Which of Wong Kar Wai's movies do I start with first and how do I proceed from there?

Which of Wong Kar Wai's movies do I start with first and how do I proceed from there?

Chungking Express is a good film to start off with. After that maybe wait a while to watch In the Mood for Love, as those two are his best. Fallen Angels would be a good follow up to Chungking Express, after that Happy Together and Days of Being Wild, then I'd watch In the Mood for Love. After that you can watch its follow up 2046. If you really want to you can watch his action films and My Blueberry Nights after those.

ah alright thanks alot
why not mood for love straight after though?

Just to spread out his best films a little bit to give you something to look forward to. I forgot to put As Tears Go By, you should watch that around the same time as Days of Being Wild and Happy Together.

>Fallen Angels, Happy Together, Days Of Being Wild

Serious question, is it even possible to find these without using torrents?

Just don't watch 2046 untl the end

Good order is Chungking, Fallen Angels, Days of Being Wild, In the Mood for Love


In the mood for love AND chungking are on YT with subs
I'm sure at least one more Wong Kar Wai film is

Wouldn't know, I'm on PtP.

watch them all from the beginning of his career chronologically. he only has like 8-10 films or something. you can note the progress of his style from his earlier films to his current mode circa Happy Together (with bits and pieces of that style found in Days of Being Wild and Ashes of Time)

(you can skip My Blueberry Nights unless you are a huge fan; i like it, Norah Jones is qt af, but it's very weak and features a career worst performance from Natalie Portman)

I own both of those criterions already, I will have to check youtube I guess.

Alright, thanks everyone for the recommendation
We in for kino now boys

I watched it first. I'd never heard of the others.

Great movie.

he should really get some good bluray releases already
chungking criterion is like $100 used these days

Threads about good directors/movies always last so little. Sup Forums really is a shithole .

That's because we have 7 Rick and Morty threads an hour

>tfw I bought it before it went OOP

Really want a Fallen Angels criterion release.

rumored to re-releaed by Criterion later this year (as part of a WKW box set of some kind), and it's streaming on their Filmstruck service iirc

KinoLorber's blu-ray is pretty good, unless you just want the cachet of a Criterion(TM) release

>KinoLorber's blu-ray is pretty good

Might have to pick it up, pretty pricey though.... Is it OOP or something?

hmmm might be

that rumored box is supposed to be of his early films (doubtful, but i really hope Ashes of Time is included), so maybe you'll get your wish of a Fallen Angels Criterion after all

pic related was tweeted by Criterion when WKW visited their offices earlier this year (which further fueled speculation)

I didn't know he visited their offices... Pretty much confirms he is collaborating with them on something.

They better announce Stalker this month I am sick of them holding it off, for maximum shekels.

i'd love to get on filmstruck but i'm yuropoor
i do not see the point in this region lock shit but i assume it's license law related