Oil and butter

>oil and butter
>that much fucking cheese

Other urls found in this thread:


Ironically, the only unhealthy thing there is the bread.

that was whole wheat it would be muy delicioso.

also why does this webm trigger people so, it's up there with Vin and Rock standing side by side

It's that time of the day to trigger Sup Forums

One down

What a pretentious fucker

>white bread

to this day this is the only thing that has unironically made me reee

You think that high yellow sheet of plastic americans call "cheese" is healthy?

That's exactly what he was inferring.

>American """""""cuisine"""""""""

I think you should reread the post you're replying to.

>Yet another thinly veiled Jack thread

Wouldn't that be really oily and unpleasant to hold? Or do you use a knife and fork?


>he doesn't eat toast with knife and fork
Wtf is wrtong with you

I'm not American and I'd eat that

>American """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""cuisine"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""


Is this kino?

My nama Chef

That's a casserole

That's not a pizza that's a fuckin pie.

breakfast kino

>fried eggs from my yard
American education everyone, everyone knows eggs don't grow from plants.

I don't think things being unpleasant to hold is really considered a factor in my country.

want to make a toasted cheese sandwich but my microwave is broken

what do lads

>toasted cheese sandwich in the microwave

christ I used to do this all the time

Literally why would you use a microwave for that?'

What's this guy's deal?




dude likes eggs and jalapenos
personally, I can't eat eggs at all, I think I have an intolerance

Well what the fuck do you guys use then?


you can pretty much make that same OP's toasted grilled sandwich if you have a functioning pan on heat, faggot

>posting the wrong version

>took the bait

I'm genuinely actually concerned if you even know what toasted means.

And I just use a panini maker it takes like 2 minutes and you have a perfect grilled cheese.



what the fuck, is this one of those """hilarious""" joke channels

my mother used to work for this really ritzy breakfast / lunch place and they would have scotch eggs every sunday and she'd always bring some home

god damn i love scotch eggs


>this is what happens when people don't know how to cook

God fucking dammit I can feel my stomach turning

flavor you stupid euroshit


>muh memes

Because it tastes good you silly bastard. I'm not even American and I can see that.

coffee grounds
maraschino cherries
balsamic vinegar
vegetable oil
tomato juice

nice soup he's making there

honestly it's just glorified 'chips and salsa' but god fucking dammit if that doesnt look revolting

c'mon man. you know they aren't using kraft singles in a pretentious food movie

He is keto and on hormone replacement. So he pretty much can only eat fat and protein.


not enjoying a nice honey toast

plebs, all of you


I'm crying

it's overkill

also in the movie this is supposed to some kid's 'regular' breakfast, which makes it extra retarded

Taco's are literally a shit tier food. I tried one and you can't even eat the thing properly without making a mess.

Eggs are delicious,cheese too.
Main reason I can't transition to full on vegan from a vegetarian

Jesus christ Joe its just breakfast

Sure, white bread is bad, but that "cheese" looks awful

I wish i was rich enough to go eat in a restaurant everyday.


wtf is "sour kraut" Joe?

>pan with the teflon scraped off


fuckin wa la

10/10 would tip WITH A RIP

Hoe can people eat such revolting "food"? s m h

Your diet probably wouldn't be too good. Lots of heavy food, unless you're ordering salads, but to me that always seems like a dumb thing to do when you go out.

i fucking hate this site

>american plastic cheese

>all that effort
>still using American square "cheese"

>he ate this seconds after

There is no American cheese in that shot just sliced cheddar. Thought you eurofags knew cheese


The British working classes are just disgusting



you haven't seen anything son



>plebs will never realize that twelve-grain and whole-wheat breads are GOAT
>also, that cheap "cheese"

>sour kraut

Really can't tell if this is a Euro trying to make Americans look dumb or an American

Grats, yanks.

nightmare fuel

nice succulent medium rare chicken

>not toasting the insides

So it's a soggy sandwich?

He fucking flips it over and re butters the already toasted side!!


would eat / 10

just how fucking stupid are you? do you have negative IQ?

Wtf is going on here? It looks like her left arm is crippled but her right works just fine.

why is he dipping misshapen meat into egg and just cooking it? don't you only use egg if you want to bread the meat?

>make a tomato and cheese pie
>call it "pizza"

stupid americucks

im pretty sure she has cerebral palsy

fuck off right outta here



>working classes are just disgusting
Yes, we should just kill them all so us intellectual art majors don't have to deal with them anymore.

what the fuck, was that a aprils fools joke or something?

Did he just eat a piece of raw beef?
