Tfw best emma

>tfw best emma

Fact: She won't cement her place as best Emma until she's the first with a baby bump.

Considering Watsons path and Stone looks like a frog she truly is best Emma

>it's yours, user

Emma Stone is an academy award winner with a bright future in the entertainment industry.

Emma Watson is a graduate of Brown University and a UN goodwill ambassador.

Emma Roberts is a domestic abuser and only where she is because of her more talented family members.

You're Emma Roberts?

Hi, Watson.

Where my oldfag fans of Emma since 2004's Unfabulous?

>I never said I was on the pill. What I said was "you can come inside me".

I need the bad pussy.

>ywn put a baby inside Emma Roberts
literally kill me now

Ok, where are you

Buy me a plane ticket?



rite herre nigga. had a crush on her since then.

nice meme

Same. Literally my only actual crush on a celebrity.

*raises hand*

What's up Reddit?

>emma roberts is reddit as a Sup Forums user i only support feminists like emma watson

the other 2 emmas are reddit
Roberts is /ourgirl/

>worst emma samefagging this hard


There's a Watson-poster in here?

ughhh Im so conflicted
shes best Emma so I want people posting her
but shes also my gf and I dont want creeps fapping to her axila pics
life i shard bros

the ol' switcharoo :) i'd be happy though

those toes mean she likes long penis! I don't have long penis!

Literally dumb pleb
Literal who
Emma Stone is done and awards don't matter. She's ugly and plays herself.

she is so small, if you have a 7 inch dick, you will make her belly bulge

fuck off you pathetic queer

Hey faggots Sup Forums is reddit. And Sup Forums aka reddit hates emma watson and loves the horse and frog its not rocket science. Sup Forums is reddit you redditors hate only emma.

You all have some psychological condition of extreme cognitive dissonance. This place is reddit therefore whatever you fags hate is the best

Damn he's right and this is now a meta thread.


dumb watsonposter

no thanks

I want those feet in my mouth

who doesn't?




LOL. Worst Emma confirmed. I hope her nigger beats her to a pulp. She deserves nothing better.

>Go see Nerve because it's playing at the theater in the mall I work at
>Realize quickly that I will get singled out because everyone else in the room is a 14 year old girl
>I'm 26 and male
>Scene where Emma strips down to too small panties
>Smallest bit of ass jiggle
>Sitting in back of theater with hardon in a room filled with minors
>The excitement of possibly getting caught makes it harder

makes you think


You welcome.

Evan Peters just like leaving kids behind

roberts>watson>every other emma in the world>stone




Apparently she's made out of Eric Roberts jizz

*Eric Robert's jizz and cocaine
cocaine is truly magical

Looks like the kind of girl who does one Casting Couch scene, has a bad experience, and then nothing appears in anything else.