How could anyone world be shaped like this?
How could anyone world be shaped like this?
The maps are drawn by medieval people based on line of sight, word of mouth, and even older maps, so they're not that accurate
pic related
Studying Geography and watching fantasy maps it's pure cringe, but this one is lazy as fuck, He created some kind of Britain, a Turkey in the East and the expanded North and East in a simplistic way. Without any notion of tectonics, but thats the norm for fantasy maps anyway
The east is the dick that's going to fuck the west's cunt
It's potteru
good fantasy maps dont exist
I know right? How could a world like this exist?
Efficient taxing routes.
do you like attack on titan map?
neither do good spoofs of fantasy maps apparently
This lmao. Every fantasy world borrows from the real one but GRRM doesn't even try to hide it
Well, it's Africa with some extra peninsulas
Who gives a shit
wow you map fags are fuckin autists
It's not supposed to be Turkey though. It's more akin to the Mongolian steppes.
Southern Westeros is an inverted Ireland with an added Devon-Cornwall
fugg, it was for
Why couldn't it? Apart from the scale, it's almost exactly like fucking earth, you sperg. Sothoryos goes down further than the map shows, and there's probably some kind of North and South Amerycos they haven't found yet.
now that's just lazy
Which part of Ireland is a massive sprawling desert?
Find a flaw.
this is the worst map I've ever seen
Everything south of Umae is essentially Sub Saharan Africa
Everything north of the woodlands is essentially Siberia
What are the chances that is just a coincidence.
The part I impregnated you're mom in.
Time to reinstall Neverwinter Nights and Icewind Dale.
you have a better chance of reaching into your asshole and pulling out a golden coin
>world "ends" at some point in the north
>dude ISLES lmao
>generic forests
>desert where the bad guys live
>coasts all look like they were copy and pasted from the mediterranean
end your life
>not just playing BG2 and ignoring the other, inferior games
Oh. That doesn't really answer my question tho.
>this one butthurt mapfag thinks his opinions matters
grrm LITERALLY just took events that happened in british history and gave the people different names...but you're somehow shocked this lazy doughnut inhaling, gravy drinking, sausage fingered, incest fetishist would take their map and flip it upside down?
What is THE worst fantasy world map?
kek, that fat lazy fuck
the tacked on fantasyland arabian nights part
Hello Blizzard
is this real?
Is this bait ?
This is a map of europe
Well spain seems fucked up and fused with France
pic related
How anybody be as stupid as you?
Of course!
Yes. Hannibal was black too.
great job inspector zenigata.
Thats the joke, friend. People critique fantasy maps for being contrived, when in real life geographic boundaries have such an overbearing effect on cultures and their expansions, it almost comes across as too convenient
>Wierd jagged coastline. Who designed this, an alien?
top fucking kek that's just awful
Yes I got it
But why i don't get is why they fucked up France and spain ??
>all those biblical references
its almost like a medieval fantasy map.
Fucking awful. The way the mountains are structured is completely ignorant of any sort of geography.
Wait, what's bad about that?
everytime I see a map of this world, the east continent is larger
might be the projection method they used. Can really alter the proportions depending on the type
There's no consistency for Essos because Martin never made a map of it, He just made multiple smaller maps, and then someone came along later and patched them together poorly. Martin looked at it and pretty much said "Yeah, good enough".
But that's just the extremely condensed version. Pic related is the real map.
best setting coming through
why is she so perfect
Its middle earth with an inland sea
Prove it
jokes on you, i just inserted coins in my ass
wtf i hate real world now.
Oh is this a terrible map thread?
Needs work. The boot part makes things too obvious.
Its a U.S. state!
Thats also an island.
and is also square...
I love how there's always some massive capitals in the middle of some desolate wastes. At least in Witcher 3 they added some villages along the roads and you can even see settlers building stuff here and there.
I don't care about that map I just want to learn how to make one like that
Who gives a fuck about the maps when you have to deal with terrible fantasy writing
Nigga that shit was working with a PS2, cut it some slack.
delet this right now
based george is a genius
I don't like his hats
So were 3 and vice city, and both had more realistically designed topography.
Not only do you copy me, but you don't even have decency to photoshop a gun in.
sorry i wasnt even looking at the start of the thread
Who cares you retard? That map needed to be fuckhuge and fit all kinds of shit in it.
don't mind me
just the best fantasy map around
So what's the consensus on Tolkien's geography?
did he even officially have any?
>is this Mordor
Ikr? Clearly Romania is Mordor.
You're now aware Los Santos alone is the size of all of Vice City and San Fierro is bigger than Liberty City.
Find a flaw.
Is this a Final Fantasy map? Looks like the first one.
Fantasy maps don't make any sense! Everything looks like some guy just made it up!
oh shit my nigga. Tibia was a pretty shit game, but it was fun as fuck to explore
Fuck your opinion faggot, it's a WRONG opinion.
brown people are orcs
main continent is too thicc
yeah, still the best exploration and questing out of any MMO
everything else was shit in it though
Is Earthos flat?
Wasn't Conan meant to be set in early Africa or some shit? I honestly thought I read that as a foreword or scene setting section of a compendium of the books?
>perfect maps don't ex-
objectively the best one ITT
>it will never be 2007 ever again
What about the best?
Step 1. Open Paint...
>Wasn't Conan meant to be set in early Africa or some shit?
Fuck no. Conan is based on the Cimmerians, a real people who lived in Ukraine/South Russia and invaded Anatolia through Caucasus.
If it was set in Africa all we'd get is skinny nigglets.