You broke him

You broke him.

Other urls found in this thread:

literally whom?

It's like pottery, it rhymes

He was the Adolf Hitler of our generation so it is okay.


He doesn't look broken. Just eating his breakfast noodles in peace.

Is blm co-opting a goiter convention?

No. He chose his own destiny.

what the fuck was he even doing?

a billionaire eating quietly among the common people, I can respect that

How many different flannel shirts do you think he owns?

No, (((they))) did.

He was just going about his business. People's attention tends to get drawn to anything unusual like a person walking backwards to film a shlub on the sidewalk.

>thinks all plaid shirts are flannel.

He broke himself

He cheers up toward the end but he looks so sad in the first pic.

He's not used to live actors

The Diet Coke is really helping, George.

We may have gone a little far in some places.

At least it prevents him from becoming the next boogie2988

this was taken in adelaide right? I wonder what he was doing in Australia.

>and a DIET Coke, please

I miss George so much

You really start appreciating something once you lose it

Fucking kek

The stroke

There's a Sumo Salad right behind him

good. fucker deserves it.


>get unhealthy meal
>b-but I got a diet coke too!

Amerifats, eretim.

May aswell post it

Good, he broke my childhood. I hope you choke on that pasta, you fat fuck.

Normal coke tastes like shit. Diet Coke tastes good. Simple as that.

It's like an economic uncreative God eating filth amongst us mere wagecucks, why does he do that?

Marcia broke him.

>George Lucas camerabombing people

Shut up mudslime

I can't put to words just how much I hate RedditLetterMedia. Their extremely ignorant views of filmmaking. Literally promoting "just turn off my brain" culture. Viciously attacking geniune creators because you're so much of a self-centered fucking faggot you can't deal with anything being different diverging from your safe space.

I would throw rocks if I ever saw this faggot IRL.

I live in Adelaide, a lot of celebrities come here because it's so quiet and out of the way. I met Black Francis in a record store a week before George showed up in the papers, and one of the lesser Baldwins has a house in my suburb.

Why are these threads always so bad and why does op keeping making them

not him

>white new balance

Every time.

>famous person goes to the mall
>"hmm, I'm hungry, I think I'll hit the food court and get something to eat"
>sits down, eats efficiently, sees someone taking a picture but doesn't make a fuss
>leaves with hunger satisfied
>"that was a nice meal"

>*internet the next day*
>"omg look at him, he's so lonely, does he know people hate him, what a sell-out, look what we've reduced him to"
This planet sickens me.

They're Nikes.

>They're Nikes.

But they are Nikes so it's a stupid post.

I wonder what questions she has

Because he was hungry? Stupid bitch.

> I should consume even more energy/sugar on top the meal because reasons

He has billions of dollars, shut the fuck up.

I'd rather be depressed with 4 billion dollars than be happy and broke.

>Wealth > Happiness
ODing on that goy pill I see.

I quite like that food court

Really miss adelaide in general

Everything I grew up with is falling apart. Lucas, Spielberg, Michael Jackson is dead. Face it, the 80's were the last great decade while the 90's were only decent. Since 2000 everything has turned to shit!!!FACT!!!

I'm always depressed anyway so can I just have the 4 billion and see if it helps

Yep. Could travel the world. Go anywhere, do anything, fuck exotic women across the globe. You'd have to be a loser to not be able to enjoy that sort of wealth!!!FACT!!!

same 2bh

Can someone please explain this meme to me. Who is that guy?

You are an absolute retard.
I am depressed. I also have 4 billion dollars. I want to be involved in a film project / fund a director I respect deeply to follow his artistic vision. Done.

I want to go on vacation and live in either stunning comfort or utter squalor, and I want to bring my friends with me. Done.

I want to start a company. Done.

I want to loose weight. Done.

I want my hair back. Done.

I want to quit this habit I know is bad for me. Done.

I want to sleep with that pornstar. Done.

I want to make sure my family is safe and well provided for and return ten fold what my parents did for me. Done.

The biggest problem you run into with large amounts of wealth is dealing with / meeting people who view you entirely as something other than them. Being able to find friends or colleges or even servants who respect you as yourself utterly distinct from your money and treat each other as peers with mutuality is the hardest part. You can just live as a normal person, with your family in absolute comfort, work whatever job you want to, whenever you want to, simply as a small form of direction, and dedicate everything else to pet projects.

Do not act, for a fucking second, that 80% of your problems would be solved by 4 billion dollars.

Isn't it fucking terrifying that you can have this much money and still end up a fat ugly piece of shit in a food court looking depressed?

If you didn't know who he was he'd just look like some loser grandpa.

Would not be solved*


>money doesn't buy happiness

there are two people who say this

poor people
rich people who want to sound humble/down to earth

No. In your scenario you have chosen to be unhappy. None of those things would make you happy because in the very conditions you laid out you are wealthy, but unhappy. Even if your only problem was unhappiness itself (i.e. depression) that's all you would ever know. By contrast, if you were poor and happy then you'd be fine. You'd be optimistic, it'd be water off a duck's back, you wouldn't have regrets. So either you didn't think about it properly, or you didn't understand the premise.

I don't have 4 billion dollars but I have money for whatever I need and you'd be surprised how many problems money doesn't solve.

Why do billionaires dress like complete retards

I imagine it's the same kind of feel Hitler would have felt in a cage in the Moscow zoo.

>Broke = happiness
Jesus fucking Christ, how irresponsible.

I guess he feels he has no need to impress anyone and those clothes are comfortable.

>That second panel

Gooooood. Good.

shut the fuck up

all of my problems would be solved with 4 billion dollars ... i dont give a fuck about people who want to be arouund me cause i dont want to be around them

id live a life in comfy solitude and shitpost on Sup Forums and take a few of my sportscars out for a ride whenever i want to you stuupid FUUCK

Realistically, and speaking from coming out of the other side of depression and thinking I can feel it slipping back up on me slowly now, Depression can be solved by: A personal trainer to force you to exercise daily, spending time in a sunnier climate, cooking very tasty, successful meals on a regular basis, feeling like you helped someone else, being able to act on the random impulses you sometimes get during your upswings, changes of pace and environment. 4 Billion dollars can do alot of that.

What money CAN'T do, is true love, and stop you or someone else from dying.

Because business is more important. Think of all the money you can make by not spending your energy trying to look impressive to people.

your argument is just as weak

you're comparing a person who is depressed in spite of his wealth against a person that is happy despite of his destitution

fact of the matter is though is that wealth provides safety and opportunity, in the end the prospects of the depressed wealthy person are objectively better in the long run in terms of overall happiness

George Lucas is probably one of the worlds happiest men.

Star Wars was never that important to him. It was all just problem solving. He made ever more ridiculous scene ideas so that he could work out how to make it work on film.

The man grew up expecting to be a car mechanic and became a film mechanic instead.

Star Wars is not his lifes work. Skywalker Ranch, LucasFilm and ILM are. After the first film the rest of the Star Wars movies were just funding projects for his real businesses.

not him but depression is an illness, if anything proper therapy and medication will do more than anything you described

which is, again, more accessible to the wealthy

Yes, but in the premise the two things are mutually exclusive. In any case, I'm sure that 4 billion could make most people happy. I can understand Lucas feeling a bit depressed though, assuming that he does. His entire life amounts to Star Wars, and now it's no longer his. I should think the novelty of obscene wealth is long-since past.

No. The premise is either/ or. It's that simple. If you pick wealth, you can never be happy. If you pick happiness, you can never be wealthy. That is the binary decision. I'm not making an argument, I'm just explaining this very simple choice. If you can use the wealth to become happy then it's no choice at all, and not the one that was outlined.

>Literally promoting "just turn off my brain" culture

That's one of the things they don't care for when it comes to movies. Even if the movie is a big dumb action flick they still want some substance.

>Star Wars was never that important to him.

this is a retarded statement

of course Star Wars is important to him, it's his entire legacy

what the fuck is this cockswing revisionist bullshit before me

I guess. I just like dressing well. he could at least look like shit In stuff that's not Walmart tier clothes.

It takes like 5 minutes to get dressed. The guy is well groomed. He just wears shit straight off the target clearance rack

Interesting. It definitely felt like at some point he just did the math and realized if he cranked out a bunch of new Star Wars crap he would be a gazillionaire. I highly doubt he was passionate about telling that compelling pod racing story at 50 years old.

anyone has the George Lucas poet/director pic?

>No. The premise is either/ or. It's that simple. If you pick wealth, you can never be happy. If you pick happiness, you can never be wealthy. That is the binary decision. I'm not making an argument, I'm just explaining this very simple choice. If you can use the wealth to become happy then it's no choice at all, and not the one that was outlined.

I understand the premise, I'm just saying that it's faulty bullshit

I've seen literally 0 people say it in earnest I give any actual credence to. It's a fallacy.

Causes he's fucking rich, doesn't have to work a day in his life, was out to the mall because why the fuck not and got hungry.

There's no deeper message coming from this.

>It takes like 5 minutes to get dressed. The guy is well groomed. He just wears shit straight off the target clearance rack

Yes it does take 5 min to get dressed and once again they don't have time to think about style when there's money to be made.

I hate pills and therapy. Those things always helped me, the only barrier to them was getting up in the morning or leaving the house, and if you can hype yourself up to get through those two things in order to complete those tasks like a human, for 6 months, you just end up not feeling depressed, you feel normal. I'm not saying it's easy, but I'm saying with 4 billion - $4,000,000,000- dollars, employing someone to hold your hand through doing those things is possible, employing a chef to teach you to cook is possible, employing a personal trainer to pick you up and take you to a gym is possible.

So then the original person was just saying
>I wish I was rich. I'd likely be happier than I am now
Well, no shit. What a revelation.

He tried living the high life. But people wouldn't accept him. No he's come to acknowledge the piece of shit white trash he is and hopes people will give him attention in real life.

They are geniune idiots and Disney shills at that.

Fuck all of them. If I lived in the area, I would trash their faggot ass studio.

How about read the rest of my post or better yet the book The Secret History of Star Wars. It's a pdf easily available online and it's fucking fascinating reading.

Lucas's priority 1 has ALWAYS been creating LucasFilm to revolutionize how movies are made specifically so his buddies like Coppola and Spielberg avail of better production facilities.

Star Wars took everyone by surprise and he just rolled with it when by ROTJ people were treating him like some genius prophet. By ROTJ he was barely involved with the movie.

>white trash
Go away shitskin. Steal another truck or two to ram people over.

But that doesn't make sense. He still obviously takes time to buy clothing or someone does for him. My point is that it takes the same amount of time to put on something nice. It's his wardrobe that's the problem.

wonder if George likes to occasionally browse these threads, see what people think about him

Some depression is an illness, and some depression is the result of how your life is. They like to tell you that any time you don't feel happy it's a chemical imbalance but that's horseshit. I struggled with it for years but then I had some experiences that untangled the fucked up shit in my thoughts and it got better. That's better than pills.

They only say that when a movie is being marketed to a wide audience. Usually trying to go for a general audience means you gotta do stuff a certain way so people figure out what the fuck is going on i.e Star Wars. Also if they're Disney shills, why'd they bash the fuck out of Rogue One and constantly mock the whole Marvel movies are never gonna end shitck? They might like some of them but they know why they exist.

The idea that genuine depression can simply be brute-forced away is a long and tired discussion frankly. Personally I think it can for some people but a lot, not so much.

I will check out that book actually.

I wish that was the case with me. Depression runs in my family and it's only gotten worse with age for me. I'm 30 and I'm at the point where forcing it out is a moot idea, and I've started to use medication.

because hating Star Wars made them famous.

When they gave TFA a positive review they lost alot of credibility so they rectified that by shitting on the easily superior Rogue One.

Guys. He could do anything he wanted. ANYTHING he wanted.

Okay. Lets say he wants to make a film. And lets say he would finance it himself. And let's also say he doesn't give a shit about advertising it. He could provide internships during the production to like a dozen up and coming directors, cinematographers, screen writers etc etc. He could employ the best of the best from them to learn from. And because he doesn't give a fuck about advertising it (like he said "they're just for me"), he could spend 100Million dollars on each project. He could do that TEN times, and only be 25% deep in his net worth. If he is sad he let go of StarWars, he shouldn't have done it in the first place if it meant that much to his identity.

If he had no plans for the billions of Dollars he would be receiving, he should not have sold it. He could pick any script, any novel, any play, any historic event. He could bring back the old practical effect Epics with only extras and dump half a billion dollars of his own money in to it and not really care if he made any of it back. If he lacks vision, or appetite, fine. He could just be a super comfy old guy like everyone else dreams about and spend the next 15 years cementing a set-in-stone empire for his line to inherit.

>They only say that when a movie is being marketed to a wide audience
Which is still fucking stupid. They are the manchildren promoting Hollywood's ever decreasing heterogenity in favor of the same three recycled scripts over and over again. A mainstream movie doesn't need to follow a set pattern. Hell it should be applauded when they dare step out of this safe zone.

Fuck them. Fucking ass manchildren shills.


>and a diet coke
every time