wow i can't believe the persians were really that evil. my sjw libcuck teachers never talked about this, really makes me think. europa for the whites. muslim shitskins fuck off.
Wow i can't believe the persians were really that evil. my sjw libcuck teachers never talked about this...
I'm legitimately surprised they allowed this movie to be made.
right? no way (((they))) would allow a movie portraying get made today white western civilization in a good light and muslim shitskin 'civilization' in a bad light (even though that's how it really was)
2007 was a different time. Free speech actually existed back then.
Except Persians were white at that time and Zoroastrian, not muslim
>Xenophon tells us that Spartan men routinely shared wives under a variety of circumstances, such as when an older man shared his wife with a younger man, for the purposes of keeping the wife pregnant. Men away from Sparta for a prolonged period were expected to arrange a lover for their wives.
Lmao get cucked faggot
Hey anti-SJW dumbfuck, there was no Islam at that time. The Persians were (and many still are) an ancient religion called Zoroastrianism.
But you have all the answers already. No need to crack open a book. Reading is for cuck faggots. Maybe you can find a Sikh wearing a turban driving some taxi at the airport and call him a Muslim and shoot him or something because your tiny penis is in grave danger. Reassure your little one how manly you are. Go do it. Don't be a cuck SJW you little faggot.
>muslim shitskin apologists
>in my board
fuck off cucks, a muslim by another name is still a shitskin, fucking shills i swear
But the persians would have bene genetically indistinguishable from the greeks at this time
Snyder is crazy. He made Watchmen in its pure form to cinema and he turned a Batman v Superman slug into criticizing the media feeding into the hatred and pain of post-9/11 Americans.
based Jerry Bruckheimer.
Spartans were Germanic not greek. Seriously look it up. Blond warrior nobility. They looked down on mediterranens so much race mixing was forbidden
fuck off shitskin, you will never be white
But im Swedish
>pre-Mohammed era
>thinks there was Islam
>picks his nose and eats it
>wonder what Spartans watched on TV back then
>probably X-Files or some shit
>thinks there was Islam
OP never said that. Stop being triggered.
>modern "persians"
>not arab rape babies
Dumb shitskin, we don't need no fucking facts, we're proud inbred retards.
Persia wasn't that evil. The true evil came thousands of years later in the form of Islam. Those unlucky Persians didn't have something as powerful as Christianity to protect them. Meanwhile Christianity united Europe against Islam.
go get raped by a refugee
>larger, more advanced muslim empires do more conquering than small dark age european countries
>Larger, more advanced european countries conquer small shithole resource-rich places like India
>We dindu nuffin we wuz just civilizin them
What do you think Africa was before white people came? They would eat their owns, flesh and skin.
Persia was legitimately better of without Islam. And many of the inventions we credit to Islam were actually Zoroastrian Persians living under Islam oppression. Islam is inherently oppressive as dictated by its holy scriptures demanding it to be so. Sharia Laws demand complete submission or death.
Caucasians are pure and virginal you savage fuck. Stop attacking whites I'm triggered
>wow i can't believe the persians were really that evil.
Did you know why they were invading Greece to begin with, dipshit? They didn't do it out of the blue.
>yfw you find out Dave Chappelle is a Muslim
Is the entirety of stormblr homeschooled?
Are you going to have a conversation adressing the points I made or simply resorting to simple greentexts? Very disappointed in you.
Did spartan swords really look like that? That seems like a pretty impractical weapon.
Because they were evil monster people?
>Persia was legitimately better of without Islam. And many of the inventions we credit to Islam were actually Zoroastrian Persians living under Islam oppression.
Persia got gangfucked by Alexander of Macedonia and stopped being an empire right then and there. Why do you keep posting at all?
>Sup Forums gets hijacked by Sup Forums
>time to counterhijack
The Sasanian Empire still existed you butthole.
I'm not your teacher, pick up a fucking book you goddamn mouthbreather.
This is what happens when you let Zack Snyder fans run free around the board.
Well, I'm certainly not going to google it. Turkroaches a shit now, I'm perfectly content to assume Turkroaches a shit then.
MP: So, Hollywood film is mind control?
>Alejandro Jodorowsky: Yes, mind control. And all American pictures are US propaganda, it’s a form of imperial power.
>Look at 300. First it is propaganda against Iran. Second, it deifies physical strength. It is preparing the young person to kill for his country in the anti-Islamic kamikaze! 300 is also racist towards black people – the bad people are monsters and black. And the emperor of the bad guys is also gay! Your initiation comes when you begin asking “Why? Why?! Why a gay? Why [is he] the biggest black person? The Persians are not like that! Why?!” It’s a critical initiation; that is when you start to know the limits of the jail we are born into. But we need to go in another direction – we need to go see The Holy Mountain after that, The Holy Mountain criticizes, but then it proposes a possible path to liberation.
What did he mean by this?
Good thing we were talking about the persian empire during the battle of thermopylae (more like the spardans getting curbstomped like smelly niggers, lmao)
Ruff ruff
>outta my way muslim fucking shits
>Sparta kept its qts pregnant as much as physically possible
Good thing then I was referring to Persia and not Persian Empire in specific.
Is he died?
whites civilize and bring enlightenment. shitskins kill and rape and loot.
Then you were discussing something completely unrelated that happened hundreds of years later. Way to go, Corky.
Oh no, a culture defending itself!
Fucking scum!
OP was specifically talking about Persians, not the Persian Empire in specific. You're the one being an illiterate here.
Was he? There's a picture of fucking Leonidas right there, you dumb piece of shit.
Yes he was. Read the fucking text.
>wow i can't believe the persians were really that evil
Eat black dick, cuck
wtf i love 300 now
You dipshit this is just Nazi propaganda made up to give Hitler a boner. Go read a fucking book you cunt.
>we will enlighten them through famine!
libtards or jews, can't tell, probably both
>tfw no 300-like movie set during the siege on Constantinople
The Persians were Zoroastrians you retard.
>mfw Leonidas calls the Athenians "boylovers" even though pederasty was far more common in Sparta than it was in Athens and was basically institutionalized as part of the agoge
greeks weren't gay fuck off kike
>manlet jew making movie where showing ancient aryans are ebil orcs degenerates
Well, nothing new
t. illiterate brainlet
This guy gets it.
The story was being told from the perspective of a Spartan, a man Leonidas specifically chose for his rhetorical skill. Of course the Persians are monstrous and the combat is glorious. The story's being spun by a Spartan soldier trying to inspire his men before battle.
>>manlet jew
Pretty sure he's christian
Are you people for real? The movie exists and somehow you find a way to talk about how people won't let it get made. Same as the Tropic Thunder threads, the movie exists, it obviously wasn't prevented from releasing.
You realize they're making a King Arthur movie right now, right? People make movies like this, you know.
>nobody has posted the remix yet
This website is dead.
Truly something a 18 yo would say