ITT: Poorly describe vidya; anons guess

ITT: Poorly describe vidya; anons guess.

>Angel guy
>Top down becomes side scrolling becomes top down.

Attached: 1200px-NES-Console-Set.jpg (1200x652, 68K)

kid icarus. try harder

>femoid who jumps fights dragon and weird toothy fuckers

Wrong. You need to try harder.

Guess, FAGGOT. I'll clear it up a little

>the floaty tooth fuckers are pseudo jellyfish

Johnny Guitar


GTA San Andreas


>world ends on Oct. 1, 1997


>Gotta go a certain speed.

Legendary Wings

BOOM! Winner!

>House full of sluts
>Horrible acting
>Let them all get murdered's another one.

You're a popular pizza chain mascot and you bounce around on a pogo and collect slices of pizza

Yo! Noid!

For hard mode:

You're a dude who runs upside down in a 2D environment

FUck ya! Nicely done. tootal classic


Underrated comment

Any racing game ever?

Yes. I was being a fag.


>somehow possible to have FIFTEEN pet cats
> win cat food one bag at a time
>cat litter hadn't been invented in 1000 AD
>technically, the world ends FOUR TIMES


(HINT: Anti-(blank))

>take drugs or get rekt can't run upside down in the game, I recalled it incorrectly. On the cover, however, the main character is upside down.

>Fucking Greenland

I hate you.. what console?

Plague Inc.


NES. It has a metroid feel to it


>725 over-under shotgun

whatever could it be

Ding ding

gay colors, fat man tumble down, money

Rad Gravity?--

Attached: hfd.jpg (900x1200, 148K)

zelda 2

Adventures of Rad Gravity?


>2 funky aliens.

joetam and earl sweatshirt


>bust out of jail
>catch lightning bugs
>throw hands with mechanical marauders
>meet up with your bro


A way out?

>NPC gets shot in the neck with an arrow
>"Hello? Is someone there?"
>looks around for about 15 seconds
>"Huh. I guess it was my imagination."

Night Trap


A family of clones fight over some nuclear megazords

Lion with tuberculosis kidnapping people to buy mess for it.

We happy jew


>Find your radiated frog.


>villain is the main character's mother (sort of)

>skeleton attacks whenever you cross a bridge

Meds*, god I hate autocorrect

Some fag run through time save the world get fuck in the sequel

Snake eater?

Blaster Master


>vet kills Russian mafia

Ding ding ding! You won absolutely nothing!

Attached: 20191017_233509.jpg (1046x997, 333K)

Fallout NV? I'm going by songs that play

Any elder scrolls game

>3 "people" make choices separately together

Pokémon sun and moon?

>run around



Race the motorcycle. Create your own track.

Beat up thugs and a car. Oh my God!

Excite Bike


Street Fighter 2

Attached: car.gif (424x220, 389K)


Close but it was Final Fight

Attached: 04_Oh_My_God_Japan.jpg (359x274, 24K)

>redneck tries to save kidnapped gf
>every enemy feels like a boss fight

>guy takes drugs
>becomes stronger


Your magical self destroys a big building, with the help of your clever doggo

super mario bros?

Get baited

>Dying repeatedly
>Gigantic bosses

Bloodborne or Dark Souls

wrong decade, baited

Uh, sure, whatever.


You’re a cat but you don’t know you’re a cat

right decade at least

Professor laytons escape room murder mystery dating sim timetravel extravaganza

Anyone who doesn't pick Khajiit as their starting race

is that the one where you can date the murderers mother and have them abort the child through time?


Shadow of the Collossus

nigger how is shadow of the collossus in the same decade as smegmaman?
how about extra clarity
>giant letters make you stronger


ding ding ding ding, you get free dubs!

Acne boys ride hovercrafts directly into walls

You sell literal shit and progress further in the game to sell more expensive shit

Slime Rancher

>small mammal saves the day with help of various hairstyles