Was it payback for the Atom Bombs?

was it payback for the Atom Bombs?

Attached: comp-1573767797.png (540x303, 84K)

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also seems to have a cute sister

Attached: mark-berhow-newhall-ca-photos4.jpg (771x650, 74K)

Can we get sauce on his sister

Samantha berhow

bro that sucks, my name is Mark

Commence operation 'find Samantha Berhow's social media accounts'

Hmmm...2 dead, 2 bombs....

You might be onto something

What is this about?
NZ here. Haven’t seen it.

can someone confirm the cause of death of his father and when to see if that had anything to do with this;

fathers name: mark Berhow

His mom ain't that bad either

No, just another Sup Forumstard incel that raved about his gun rights as a law abiding firearm owner, and then snapped and took everyone with him.
Just another day in gun fag world.

He died of a heart attack 2 years ago

Anyone have the stream?

It was streamed?

Yeah thanks found the obituary (more pics of his family)

Eliot Rodgers 2: Electric Boogaloo

Payback? Try again, Charlie. Got a few thousand more to gun down before you even come close to what we did to Tokyo.

another shooting in the US, this time in Cali, a state with some of the strictest gun control laws in the country.

This is about as horribly inaccurate as you could have possibly been

on the news i heard the guy said they have video footage from the campus cameras, but dont think the kid streamed it...

> Social media saying shooter was Asian
> Asian mother, white father
Of course, it's always the mutts. People keep fetishizing this interracial combo but it does nothing but produce halfies that don't belong anywhere.

Attached: mark-berhow-newhall-ca-photos115.jpg (422x650, 43K)

the dad looks like an avid hunter from the pictures, probly where he got the gun

Attached: 1565130808574.jpg (1902x2048, 694K)

whelp, I see a bunch of flaws. It says 0 whites.
I can count 17. 18 if you count the duplicate in 5th row 4+5 column.
Does this exclude jews from "White" ?

Attached: bro.jpg (661x372, 37K)

just more racist gunfag propaganda. nothing to see there

Just another basement dwelling, video game playing idiot that can't tell the difference between real life and fantasy.