The ties that he did include were full of plotholes and almost entirely ruined the continuity of the OT. He can't write his way out of a paper bag.
>turn on episode 3
>le coughing robot jedi
>turn off it
>Cut a scene explaining the foundations of the rebel alliance to focus on Anakin
>Cut scenes that gives focus to Anakin.
Either fake or Lucas is a mad man.
The third one was a good idea
What do you mean?
Go watch those movies. Every link to the OT is screwed up to the point where they might not even be the same series.
Can you give an example? I just rewatched TPM, AOTC and ROTS over the past 3 days.
Leia claims to remember her real mother in Ep. 6. In Ep. 3, she was just born when she was shipped to the Organas.
Obi Wan doesn't remember ever owning any droids when he reunites with C3PO and R2D2.
They had to remove Vader's eyebrows in the re-edits of Ep. 6 to accommodate for Anakin getting burned in Ep. 3.
Obi Wan was supposed to be trained by Yoda, yet they shoehorned Liam Neeson in there to evoke some first draft of the first star wars that never saw the light of day.
Sheev calls the lightsaber a jedi weapon and is never seen with one, yet he uses one liberally in the prequels.
And so on.
Episode 3 isn't that bad desu
I'm more interested in what they cut from TPM and AOC
Thank god he didn't cut out Bigger Luke.
That's a big luke.
Relative to Han, perhaps.
Holy fucking shit I've seen everything.
>Leia claims to remember her real mother in Ep. 6. In Ep. 3, she was just born when she was shipped to the Organas.
She's talking about her adoptive mother
>Obi Wan doesn't remember ever owning any droids when he reunites with C3PO and R2D2.
He didn't
>They had to remove Vader's eyebrows in the re-edits of Ep. 6 to accommodate for Anakin getting burned in Ep. 3.
Only an autist would care about that
>Obi Wan was supposed to be trained by Yoda, yet they shoehorned Liam Neeson in there to evoke some first draft of the first star wars that never saw the light of day.
Yoda trains all Jedi, he never said he was literally his apprentice
>Sheev calls the lightsaber a jedi weapon and is never seen with one, yet he uses one liberally in the prequels.
I'm not sure you know what "liberally" means, and it is a Jedi weapon
So basically you're not able to come up with any relevant example to support what you said
>She's talking about her adoptive mother
No, she's talking with Luke about their real mother.
>He didn't
He was very familiar with them.
>Only an autist would care about that
Are you calling Lucas an autist?
>Yoda trains all Jedi, he never said he was literally his apprentice
Obi Wan says it himself.
So you clearly don't remember anything about either trilogy, I'll stop replying now.
not him but Leia talks about her mother's face, and remembered her being sad a lot. Her mother's face wouldn't be important unless she only knew her for a short while.
And Obi Wan should have definitely recognized R2D2 after playing such a big part in the prequels.
>No, she's talking with Luke about their real mother.
You don't know that.
>He was very familiar with them.
>Are you calling Lucas an autist?
>Obi Wan says it himself.
Obi-Wan NEVER said he was Yoda's direct padawan.
>not him but Leia talks about her mother's face, and remembered her being sad a lot. Her mother's face wouldn't be important unless she only knew her for a short while.
autism intensifies
>In the previous versions, Anakin had myriad reasons for turning to the dark side, one of which was his sincere belief that the Jedi were plotting to take over the Republic
I wish they kept that
>>Lucas had previously promised fans that he would explain the mystery behind the erasure of the planet Kamino from the Jedi Archives.[12] However, Lucas abandoned this plot thread in order to devote more time to Anakin's story, leaving the matter unresolved on film
Count Dooku did it. It's pretty heavily implied.
Definitely. These "fandoms" are usually rife with autism.
It should've been the only thing. Darth Vader should never say the word "Padme."
>lol just turn off you're brain!!
They filmed it. It's a deleted scene.
No shit.