Has Sup Forums ever managed to fuck with you ? Share stories

Has Sup Forums ever managed to fuck with you ? Share stories

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I actually googled fingerbox, wasn't stupid enough to ask on here tho

what's a fingerbox ?

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yeah they once convinced me there are girls browsing this board

Sup Forums has desensitized me to the point of being unfazed that there are guys who will devote their lives to becoming as effeminate as possible for online validation, and that such a lifestyle isn't actually that uncommon.

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Nah, I was already broken before Sup Forums, in fact Sup Forums has helped me understand how wrong I've been in so much things and for this I'm grateful

No but it’s made me hate a lot of people.

Recently (last month) I've been banned for allegedly requesting CP in 2015.

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Pedo kys

Not into CP tho

Then allegedly kill yourself

hurr durr

Top kek

Sup Forums has thought me that I don't even know what's serious anymore

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unplug router for a few minutes then plug back in. it should lease a new public ip.

some people don't have dynamic IP i believe

This, although even if you unplug router you still are in police watchlists and they know your post history across the different ips

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oh shit
oh fuck
oh shit oh fuck

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>gets bullied on first 4chin post
>makes this thread

n-not true

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Sup Forums showed me that I almost got murdered from one of those "Here's where the bodies are hidden" threads


what happened ? saw an user go to a thread's coordinates a few weeks ago

I was looking at buying this old jeep of off Craigslist and the guy was super weird about it. He wouldn't really answer my questions and just kept saying "come over and see it". I was really hesitant because the info about it kept changing and he lived really far away in the boonies in this tiny town (Falcon, Colorado). I thought about it for a week or so and the guy was getting really agressive about it. It was all really weird, his wife answered the phone a couple of times when I called and was basically begging me not to come look at it. She kept making up really fake excuses like it didn't have an engine or it was too unsafe etc.

Anyways I decided to go look at it and was going to take my dad with me for safety but he got really sick and couldn't go. I got about halfway there and called to make sure I could still see it and the wife told me they weren't home. I was sick of the games at this point and gave up on it


keep going

A week or so later there was a "Here's where the bodies are hidden thread" with just a picture of a google earth pin. I think whoever posted thought it would be impossible to find without coordinates but there was the "-con" from the end of "Falcon" visible in the pic and the road name. I instantly recognized the road name from his address and then frantically pulled up Earth.

Sure as shit it was Falcon and I did a street view and it was at the edge of his property near a fence. Could even make out the address from the street view and it was his house.

I screen shotted the thread and sent all of the stuff to the Anonymous FBI tip line and never heard back. I called his number a few weeks later out of curiosity and it was disconnected

>maybe it was all a coincidence but it scared the hell out of me

oh shit, you were lucky the thing seemed so suspicious I guess, the wife making excuses, the lack of info, in a remote place...
Is your dad a military or something that you feel safer going with him ?

He's an old cowboy type and always has a gun on him and is a pretty good shot. I looked in the papers for the story but never saw anything else about it. He did go from deleting/reposting the jeep every day or 2 so it would be on the first page and not long after I sent all that stuff to the FBI his post sat for so long it expired (30 days I think)

>scary shit

His nearest neighbor was a ways away and he had lots of outbuildings so it seems like the perfect place to kill someone

user, this might be the very time that 4chin fucks with me, but this story got me. That shit is seriously scary.

glad I could help