Here's my situation. I'm a 31 year old virgin and I realize even if I got laid once I wouldn't ever get regular sex so I've decided to devote my life to hobbies. I'm exempt from physical/mental labor because of my inheritance. With money not being an issue I want multiple hardcore hobbies that take up literally all my waking hours until I'm dead.
Here's my situation...
master a classical martial art
Uh ok. What do you have in mind? Or are you such a pathetic loser that you can't even figure out a way to spend your own time?
find out how that one guy built that rock garden in florida using "real magnets" or something. that should take a while
Get a JOB, sir! That will take up most of your living hours like the rest of us.
that doesn't sound fun that sounds lame
Buy a sailboat and learn to sail
Learn a language and travel,
invest money to valuable research,
go to college for shits and giggles
and do something that you find
Master an instrument
Build a car from scratch.
Join the military so you can learn discipline. Good friend in basic was independently wealthy through inheritance so he joined up military to find inner motivation. He had some low spots but he's now a lot better off than he was
devote your life to starting a cult
sports, cricket or badminton on that front
get into smithing too
Get a motorcycle
Become a diamond kike bonus points if you're jewish.
Contribute to internet culture and teach newfags how to be channers. What are you doing on Sup Forums anyway? I hope this is only one stop for the night. You should be on reddit with a million karma, feared and respected among the psudointellectuals, moderating some obscure chan and writing hentai reviews for amazon while sharing ramen recipes with other wizards. You've got a whole society to perpetuate.
If money is no issue, make "fucking 1000 dollar an hour hookers" your hobby
Probably a fake but ok I'll bite: Why not spend all this time to become a normal human being and learn how to be with women. Unless you're a disfigured 2/10 you can still get a decent waifu. Even retards marry.
You have a bunch of money but can't get laid? That does not compute.
I don't know I'm an incel or whatever. That's just not an option
Building cars is fun and expensive
Go to the gym and workout as a hobby.
Then you can get pussy too idiot.
OP, as somebody who's had a lot of sex and currently living with HIV because of it I'm just going to say that you're making the right choice sex isn't as fulfilling as you think it is and you can actually do great things in life if you devote yourself to other things
Post proof of your situation with reference to any of the gets in this thread or I don't believe you. It's more likely that you are just fishing for attention.
Ur hobby should be to send me money for the best hardcore fucking advice ever
You a bug catcher?