable wasteland is absolute garbage. we would literally have to cut/paste china and india over every single landmass on earth and run them full tilt for centuries in order to create the toxic waste that the fear mongering environmentalists seem to say is right around the corner

>Already hot environments become uninhabitable barren wastelands
>Massive influx of North Africans and Middle Easterners to Europe sparking humanitarian catastrophe
>Sharp rise in nationalism, next Hitler probably
>Water Wars

Now stop and ask yourself if you've made an assumption about my position on the issue
Yes, I think you have

nice assertions, no evidence though, so disregarded.

stop talking out your ass and actually read the research

>nearly half of U.S. oil production would be unprofitable without subsidies.
Did we drill all the easy oil out already? ?
Is that why they want to crumble bedrock and suck out the last bits??
So a 90 pound vagina can stop-and-go 10 miles each way 5 days a week in a 4 ton suburban by herself?
So Joe blo can go pick up the kids and get groceries in his 3500 diesel dually that's 5 years old and still doesn't have a scratch in the bed?

The net was alive and well and growing on it's own years before he made that exact statement. Those were his exact words, it didn't get distorted into anything

This. Even if it is man made, that doesn't mean the solution is to give the government a shit ton of money.

well fracking's not exactly a walk in the park compared to drilling

No, I believe that climate change is the result of retards being allowed to breed. This is God calling the rest of us retarded.

evidence for what? pollution existing? what are you talking about? research on what? the globe warming up? i already said that it was.....

you're a difficult person to talk to, aren't you.

>the ruling class won't be so powerful by then that they can easily wipe out everyone else

It's the zog vs. the American capitalists vs. the chinks. Whoever it is will be there in no time


That's what im saying.
If they are at the point where they want to crumble bedrock to suck the remaining bits of oil out.....

actually I'm a delight

And I meant evidence for the other types of pollution being a larger threat. They're tragic, but they're not on the same scale


Yo mama would cover it

fuck you you ain't giving my momma cancer

How much waste do you think we are talking about??
Keep in mind the insane levels of fuckery which took place during the cold war don't apply to civilian power generation with nuclear

No body cares faggot

You seem to.

Ok, cool.
His mama will cover it

12000 metric tons of high-level-waste per year. And we have to keep it away from humans for far longer than civlisation has even existed.

Doesn't matter.

>12000 metric tons
Gonna need a source on that frighteningly high number that feels made up as fuck.


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Just from google. looking around, there's afew sources:
wiki says 1200 tons, but appears unsourced

"nuclear power stations produce approximately 34,000m3 of HLW annually"

The nuclear industry seems strangely reluctant to give a straight up figure, but it's not insignificant. And the best plan we have is bury it deep and hope no-one digs it up for 10000 years.

sorry, wiki said 12,000 and that seems to be the most common figure kicking around

Nah, no

>12000 metric tons of high-level-waste per year.
>99% of which from defence in the US
>less than 1% from power generation in the US.
Making nukes is dirty. More so than making electricity.

you can fuck yourself and i will burn my fossil fuel and smoking with a smile. I like waste and every nice thing what mankind invented.

do you believe cars and airplanes exist?

the US military does not account for 99% of global HLW production. They're not even the only ones making bombs, so that just doesn't make sense.

OK bro, enjoy the waste. and I will enjoy your lack of any response to my argument.

lmao all you faggots arguing about shit
sensationalized bullshit
im just busy making something of myself
make money buy a house, buy a muscle car and live the dream.

Good luck getting a straight answer with anything nuclear.
It's not they're trying to hide anything
They just can't get their shit together
>did I just get a rem, a rad, a sievert, or a joule or radiation just now?
Aame shit with waste. Some go by weight, some by volume. MOST of the counted waste is in liquid form that can be reduced significantly.

Climate change is natural. For the vast majority of Earth's history, the climate has been in balance and harmony. It takes catastrophic events, such as a gigantic asteroid impact or volcanic eruption, to dramatically change the climate beyond repair (within several lifetimes; It takes hundreds of thousands of years).

What Humans are doing is honestly nothing that hasn't already been done.

The difference though is two fold;

>We are accelerating the climate change faster than natural life can adapt and evolve to, which is causing many species to become endangered and go extinct - Not just animals, but plants as well
>We are also stripping the planet of natural resources to correct the climate change - Mainly trees

So no, climate change is not "man made", however we are speeding up the process beyond the natural checks and balances, and then on top of that we are ripping those checks and balances literally right out of the ground.

>making something of myself

yeah, making a consumer drone of yourself.

Keep telling yourself that being a real man means buying the shit you see on TV

>in the US
reading comprehension, user.
I bet you it's a similar story in some of the other nuclear powers.
Maybe look up how much waste Japan produces, compare to the ammount the US does, then consider watts produced. Bet you things look much different.

Now if you want to argue that humans are dumb and will fuck themselves up with radiation. Guaranteed. We aren't going to be arguing in that.

>We are accelerating the climate change
>climate change is not "man made"

But you are arguing that it is man-made. No-one denies that natural climate change occurs, the issue is whether man-made climate change ALSO occurs. Quit trying to use semantics to feel superior to everyone else.

>durhuurdurr i got it all figured out because i know all the climate change talking points
>im making a difference in the world!
waste your life away, i dont give a fuck
i think its funny actually.

>be me
>french child from a family of rich bourgeois
>just minding my own business
>in the media, hear that rich people are evil
>at school, hear that male are evil
>on the internet, hear that white people are evil
>welp guess I'm evil
>little retard girl wants to tell me how to live my life
>fuck you little twat
>was going to buy a Tesla because they're nice
>imported a couple of F150s from muttland instead
>never turn the light off anymore
>crank up the heat and open the windows

I don't care if it's man made. I'm just having fun.