Pic and timestamp for proof

Pic and timestamp for proof

I was raped last night at a haloween party (femanon/cumdumpster), the guy put xanax in my drink and fucked my while I slept in my own bed. I am on the pill but he did not use a condom and came inside me.

what are the odds I have herpes or syphilis or something?

do i have to go to the doc with no symptoms?

also how many men would do this?

please note that i live in Sydney Australia so the time zones are different

Attached: 1541524734253.jpg (963x722, 53K)

You should go to the doctors regardless of the symptoms that do or do not show.

Call the cops and get a rape kit done dummy

you should show us your tits

I don’t believe you

Attached: IMG_5162.jpg (600x800, 100K)

Looks like an albino African turned upside down



Holy fuck you need to trim that shit. Looks like a bird's nest

I felt like I just walked in on my uncle molesting my cousin.
BTWs ur a cutie


Call cops

1. As far as i know not a lot of men do this and its kind of rare but the ones that do this get around a lot
2. Positively get checked for STIs because there is a pretty good chance you could have anything since i seems like you don't even know who the guy is

Attached: Our president.png (605x908, 627K)

>Last Night At Halloween Party
>November 13th


I bet that guy had a lot of fun in you

Belly button and go to bed

>Pic and Timestamp for proof
Where's timestamp lmao

Wonder how tomboychan's grandkids are doing these days.

You should have gone to the police. Rape kit blood test and charges. Also it takes a lot of Xanax to knock someone out. At least half a bar. Roofie seems more likely.

For the record I just took a mg plus I’m drinking absinthe. Result so far is that I’m still wide the fuck awake. I even took some melatonin. I need to be up at 6am.

Top kek half a bar wouldnt knock out a mouse you virgin.

Try like 5 bars min with no tolerance and itll still take like over an hour

>what are the odds I have herpes or syphilis or something?
How are we supposed to tell you without seeing your pussy?

Can you write "Whole Milk Rocks"

Boomer talk !!

If someone kicks the shit out of you, you'd call the police.
If someone steals your purse, you'd call the police.
If someone was trying to break into your house, you call the police.
If you get raped, you fuck around and whine about it.
I swear to God I'll never understand women.

if you didn't shower yet go to hospital get rape kit and a blood test. while xanax breaks down fast it's metabolites do not. herpes may be likely but you may not know for years. syphillis is rarer and again likely wouldn't show up for some time

So fucking fake. Fuck off and get attention elsewhere.

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Not even a good larp.

You got raped...yet your pic says “I’ll be able to take request pictures tonight” hahahahaha nice try you fucking loser. Hahaha a guy put Xanax in your drink?? And he raped you without a condom yet you knew you didn’t know about it but yet you did know he came inside you???????????? Okay man cool story go fuck yourself

>Sup Forums filename
you didn't even try.

So ... are you still taking requests? Show your feet.


Attached: 3CEE7EA3-3CB8-4F96-ACF3-E8D9A2FD1F07.jpg (2048x1152, 160K)

>timestamp for proof
>no timestamp
