How do you deal with the crippling loneliness Sup Forums?
How do you deal with the crippling loneliness Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>gf is sleeping right next to me while I shitpost
We just watched Split and it sucked
I just watch Taxi Driver on repeat
40mg per day of Aropax lol
60% of the time, it works all the time.
>tfw you will never sort your life out
by joining Sup Forums discord channel?
I don't deal with it. I am an autistic NEET. I don't know shit about how anything works and my parent who works all the time expects me to just meme myself a license and job and whatever else. Lol if he dies I am fucked. I kinda hate him for not being a parent at all. I've always been home alone 6 days a week. Would a normal person just figure life out by themselves in such a situation? I bet even niggers would have better instincts than me.
I report and hide off-topic shitposting threads. It fills my heart with joy when they get deleted, or when they get pruned if hotpockets is asleep.
I try and find relatable movies to my situation that will inspire me. Whenever I post such a thread on Sup Forums it fails though. Also this thread will die as soon as I post this like most do.
this should cheer you up op
Tinder, alcohol and a whole lot of sleep. I like getting attached to potential gfs and then they usually leave me because I get too close then I start it over again. I haven't been the same since my ex left me
You never feel lonely when you have autism.
big if true
I just work alot to feel validated. I even go in on days I don't work to talk to fellow workers
I'm sleeping with one of the coworkers though. She stays back when I close and then we fuck in the store room.
normie pls go
>haha dude alcohol xD us depressed loners right, better drink alone am i right!!
Not one ounce of respect or sympathy for you pussies. Do something about it, stop whining. No one thinks you're cool for le drinking alone meme
the correct post
feels good tho
Meeting people in general
Fulfilling hobbies
so does shooting heroin you degenerate pathetic self-pitying fuck
how would you know
I retreat into movies, tv shows, and shiptoasting
>She stays back when I close and then we fuck in the store room.
That's neat, how did you fuck her in the first place? Always fantasize about fucking coworkers in the workplace but never happened desu
Drugs and alcohol has worked for me so far
chat online with people I'll never meet, drink, and call my mom once a week to let her know I havent killed myself
Was on that shit for three years, helped against some things but damn it makes you sluggish. Also made my dick limp. Currently on voxra instead, 10/10 would recommend
Stop being gay
>expired link
give me another one desu
>chat online with people I'll never meet
I did this everyday for five years straight. It's pure fucking cancer dude, stop doing it.
I had a sudden moment of clarity and deleted my skype/discord/twitch/snapchat etc and never looked back and never felt better.
The people you're talking to aren't real, they're just people you're imagining. They don't care about you either, and you don't care about them. It's cancer.
Watch my girlfriends video.
How pathetic and neet are you that you can't form a friendship online with someone and eventually meet them?
I've meet plenty of girls off of Sup Forums that I ended up meeting IRL and ended up fucking a couple of them and losing my virginity to one. Just because you're autistic and don't know how to use social media to better yourself doesn't mean it's 'fucking cancer', 'dude'.
You're racist because you've never been outside. Fuck off you monster.
>he lost his virginity to someone on Sup Forums
more details please
>How pathetic and neet are you that you can't form a friendship online with someone and eventually meet them?
I never claimed that was the case, retard
>I've meet plenty of girls off of Sup Forums that I ended up meeting IRL and ended up fucking a couple of them and losing my virginity to one.
That's not something to be proud of user. I did the same shit, banging some autistic r9k girl, and it's cancer.
>Just because you're autistic and don't know how to use social media to better yourself doesn't mean it's 'fucking cancer', 'dude'.
Work on your reading comprehension my man.
The people you talk to are made up people, because you don't know anything about them except what the choose to reveal. Everytime I've met one of my online """friends""" in real life, they've been very different from my perception of them. That's because you're talking to a fucking made up person you made yourself.
As far as meeting Sup Forums girls, it's sad. I banged one girl from r9k, with actual autism, and kinda regret it. The other Sup Forums girls I've met have all been really broken people: borderline, aspergers, past suicide attempts, etc. They're not really the people you should be giving the old pump-and-dump to.
It's pathetic to spend your time looking for friends online when you could be living your life, instead. I learned this lesson late, but better late than never. If you don't want to heed that advice and still thinks it's super cool to bang random r9k sluts with major issues and brag about it, it's up to you. I just wished someone told me what I wrote to myself years ago.
It doesn't count if you meet them on /soc/. I'd like some stories tho plz
>I did the same shit, banging some autistic r9k girl, and it's cancer.
Is this what happens when you become so detached from the world that you speak and think like this? What the fuck does "cancer" mean in this context?
Even grils on Sup Forums are total whores.
not him but
>get contact info from grill posters whenever they happen to pop up
>talk to them
>because they're sad lonely fucks with high sex drive due to years of porn addiction you'll eventually end up fucking if you're nearby
all there is to it, desu. wouldn't recommend it though. Meet girls IRL, fuck bar sluts, whatever.
>What the fuck does "cancer" mean in this context?
It's just shit. We didn't know or care about each-other. It's awkward, it's unfulfilling, it's meaningless. This is a girl I could never have as my girlfriend, or even see as a friend.
These dudes are lying. Nobody is meeting anybody on here.
>The other Sup Forums girls I've met have all been really broken people: borderline, aspergers, past suicide attempts, etc.
there are a lot of good women and girls outside,you're just focusing too much on the bad ones.
Embrace stoicism, work on yourself, lift, read go for walks.
you think you want a girl like that until you actually meet her. it's just a mess. you're most probably not good for them, either.
best reply so far
I want to believe you but I really can't
bro most women you meet will be like that. not because all women are whores and dumb but because there's a very small chance that you'll actually meet someone you'll connect with.
>work on yourself
Keep telling myself 'one day things will change, something will happen and everything will be okay'
I didn't think there existed fun girls i'd connect with until I started my uni class and started to pursue my hobbies. There's a lot of fun, interesting bro-tier women you didn't meet in high school and most certainly don't see online.
yeah, don't wallow in your own self pity or you'll die a miserable fuck without any accomplishments and a big bag of regret
Are these women attractive?
>work on yourself, as in don't wallow in your own self pity or you'll die a miserable fuck without any accomplishments and a big bag of regret
I met them on Sup Forums Sup Forums and /fa/. It was all through different sites with a Sup Forums group ( for example). Talked to them for years before eventually we met up at a show/theater. It's not hard if you have some basic understanding of people skills.
lol I'm not bragging. I still talk to a handful of those girls to this day because we formed great relationships that went past just dicking around on the Internet.
The thing with Sup Forums is it attracts a certain kind of person. I've formed good relationships with said girls because we could all bond in ways that I couldn't bond with normal people. They understood my issues and vice versa
Theyre all great people, and like a lot of the males on this site, they're just lonely and broken and looking for someone to connect with. I didn't pump and dump anything
Again, just because you're so bitter and cynical that you apparently can't find joy in making friends doesn't mean it's 'cancer'. You really sound like an angsty Sup Forumstard
Smoke regularly, get drunk by yourself.
Smoke dat KUSH
so lit lads christ
I haven't hung out with anyone IRL in 7 years
I got a gf. The only bad thing is that all she wants to do is watch Drop Dead Diva and thrillers. I tried showing her the Sopranos and she hated it. Not sure where to go from here, she's a 10/10 beauty queen chemist but her taste in music(new era pop-country) and films suck.
I inexplicably believe I'll come into a load of money or a great job one day, despite not making any effort.
I played outside all the time as a kid. I'm not racist. I just know what niggers are.
you sound like you unjusted yourself, can you tell me more about how you did this and what steps you took to getting real friends/girls etc
Physical or mental activity gets you out of your head, you can scoff but it is what it is
uh oh
I'm yet to see a stunning one but they're mostly somewhat cute. go on /soc/ face threads to get the idea
>They understood my issues and vice versa
dude just stop
>they're just lonely and broken and looking for someone to connect with
i'm of the firm belief that broken people drag eachother down
>Again, just because you're so bitter and cynical that you apparently can't find joy in making friends
I love making friends, I don't believe in making friends online after years of experience.
HOWEVER I did meet one of my best friends on /fit/, whom I've lived together with for weeks at the time and talk to everyday. He's an exception for the rule, I guess.
Although he was very different from what I though he would be, it worked out real well.
You're a retard.
cute kpop girls
it's kind of a long story and I have to be moving out. hit me up with some contact info and ill make an account and tell you desu, I wish someone had told me earlier
>tfw slowly drift from school friends
>they all have girlfriends and kids at this point
>didn't bother me because still hung out with best friend
>he gets gf
Well my social life is pretty much over now.
Work on yourself is a meaningless expression. Please don't use it again.
wait so you just met them through those groups, not through the boards themselves? or you met them on the boards and then mentioned your username in the group and moved the discussion there?
I can't say I've ever noticed a girl on Sup Forums and if I ever have it's unlikely I'd be able to get her information amidst all the 'tits or gtfo' or other such spam
get a gambling addiction, that's pretty social.
>wahh I take pride in wallowing in my own shit and I won't let anyone tell me not to!
I met some cute user chicks when I was in the Army and /soc/ was brand new. I would tripfag and post in the face threads. They're all crazy attention whores, emphasis on crazy. Stay away brah.
why "uh oh"?
I watch movies/shows/play vidya/read a book/
If that doesn't work, I fuck my girlfriend. If that doesn't work, I fuck someone else. If that doesn't work, I try going out with friends. If that doesn't work, I spend a lot of money of food, and eat it. That usually works.
Well, technically I'm talking about depression. But I feel like my depressed state is the default state so I don't know. I don't feel loneliness though
also why I'm replying to this it's not fucking television or film related.
I don't.
Iz u a niggah?
Being unironically racist/antisemetic/etc is a kind of weird trend on Sup Forums. I've been here a long time and people have always been spouting "lol niggers" and "jews control the banks and hollywood lmao", but unlike before, people seem to actually believe these things. kinda messed up desu
>arguing semantics for example has a Sup Forums group that I joined and made friends in. A movies community had a Sup Forums group that I did the same with. I didn't meet them DIRECTLY through Sup Forums, but I know they all browse the same boards as me and we had the same interests so it made it easy to talk.
We're still e-friends to this day and the Sup Forums poster is the only 'friend' I have who I can talk films with irl but she lives 6 hours away.
drugs, living in a mental fantasy, constant masturbation, video games, Sup Forums, masturbation, drugs, masturbation, video games, trying to forget, masturbation
a group that gets their joys from behaving like idiots will eventually get joined by idiots
-stephen colbert
I got friends and a girlfriend :^)
I've met a girl who uses Sup Forums on a dating website.
We saw each other twice, but she was so weird and depressed that i just said fuck it and stopped responding to her texts
I'm not like literally omg unironically racist, I'm like literally omg unironically prejudiced.
>Tfw 6'4, thick hair, and decent looking slav
I got all the faculties to be a raw nigga, guess I should work out or something
>not watching soul wrecking films to better understand and further dwelve into your isolated/abused/socially inept state
Embrace the negative emotions my dear friend, escapism is for the weak.
that's pretty much the type of person I'd expect to be on here yeah
cool email me your story or contact info or whatever when you have time; [email protected]
anyone else has any un-JUSTing tales they'd like to share feel free to do the same
Not everyone uses nigger to refer to all black people, dipshit. Maybe you should look more into the English language instead of treating words like they're poison to the touch.
If you use the nword you're a racist. No sense in being fedoracore about it.
>Talked to them for years before
fucking stalker
just go to a bar and bang a local slut
>all this fuckers claiming they fucked multiple girls from Sup Forums
I go to this god forsaken site everyday for atleast 7 years now and I'm still not sure if I ever talked to an actual female here.
by not watching films
what are these images called? i've seen chad ones and slutty girl ones
you got to actively look for them to be fair
how pathetic do you have to be to actively search for girls on Sup Forums lmao
yeah that's what I wrote earlier in the thread. It's pathetic, it's a waste of time, don't do it.