Why does western society allow women to have "equal rights", and special treatment?

Why does western society allow women to have "equal rights", and special treatment?

Why does western society expect men to worship and serve women, and put ourselves through hardships with no reward, just to please women?

Why are women in western society allowed to complain about mythical issues, yet men can't even vent about the pressures they face, and what is expected of us?

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Decades of jewish propaganda.

First post best post, but Sup Forums and traditionalists are also guilty of everything I said.

Who cares? It's not our problem. It's womens' problem. They're the ones who have to find someone good to settle down with by their 30's. They act like shit and then they get alienated, and guys just retreat to porn, video games, prostitutes - And oh yeah, other, better women.

Women's happiness is declining every year, and guys just play video games and get minimum wage jobs and we aren't really affected.

I do agree, but I always did want a nice wife and I always wanted sons. Not daughters, but sons.

I let go of that dream, but another problem here is that men are expected to toe the line. People get on our cases when we don't conform. Why do you think that Sup Forums, traditionalists, feminists, and even "normies" are sperging out constantly about men not being "real men" anymore? Women are the problem, and how western society worships them is a bigger problem, and men these days are being wise by retreating and doing our own thing. But still, the pressure on us is immense and nobody wants to blame women or the system for what's going on here. They blame us instead.

This thread us being slid right the flying fuck off the catalog. Perhaps I should be content with getting two good responses here, but it's a shame how good threads here are suppressed.

Because we were kind of grateful that they made bullets for us in WW2, and figured we could give them a chance.

We were wrong, and are just waiting for WW3 so we can fix that shit.

Nobody cares about this, but men also were involved in logistics during WW2. Who do you think did all the heavy lifting?

My grandfather worked in different places assembling things and such because of his skills. They put him there because he got injured twice. He refused to work in ammo factories though because he knew that they were prime targets for air raids. They still made him lift all the heavy shit though, but that was war, and men are never appreciated enough. I hope men do not make the same mistakes against after WW3 starts, this gender experiment in western society has been a disgrace and a disaster.

>People get on our cases when we don't conform.
But the great thing is, men typically aren't affected by these sort of demonization tactics. That's for women. A woman calls another woman a bitch, and it ruins her whole day. Feminists assume that men think in the same way, so that's why they go for this sort of social warfare against men.

It kind of reminds me how people call Trump supporters "racist". We don't accept the premises behind this accusation, so the shame tactics don't work, but the left keeps thinking that if they call us racist another 476 times, maybe that's when we'll break down and cry over it like they would.

The left, and feminists in particular, really need to change up their tactics. We are invincible to their current strategy.
>men not being "real men" anymore?
I have mixed feelings about this. You admit that you have wanted sons. I too would like children, but that comes with a set of prerequisites. For example, the mother would have to be very emotionally and mentally stable, and she can't go fuck 87 black guys and then expect me to have children with her. I find that unattractive, and that is my prerogative. Feminists are the exact opposite of what I described. They are unfaithful, and they are emotional trainwrecks. They are often obese and they have ugly faces too. If they are going to act like that, then men are just going to toss them to the curb and just play video games. And you can't say that this is "modern" masculinity, or that it's "toxic" masculinity. It's just masculinity. Most guys don't want a woman who acts like that.

On the other hand, part of me agrees with the first 30 seconds of this video: youtube.com/watch?v=kvvCvACQ-gE

It's not men's faults, but I do think people need to start verbalizing why they're 30 and they still live with their parents, and they just play video games all day and aren't interested in women. We need be hard negotiators but make it clear why this is happening.

Because you enjoy it.

No, I despise it. Maybe you can say that most men enjoy being disposable servants, but I sure as hell don't.

>and they just play video games all day and aren't interested in women

Women are overly promiscuous, degenerate, and everything works in their favor. Men are expected to be perfect and adhere to our gender roles, while women are spoiled rotten to the core and get away with murder, basically. It's that simple. It's really, really, that simple.

You don't enjoy a pretty girl telling you what to do? Life is so big and filled with stressful choices. Why not just follow our every command?

I don't enjoy anyone telling me what to do. Besides, women test men by trying to boss them around, to see if we are going to hold our ground. Women are spoiled and worshiped enough, a "pretty girl" will not be able to gain one inch of leverage over me, I refuse to let them do it.

>You don't enjoy a pretty girl telling you what to do? Life is so big and filled with stressful choices. Why not just follow our every command?
The same could be asked in reverse to feminists. But then it would be "oh no, you're perpetuating the tradition gender roles you misogynist sexist racist, etc. etc."

> I refuse to let them do it.
Well, it's not up to you. Sooner or later you'll start craving it and you can't do a thing about it. Type all you want.

Yeah, I can see that. I'm no better. It's a human thing.

>Well, it's not up to you. Sooner or later you'll start craving it and you can't do a thing about it. Type all you want.

No, you're wrong. I control what I do, not you or anybody else. Type all you want, sperg, it won't happen. Kill yourself too if you get a chance.

Men are beta cucks for the vagina Jew.

Read the Bible.

Ok. Let me know when you stop needing to breathe as long as you're overcoming basic biological functions.

False equivalence. I have something called a "backbone", you're mistaking me for all the other men you've had to deal with in your life. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Agreed on all points.

Why do I play video games all day instead of chasing women?


>A REAL man works his ass off to support a woman, even if she's a lazy, dumb, insufferable cunt, because GURL YU DESERV THA BEST.

I'm not a MGTOW, just a holdout. I might never find a smart, kind, traditional values type of girl, but being alone is better than settling for some vapid slut.


>Why does western society allow women to have "equal rights", and special treatment?
Because equal rights is one of the highest ideals that human beings can aim for.
Special treatment is bullshit and an overcompensation for past inequalities.
>Why does western society expect men to worship and serve women, and put ourselves through hardships with no reward, just to please women?
Western society doesn't. Certain women do.
>Why are women in western society allowed to complain about mythical issues, yet men can't even vent about the pressures they face, and what is expected of us?
Everyone can complain about anything as long as their complaining does not infringe on other people's rights.
Men can vent about the pressures they face and what is expected of us, and we do, quite frequently. Look at any given thread on this site and you'll find some dude bitching about [insert thing here].
Stop asking stupid questions.

Thanks for typing it so I didn't have to

But "equal rights" and special treatment contradict each other.

>Western society doesn't. Certain women do.

Men are expected to be "real men" and serve women while not getting rewarded for it. We are expected to adhere to our gender roles while women do bad things and don't get punished for it and don't adhere to their gender roles.

>Men can vent about the pressures they face and what is expected of us
>and you'll find some dude bitching about
>Stop asking stupid questions.

Oh, so you say men are allowed to vent about the pressures we face and what is expected of us, then you yourself take issue with it. Makes perfect sense. You clearly have autism, and are unaware of the social climate.