Planning on killing myself today ama
Planning on killing myself today ama
Will you livestream?
Will you say hi to Epstein in the afterlife, whose life ended differently than yours?
don't do it
have you experimented sexually in every way? why not enjoy some pleasurable experiences before you go?
Please don't do it user.
Why would you even?
Should livestream it my dude, would be a legend.
Don't do it
Just wanted to say it. Stream it dude and give us a link
use a shotgun or revolver, you gonna livestream it?
i agree experiment before you go b/ro
pic related
there is no god nor afterlife so it's this or nothing son
Get it over with
livestream? wtf is wrong with you guys? user just don't
Don't do it. You may think your life sucks, but I promise others have it way worse
I'm making hero plans every week, but im too much of a fucking pussy to actually do it.
God im such waste of oxygen please someone and reclaim my soul. You think you'd hate yourself enough not to just die the easy way, but realize you hate yourself so much that you'll keep yourself alive to suffer another day because you deserve it in some fed up way. Somehow this is what sometimes keeps me going.
You're arguing as if you think OP is not a faggot, and you're asking what is wrong with the rest of us?
Maybe smoke some weed first or try some DMT. Why not enjoy life a bit first?
what about me? do you love me too?
>Maybe smoke some weed first or try some DMT.
If OP is a schizo that could worsen his condition.
Something to help with visualization
i wanted to say exactly this
winrar of post of the day
yes i do user S2
How about you die.. doing something fun.. backflip into suicide.. niagara falls? Fucking run with the Lions
user, homie, whatever
links to livestream and will watch your final hours will be spent with thoes who actually care about you enough to let you make a choice none of us are ready for i love you op. be anhero to us
what's the reason?
Not that i'm telling you to not do it, because you probably have a justified reason within your reasoning.
But really what's the reason?
You cant tell me that you have experienced everything or claim that you have experienced everything. You cant claim that life is boring or unfulfilling. You have not experienced everything, so aren't you curious? Why not get the fuck out and try to experience stuff?
You are your own blessing or problem in life. Just choose to do what you want to do.
If killing yourself is what you want to, do it then.
If you wanted to kill yourself you would have already done it. You want attention. You don't want to die.
make a mass shooting and die as a hero
protip people know that people are corrupted
that's because majority are
if you think we are infallibly good and any moment now this world will turn into heaven led by Righteous God you have been mindfucked
Dude, theres tacos. Why would you kill yourself?
you dont matter
do you love me too?
Do it faggot
you won't
I like you for starters.
Others having it worse does not make it sick less. This is the absolute worst advice to give someone who thinks their life sucks.
where the fuck are you OP
stop belittling Ops feelings you fucking pro life faggot
Dont do it bro. Life seems meaningless now, but you are here for a purpose. If you give in, that purpose will never be fulfilled. Live, and your purpose will be made clear. Die, and your existence means less than you think it does now.
Choose life, choose Jesus.
no details
I'm just trying to tell you that more you get your hopes up more you will be disappointed later on.
ok, you should kill yourself instead of OP
Me too, user. Me too...
no access to guns. Sorry user :(
Think about it. I can't really truly love you if I don't even know you. Saying I do would be a lie. And I like you enough that I don't want to lie to you. I'm sorry if you are disappointed.
Good luck, have fun.
but i smell like vanilla, are you sure? :-(
fucking shitty bait
>no details
>doesnt respond
It's just how things are with me.
fine i'll grow a tree instead
Leave me your gun and bullets in your will. Me next. Let's do a chain letter-like thing with this!
What are you waiting on?
I don't understand that reference I'm afraid.
go get help
You were playing me. You don't really love me after all. Burn in Hell you vile wretched lying bitch.
What's the worst that could happen? That he wants to kill himself?
I LOVED YOU! AND STILL DO, but you hurt me and i can't keep living this way. i'm sorry.
Are you this chick again
He can always lose his shit further and kill other people.
because of weed? lol ight
OP here, can confirm
Yes. Schizo mind can be a weird one.
Clean your room and go for a jog twice around the block before you do it.
Dont kill yourself, join dis_cord dot gg/JwpkQh instead
why would you kill yourself when your death is inevitable anyway? run away from your current life and do hookers & blow, backpack to china, go live innawoods, or just play video games until you succumb to heart failure on your keyboard like the rest of us.
I love you too, just because you are that great of a person
will miss you bb ;)
I'm not OP but may as well be
Be me who's has destroyed my ex wife's mental health, destroyed my girlfriends mental health and only ever been a detriment to my children and my parents the one time I didn't go with my father for his evening jog he suffered a catastrophic brain hemorrhage and became severely disabled, I was 3 years old I remember and see it everytime I close my eyes, every single time. Be me now a 30 year old alcoholic cocaine dependant screw up who spends life avoiding or pushing away everyone who has ever cared for me.
I can't even neck myself because I can't do the final thing that will bring me peace because it will be a step to far for everyone I have ever hurt.
Don't do it OP
Fuck you incels that are egging him on I hope you rot in front of the solace your anger/hatred and the soft glow of the screen gives you
so it's okay for assholes to rot but not OP?
did you just assume that all their families deserve to see them die?
So you love everyone?
You just made it worse!
For being morally reprehensible and without a care for other beings strife. Yes user for anyone who can hide behind a facade of better than thou or a sick thrill from others suffering you deserve that fate more than someone who can see ho life can push you there
i wish you luck friend, you have the balls to do something i failed .
you made another wrong assumption;
i'm not pushing OP to an hero, am just pointing out that your reason to stay alive has nothing to do with you but to protect your loved ones (i assume) from getting hurt
but then again you wish for the assholes in this thread to rot as if they have no families
If you have suffered such a terrible life that you want to kill yourself, why shouldn't others feel the same pain as you? Might as well go down that way.
I'm not trying to be edgy.
Do the ones pushing OP to hero deserve the respect of OP himself crying out for help or in your correct assumption for my issues. Everyone is a person user I will accept my writing in anger are in fact incorrect and the whole reason I am where I am is because I don't think anyone deserves to hurt so I stand corrected. Nobody deserves pain I just wish the world and people could have a better (if I may be so bold) reaction than live stream it. Nobody deserves suffering
it is morally wrong to push people to suffer more ofcourse i'm not defending that niggerlicious behavior, i'm sorry for clarifying what you said in a rude way if it seemed that way, i don't know how to explain why i do what i do because i'm a bit rarted lol
Don't apologise user, I merely wrote in anger and seemed to/ or did come across in a way that I would want people to go through things which I find abhorrent on the whole suffering and pain is something I have always felt is what I have left in my wake, I wouldn't wish it on anyone or to affect anyone in any way. I appreciate you pulling me up on my writings because it gives me some perspective at least.
Have a good night user
Can I have your stuff?
Whoever you are user, stay like that!
sleep well friend
Careful with that edge, bad boy
You to user I appreciate your insight.
I was contemplating asking myself out of the equation today, as I often do, but I came here instead and I actually feel a little cheered up
I'm planning on killing myself tonight. It has to end now
Why did you wait so long?
Everyone who rolls dubs has to kill themselves
Gimmie gimmie gimmie!!!
Rolling for dubs!
And how do you plan on enforcing such a rule?
Nice knowin ya, user
Don't do it user, at this point I live for others benefit, if that is all you have that is all you have
rolling for dubs
That is good user, carrying on is the hardest thing but you have to even if it for others benefit