User I need you to lose 50 lbs

user I need you to lose 50 lbs.

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Why does he call him "semen"?

is the second part of steven still not uploaded?


Steven is one of those people who should just die.

Steven is a fucking alpha you pussy

>your dad will never pay for you to start a shit-tier hobby shop

yeah a guy who plays with his own shit is alpha

sure bud

I want in on the memes

what show is this and what episodes have the guy who won't share pizza with his dad and the muh legs guy


shut the fuck up bitch

t. Steven

>Steven keeps getting food and shit even though he's too fucking big to get his own food
How fucking hard is it to
>Empty his fucking fridge
>Replace the phone he uses to call delivery with a 911 emergency only caller
>Only give him his daily meals
Make it even better-give him his days worth of food all in the morning. He'll burn through it in one hour and have to go the rest of the day hungry, until he learns his fuckin lesson.
Or, maybe only give him a meal so long as he does some exercise.
Shit, I should be a doctor for this shit. It's too easy.

The mirror scene was brutal.
>"come with me"
>[takes Steven to a room with a huge mirror in it]
>"Look in the mirror".
>"Look what you have done to yourself"

>a 911 emergency only caller

He'll just call 911 all day asking them to bring him food and telling lies about his caretakers to get them in jail.

then i'd way less than 100 lbs
that doesnt seem healthy

i just watched it on one of the online streaming sites.

i would post a link but i'd probably get banned.

just search google for my 600lb life episodes online free

How's this show doing ratings-wise anyone know?

The show is honestly very well directed and edited. The cinematography is a bit plain though.

>The cinematography is a bit plain though.

A sign of dominance, Dr. Now needs is showing Semen that he's in charge.

>"Keep looking at yourself"
>"Look at your body"
>"Look at your stomach"
>"Look at your leg, swollen and gray"
>"It looks like an Elephants leg"
>"It doesn't look human any more"

Fucking Based Doc

his dad was the one ordering him the pizzas.

delivery drivers don't take food stamps.

his dad enabled the fuck out of him, and steven is a sociopath. he manipulates the fuck out of everyone to get what he wants which is drugs and food.

thank god they finally instituted that system to track prescriptions in texas or he would have gone on doing that forever probably.

>it's a "brocoli doesn't taste good" episode
man i love boiled brocoli so much and I've been memed into not liking it for 26 years

>ordered 10 pizzas
>Lost £50
That was easy dr no

broccoli + cream is the GOAT

tfw i've never tried broccoli
My parents always cooked the same ten goddamned instant meals
I'm on my own and it's the only goddamned thing I know to cook
Even now that I've learned how to boil a few vegetables I never do it because it's easier to toss something in the microwave

my god that store looked so pathetic it was sad.

literally like 4 shelves with a few items and the rest of the space was practically empty.

what the fuck was up with that 50 year old woman too that was supposed to be one of his friends. that shit was bizarre.

My 600lb Life

The doctor is quite chubby.

tfw poor eastern euro who grew up on a farm
tfw ate self grown food because it was all we could afford

being poor has its benefits it seems


>even the anti-fat doctors are fat

That's Murrika for you

>his dad was the one ordering him the pizzas.

I bet Justin ordered him some pizzas too, just to make sure Steve would never return to Rhode Island.

Remember how Justin flipped his shit on the phone in episode 2 because his dad wasn't around to enable him?

it sucks that you can't ever use that joke in bongland because you guys measure your weight in stone

he looks about 70, not surprised desu

Is it about some fat guy who defeats everyone who wants to keep food away from him or is it about somebody pestering new fat people every week?

He needs to host some game events there to lure in customers. Also he had fuck all for sale. I've seen smaller game stores with more shit than that one. I suppose he needs room to move around the store without his blubber knocking every game off the shelves.

yeah it does. i'm an upper middle class american dude (not the dude you're replying to) and my mom couldn't cook. we either ate microwaved shit or ordered out. the only time we actually had a home cooked meal was thanksgiving and christmas.

At least our TV bariatric surgeon doesn't look certifiably insane like Britain's

>Hello, user, how are you?

getting him kicked out of the program would most likely get him back in RI though. what point would he have to stay in texas where he literally knows nobody if he's not even in dr. now's program anymore.

justin has his own issues though. i was trying to google to see if there were any updates on their conditions and i saw that justin did an AMA on reddit a few days ago. he said that he couldn't say anything about him or his brother's current weight or health status because of legal reasons (which must be bullshit right?) but he talked about his hobby shop and everybody kept telling him what a great dude he seemed like and not at all like his brother.

justin was just as much a manipulative cunt as steven was he just was a lot more shy and unassertive so it seemed like he was nice and laid back. he kept blaming steven for all his family's problems but he was just as manipulative on that phone call and he obviously uses his dad the same way steven uses him to get him what he wants.

why the fuck would you have to close the store for an entire week because your dad's not there? you can't drive yourself or take a cab? fucking bizarre dysfunctional family.

How the fuck can you not cook? Nigga just put some chicken and rice on the pen, bam! You've got food

>when steven gets nervous and squirms when the doctor calls him out on the painkillers
that was so great. it was like 29 subscriptions from 17 different doctors, holy shit

meanwhile my last hospital trip i couldn't get jack shit and treated me like a criminal after getting stitches

I don't think I have a big enough pen for that.

i'm in recovery and i was amazed by that shit too. i guess he has a legitimate medical reason but still doctors are much better these days at spotting junkies looking for a quick fix.

steven is smarter than he looks though and he knows all the tricks. notice how he says his pain is an 8 or above every time he goes to the emergency room and when they look at his fucking legs they can't not give him the meds even if he's smiling and giggling while he says he's in uncontrollable pain.

i'm still not sure if that golf cart incident was on purpose or he tried to take advantage of it to get another trip to the hospital and milk the system again for more meds.
the dude is fucked up to the point where someone needs to take him out back and shoot him

Who /Cuestión de Peso/ here?

but true upper class and middle class know how to cook or at least thats how it is in the UK.
i wouldn't even regard someone as middle class unless they ate homemade meals



>getting him kicked out of the program would most likely get him back in RI though

Yeah, but Steve succeeding in the program likely means that he'd be moving back into the house in RI as a less obese NEET. Justin benefits from Steve being too fat to live in a normal setting. For Justin the ideal is having Steve in some kind of hospitalization forever.

justin definitely benefits from having steven away. since steven is the more manipulative of the two, having him out gives justin more attention and more wiggle room to milk his dad

It was definitely not an accident. You could see the cart severely tipping even when they went up the small incline toward the parking lot. It's not unreasonable that a larger curb threw him off. Whether he acted adequately I can't tell. I think he just acts like a child, he's more afraid/shocked than in pain.

And this is the best pic I could take of the actual falling off. You can see the golf cart is basically flying.

Where can I watch full episodes?

>why the fuck would you have to close the store for an entire week because your dad's not there? you can't drive yourself or take a cab?
Justin is too fat and useless to rune the store by himself. I'm sure his supply of clean clothes and tendies were also running out and he was panicking about when his enabler would get back. He thought that Steven being in TX meant that he'd have a monopoly on him, but instead he's finding out that it means that there are times when dad is stuck in TX doing shit.

Go to google
Type "my 600lb life streaming free"
Try one of the links
Click the right things


you could see though that the fall wasn't that hard and it was on grass.

i don't know if he planned the fall itself, but he definitely wasn't seriously hurt from it, as was evidenced by what we saw later when his father finally grew a pair and told him to cut the shit.

What are the best episodes? And by best I mean the ones where the person fails the most.

How much do you weight Sup Forums?


Yeah, I agree with that. But as I said, I think he was more frightened than hurt. Although it's hard to tell with 800lb people. I just can't believe that at that moment he thought "wait I can get more pills out of this".

A muscular 210lb.

Their old man must either be fucking loaded or he mortgaged literally everything he has.

>two NEET planetoids to feed
>rent on at least two places, possibly their home

i weighed myself a couple days ago and was at 168lb at 5'10

>justin has his own issues though. i was trying to google to see if there were any updates on their conditions and i saw that justin did an AMA on reddit a few days ago. he said that he couldn't say anything about him or his brother's current weight or health status because of legal reasons (which must be bullshit right?)
Steven has gotten the bypass but also says he cannot comment on specifics. I don't think it's BS. I'm sure they at least plan on wanting the option for an update episode.

> but he talked about his hobby shop and everybody kept telling him what a great dude he seemed like and not at all like his brother.
I was never very big on the Reddit vs. Sup Forums culturewar that prevails, but that was sickening to me. It's as though reddit rejoices and celebrates when they see weakness and they mistake it for virtue. Justin is not virtuous, he just realizes that playing the victim on TLC is his best move.

speaking as a recovering addict, that's exactly what he was thinking. when you're as bad off in addiction as someone like steven was (you saw that list of scrips that dr. now pulled out at the end) you're ALWAYS thinking about when you're getting your next fix.

95 kg

justin said on the reddit AMA that steven's disability covered most of the rent for his apartment in houston but that his dad still had to cover some of his prescriptions and stuff as well as food when he ran out of food stamps (i assume he ran out of them very quickly).

i'm sure they got money from TLC as well. you don't give a tv station unfettered access into your life for an entire year unless you're getting paid decently,

>He needs to host some game events there to lure in customers
He used to host games but he quit doing that.

>it feels great not having steven around, i am more calm and relaxed until he calls obviously. i used to have a board game night (not monopoly) which help me socialize but i had to stop doing them because it turns out the people i was "friends" with turned out being bad people


>bad people
yeah i'm callin bullshit. this dude could benefit having any friends at this point

The father has impeccable dress sense fa as fuck

I suspect that by bad people justin means, people over whom I cannot assert my will because I'm an autistic beta

strongfat currently (down from just fat fat)

wait so is there going to be part 3?


>days worth of food all in the morning. have to go the rest of the day hungry
>tfw this is your life because your a cheap wannabejoo


princess dont go please

i don't know. seeing him with that weird 50 year old woman who was basically a mother figure was pretty fucking strange. i wouldn't be shocked if it turned out something was off with her.

it was hilarious to see everybody talking about how much they loved him on that AMA though and what a great guy he seemed like. he might not be as bad as his brother, but he's got a lot of fucking issues.

Looking at his userID is a reasonable source of info.

Things I've learned so far.
>There is not a 3rd episode in the works at this point, yet he's still under contract and can't discuss too much in detail.

>There is a deleted question that Justin answers with only the word "straight". I would think this question had to do with Steven's sexuality.

>Dr. Now is nice

>The store is doing better but he "can't wait until it's out of the red"

>He's not getting the help he should: as of right now i am calm and remain calm and clear headed until steven calls, at this time i don't want to seek help with my ptsd, social anxiety, paranoia and severe depression, maybe in the future

>He claims to be working on his weight but also seems not to be involved with the help Dr. Now offered or a similar program: if i was to seek help i would want to do it on my own time and keep it private, its not something i want to do with cameras around or the fear of cameras being around

He did get a celebrity doctor. But yeah I'm sure he was payed as well.

55kg 5'8

How do you know Steven got the gastric bypass. I don't really believe it. You got a source for that?

Looked it up, it already has 5 seasons. I'm guessing /our guys/ show up in the fifth season.


>ptsd, social anxiety, paranoia and severe depression

The kid is doomed if he blames his eating habits on all these self diagnosed mental illnesses

According to some post Steven made somewhere, he's been stuck in Texas since the show because TLC won't pay the costs for transporting him back to Rhode Island.

Whether that's true or just more bullshit from Steven, I don't know.

>taxpayers bow to Assanti
>in contact with delivery drivers
>possesses gourmand-like abilities
>controls Justin with an iron but flabby fist
>orders Pizza Hut & Chinese food globally
>direct descendant of the ancient welfare food line
>was kicked out of his first hospitals by eating Mars candy (Twix got him kicked out of the first hospital)
>owns 99% of BLT eating research facilities on Earth
>first designer medical beds will in all likelihood be Assanti beds
>said to have 215+ BMI, such mass on Earth has only existed deep in the planet core & Area 51
>ancient Indian menus tell of one large angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an order of several meals and unprecedented legal action with him
>owns Pizza Huts Pizza Buffets around the world
>you likely are paying for Assanti's food right now
>Assanti is in regular communication with the Archangels Papa John and McDonald, forwarding his delivery order to the his hospital room. Who do you think set up the meeting between the delivery man and the Hospital staff (First meeting between the two organisations in over a few minutes) and arranged the pizza guy's first trip to his bed in minutes, and literally a few moments later to pick up some more pizzas for dinner?
>learned fluent pathological dishonesty in under a week
>nation states entrust their fat reserves with Assanti. There’s no fat in the starving, only Assanti
>Assanti is about 3 decades old, from the mass-gravity reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>in reality, he is a short-lived being existing in all points of his house and his room, from the big bed to the end of the pizza boxes. We don’t know his ultimate plans yet. We hope he doesn't sue.

169 down from 215 in august

fat kino changed my life

thanks for the rundown

But if you do it that way they will just regain the weight as soon as the show finishes. They need to learn self control or it's all pointless. Unless you put them into 24/7 care in some kind of mental hospital for the rest of their lives.

heh steven's so fat he has his own universe

How do you lose weight? Exercise has been shown to have not much effect.

So how do you even do it without surgery?

eat less?

What do you mean by 'exercise has been shown to have not much effect'?