Rekt thread

>Rekt thread

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Typical Saturday night for me

give them an oscar

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that doggo is my new hero...

There go the shoes. Why do people always come out of their shoes when they get hit?

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kek, she would have been fine if that guy hadn't of doused her flaming gasoline. I wonder if he still got her number





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some girl waves a little knife around and this beta white needs to shoot her in the fucking face what a coward

It's probably related to their position, trying to stand on their feet and the huge forces that the cars apply on the rest of the body. Similar to how you could get your shoe pulled off by someone else.

bit l8 m8

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It's true that he could've told her to stand still while pointing her, but I hope you aren't suggesting that he battled her unarmed.

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Fuck off you degenerate sympathizer

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>crazy person threatens another person with a knife
>he instructs her to leave (obvious by his hesitation in picking up the gun and hand motions)
>crazy refuses to leave
>he shoots them
ThE mAnS a CoWaRd

this video is way sped up also. people dont move like that

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Get the fuck out.

Fake & Gay

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kek, probably got away with that too, just claim sheer panic fight or flight. Nicely done :^)


Excellent timming bro :)

I guess its still just being a contrarian even if you're forcing it
Points for saying white to guarantee retard replies I guess

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


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shit my kitchen is on fire better shake the source of it


fuckin LOST

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this isn't a ylyl thread you fucking faggot fuck

kek u sure showed that clown well done user

also dubs, checkd

epic ownage my guy

1 word beginning with a


Kek user you are the hero we needed

got em

get out chad ree

are you alright in the head?

you showed him!

Actually died in a cool looking way.

Holy fuck dude, you got his ass

so Alpha!

Why are non-whites so incapable of even the smallest of tasks? It's no wonder their countries are nearly always shitholes.

the fate of the western world is in safehands with people like you around my man

this is the coolest thing I have read this week.

tell that to tunisia

Shut the fuck up you faggot

holy fu this is now a rekt thread

You're an inspiration to me!

What a fucking spastic lmao.

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Why are people praising this comment?
It's not funny not is it a witty response

floor status: wiped

that's discomforting

My dog does this sometime in the middle of the night, first time I saw it I thought a tiny demon doing that creepy twitch thing they do in the movies so I threw his brother at him. Now I just look at him in disappointment when I catch him in the act

I wish you were my freind.

Attached: ASSassins_Creed_Faggothood.webm (352x240, 1.67M)

some people go for lame copypasta to make a point but not you, you just went straight for the jugular & reigned supreme.

to you user, i say a blessed thank you.

It's sarcasm you knob

I just can't get the image out of my head of this poster wearing sunglasses & sipping a victory beverage. Anyone else feel something similar?

what a fucking faggot ass nigger sucking Jew worshiping Pussy ass mother fucking dick sucker. KYS You little bitch. I wish I was standing in front of you right now so I could record the amazing action of killing you myself and adding you to this thread. Forever remembered as the virtue signaling faggot who met his end and passed around for our amusement.

Poor police work. Should have stayed behind shield

what a lame comeback, you should see:
for tips, embarrassing work dude

Did... Did he just pull a knife out of his ass?

a Legit Snuff Film?

Well done sir, you really showed him.

no it was his shit... idiot

High mouse sensitivity.

That uh, seems to be accurate. The things you see on this site.

Wow op.

to the point
no messing around

What the fuck.

Yeah I don't think so bub

k homophobe

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>hadn't of


Yeah the writers got lazy, hate when they do this kinda shit


Marina Nagasawa on the right i love her. Those titties and that cute face

What is this thread


Sup Forumsusiness as usual

Human death is sacred, how dare you oppose the end result of ALL life.

not all death is a result of murder

therefore your point is invalid. back to plebbit!

Yes it does, it's just a fuckin knife you little baby. She had an entire torso to shoot first before the god damn head.

What a checkmate to that faggot
good job user

burn the coal pay the toll

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Dear god I wanna suck your dick

I would want to reverse over him as well.
cunt got what he deserved. hope he got fucked for life.

what was he trying to do? weird.

Methheads might not go down with a torso shot, better safe than sorry...

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