Is depression real Sup Forums?

Is depression real Sup Forums?

Or is it just some thing you can get over if you focus your mind elsewhere and actually TRY to be happy?

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All "above the neck" issues are made up. It's just people that can't deal with real life and whine like pussies.

i don't know m8 I earn pretty well salary in job i love and still feel emptiness for time to time

also I'm not OP

It's an actual disorder than involves chemicals in your brain ultimately, but much of depression is generated by our self-hating over-worked society.

Yes. Imagine yourself being tired on a cold and dark winter day. You can't get out of the bed to actually do something. Or anything. Nothing makes fun anymore. Everything is kinda gloomy, lifeless, greyish. It sucks your strength away. You eventually want to kill yourself. Imagine this feeling never going away again.

It's just your brain stopping sending you hormones that makes you happy. If your brain starts to fuck up, go to a therapist to get it fixed ASAP, because the longer it stays that way, the harder it is to get out of the hole. The brain kinda sets the depression state to standard. Very scary shit.

Conclusion: Get out once in a while, get as much sun as possible or take vitamin D. Do some sports daily, it doesn't have to be much. Get yourself some social life, virtual friends are better than no friends. This should prevent most triggers, where one could fall into depression. It's easier to prevent, than cure.

Yes but you probably need some sort of medication to prevent or cure it.
Getting bootstrappy isn't enough, in fact I'd bet most depressed people would just tell you to fuck off.

It's as real as anything else, in so much that everything you experience is electrical or chemical

As someone who spent years depressed:

Exercise, don't drink too often, hang out with positive and productive people, learn to be happy, learn to switch off, the past is done, don't dwell on it, work to improve yourself and your situation

It all helps. 40, two kids, decent job, btard since I was in my 20s.

>Yes but you probably need some sort of medication to prevent or cure it.
yeah, drugs make you really happy

Prescribed drugs work to make up for the imbalance of chemicals or other processes in the human body. Go be 12 in a Trump thread, k?

Drugs are at best a short term fix to stabilize you, they can't fix the root cause

Neither does "be happy, exercise!"
Please user. Let professionals handle this.
Have you ever considered that your remarks could make someone hurt themselves?

but this will make you really happy, I mean being someone who you not?

When are you not a massive faggot?

I didn't say the thing you quoted, do you understand English? If you are concerned about people hurting themselves perhaps you should consider addressing the many other damaging mental illness themes threads/boards

never mr. satan, I'm just like OP

Depression is caused by your gut. Eat right, most important, then plan your day to day life exercise and acualy do something useful and yow wont be depr. If u still are its brain trauma, or deep rooted emotional problems, and there are doctors for that. Also clean up you damn room

Basically yes you did. You're telling depressed people to get off their ass, exercise and try to forget that they're depressed by doing happy things. You're a retard.
Depression needs to be cured through drugs and therapy user. Maybe you need to learn English.

Americunt detected. Keep chewing pills to mask the real cause of your problems

What does my nationality have to do with the truth?

also living with drugs to make live happy, thats mean drugs do this

Don't bring me into this faggot

You don't know truth, addict, you're not even addressing your problems

Clinical Depression is very real, anyone who says otherwise is just wrong. You can just work past it on your own for the most part BUT it can help greatly to seek out professional mental therapy.

oh, it's real. it's one of the realest things i know. you are going to get a lot of sophists out there on this. everybody is an expert- just ask them.

it's tricky because one can only see the manifestation of it. the isolation, the loss of productivity, the morbidity, the lack of clarity. if one was just to go by the results it yields, and not check anything else, it would be impossible to deny.

i think that the term depression can encompass a lot of different problems. it can be a really bad adjustment reaction, grief, situational, biological, chronic, ptsd, related to another ailment or issue all together. the problem i have with psychology is that it often just lumps it into one category, and the danger with that is that the root issues for every difference may need a different remedy.

either way, if it is causing you problems, then i definitely recommend seeking solutions. depression or otherwise. there are professionals that can help, but i think there is no substitution for helping yourself as well.

Yeah its real but yeah you can get over it by trying. Nobody is gonna baby you through anything.

There is no cure for depression. Only management.

Bullshit. Dumbass

Do you understand how to write/read English? Jesus christ.

If there was a cure for depression, there would be no depressed people. How dumb are you really?

Reality is for people who cant face drugs

What if there is a cure for depression, but i told you that its illegal?

What psychedelics and ketamine

There is a cure for malaria. Does that mean there are no people with malaria?

Wouldn't matter. There is no cure for depression regardless.

I think so yes and microdosing some lsd or mdma once in a while

I find lsd to be a great way to manage depression. Then i started doing it way too much. I spent like 4 years abusing acid. It makes me paranoid and confused now, confused more so towards the end of the trip

If you can get depressed, you can get de-depressed too.
There is always a way

So microdosing is key

Maybe idk. Its not a permanent fix, i still do here and there. Doing it too much can really start screwing with my head