What other A-list actors and actresses play vidya?

What other A-list actors and actresses play vidya?

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that is grim

What is that?

what is that

tehee heee im search a 50 year old nerd donate to my pateron virgins.

Breastests milk

WoW isn't vidya it's a life substitute for people with bad taste in mmos

ah yes, I hate women as well

Why is it yellow?

This won't make her baby any less autistic. In fact, it might have the opposite effect

Because it's breast milk.


Why is it yellow?

i only drink the finest breast milks


Because it's breast milk.

New season of MST3K is going to blow chunks, isn't it?

Because it's frozen.

If they are younger than 35 years old, most celebrities play videogames but they don't need to brag about it on social media
It's not like they are superior beings that have no hobbies
For example Cara Delevingne was playing GTA V the other day

Camel milk has sand in it

Why is it yellow?

Because it's breast milk.

frozen milk turns blue

>I loved farming herbs in WoW

She loved it eh

Loved repeatedly clicking on the reward stimulation button over and over again eh

In a video game that she paid a monthly subscription to eh

Really activates my almonds

I don't get wow players. All mmos have been shitty since around 2001

Why is it yellow?

I like when people post like you so I can ignore the post for being reddit. the almonds line at the end solidified it

because it's actually her zit-juice

Vin Unleaded Diesel
Robin Williams
Henry Cavill


Is it Cambodian?

runescape was the shit in 06


It's the fat content.

""""people"""" still play wow?

That picture...what the fuck? Is she turning the excess breast milk she gets from nursing her kid into cheese?

It's just a somewhat more interactive facebook

Didn't Henry Cavill say he got the call to play Superman when he was playing WoW?

Do you think that was the position she got pregnant in?

That would make my day.

>those heels

No it wasn't. UO was the first and last mmo worth playing with the no rules wild west format and it died in 2001. Runescape was for cucks because they never had that freedom in the first place.

>implying FDay isn't Pearl Forrester incarnate


She's genuinely qt I don't care what you bitter virgins say.

Go home Wheaton you're drunk.

good job faggot, you sure ignored that post that you read to the end and took the time to respond to, which you will also do with this post. what was the point really? presumably to try and fit in and call something reddit which is a meme in itself.

heres some homework, go to any thread that has at 50+ replies and ctrl + f reddit, see if you can find a single one without some degenerate calling something he doesn't like reddit. I saw someone calling a fucking emotion reddit earlier. fuck you

Legitimate contender for most reddit post of the year

tell me more about cavill is he like a supergeek?

isnt she like 50 and her partner is 70? is her baby a downy?

>I saw someone calling a fucking emotion reddit earlier.

It checks out

This. Though she should get more maternity shots when she has her next baby.


What did she mean by this?

Ask your mom and dad.

No everything turns blue when it's cold


well fuck

oh what a dirty little thigh slut

Bring back fat camel

no one loved farming mats you stupid fucking cunt,bet she never even got keyed for naxx .1.12....stupid ugly cunt.

Because it's breast milk.

No idea, just going off this:


oh you'd be surprised what women do on mmos to pass the time

farming mats ispart of the grind and a way to make cash, if you hate it you might as well never play mmos

My wife uses that same brand of milk bags for her son.

why is it yellow

She rused us all, it's not breast milk, it's her geriatric boyfriend's cum.

she looks it in that clip. i guess she just looks a lot better in motion because in still images she can look really fucking goofy

That's what milk looks like straight from the udder.

What do you think it means when you go to the store and buy 2%? What do you think that implies has occurred to the milk?

Supes is a WoWpleb? Dayum


Why the fuck is it yellow. My wife breastfeeds/has been freezing breast milk for months now.. it ain't yellow.

That shit is fucked

I really want to know his opinion of it.

It's from mexico



>Felicia Day

Cavill ignored the call because he was raiding. He glanced over and recognized the number as being from Snyder and freaked out/immediately called back.

>the almonds line at the end solidified it

theres no fucking way activated almonds is reddit now. You kids and your fucking memes.