Watch american movies while growing up

>watch american movies while growing up
>always thought they were exaggerated because they're just acting
>fast forward to last year
>go to the US for the first time
>movies now make sense
>GTA actually feels realistic now

post your pre/post visiting the US story

Cool ranch face wash is better

Yeah I was surprised how accurate most of the stereotypes were

only on the west coast

Every American meme is based in reality. Sharting for example, they use olestra in their most popular chip brands (lays, doritos, pringles), its use has been banned in Canada and the EU because it causes excessive weight gain and anal leakage.

what about ameriorcs? are they real?

I never visited, but I was skyping with a friend and his host mom was talking in the background. She spoke identically to television shows/movies, I was surprised. Generally with Brazilian material the actors speak in a way more theatrical/dramatic way, but either Americans have a realistic TV, or the population imitates what they see on TV. Perhaps a chicken and the egg conundrum.

100% - am one

In fact all opinions on Americans should be formed off of information found on rice trading internet forums

>>GTA actually feels realistic now
Holy shit, someone else who sees it
The US compared to us is like a whole different world, a fucking dystopia
Americans are insane, their women have no shame or self respect. The average american is a colossal retard.

Of course

>visit Buffalo city
>army recruiters
>fat people
>rather friendly
>disgusting physical currency

>at the beach in gangster town trying to ride waves
>some random guy gives me advice out of the blue
>asks where im from so i tell him
>starts talking about skiing in the alps

another one:
>on the bus on the way to portland
>speaking to my friend in swedish
>homeless guy raging in the bathroom
>when the bus arrives and he gets off he tells us to go back home to our country
>SJW looking woman instantly apologizes for his behaviour
>5 minutes later we're having a beer in some random pub
>look out the window and see a guy half ass dressed as a ninja with two swords on his back walking down the street
>not even surprised at this point

I saw the fattest person I've ever seen as I was leaving the airport the first time I visited the US

>insane people talking about insane shit to no one and everyone and no one bats an eye because it's just another day

>taking bus in america

literally nigger tier

It was obviously a coach, not a bus.

They're the same thing though

Yeah it's hard to say, Amerifats are not really part of reality though, I mostly get the impression they are sort of playing a character rather than being actual humans.

Exactly. First time I want to the US I though I was in a TV show.

People always have exaggerated attitudes and are overly expressive, and everybody try to fit a character, like a Hollywood movie.

No they're not. A coach is designed for long distance travel and has bathrooms for example, whereas a bus is doesn't.

Please don't bother explaining public transport for them, they are retarded and think that you are a nigger if you use it.


>that third one
how come this guy wasn't killed at birth?

When you're french in the US you meet sometimes people overly friendly with you.

They love to talk with you about irrelevant subjects like cheese and wine. They suppose that since you're french it must be the most interesting topic for you.

They think we are like disney characters, and that France is like an amusement park. Not sure if they realize that France is an actual country with real people in it, that don't think about cheese and wine all day long.

What a bunch of pathetic dudes.

a coach is still a bus

never heard anyone refer to it as a coach during my time in NA, is this a britbong english term?

I live in New York for a few month.

In social settings I always half expected an opening credit into to pop up.

>a coach is still a bus

Yes, it is in the category of bus. The distinction is there because it's not just any bus. Just like how a yacht isn't any boat. Please think for a moment.

Neca use most people aren't as shallow as you

You poor bastard. I've heard New York is pretty interesting though, did you like it there? I've met a few Californians and they were all just like normal humans who you felt like you were having a genuine conversation with, other shit head retard americans I felt more like I was an extra there being used to emphasize certain things about their character, like your only purpose is just to be a sounding board for them to project things about themselves onto.

Du när du pratar med din mamma:
>jag ska ta stadsbussen till dig som går 15:04
>*ringer igen 15:05*
>jag måste rätta det jag sa tidigare, bussen som kom var en ledbuss


No New York was awful.

Once you pass 2 weeks, there is no awe factor anymore and you are left with a noisy and dirty city.

There are no garbage room in the buildings, so they just but their garbage bags directly in the street, ont he ground. In the summer it rot very quickly and the smell is awful. All year long it attracts rats and racoons from central Park.

They say their subway is the best in the world, it's the most overrated in the world actually.

Old, dirty, never working and lines are badly planned. In north manhattan you can't even go from west to east in subway. You have to take a cab or a bus and it takes ages.

And also lodging is overly expensive so everybody who is not a millionaire lives like shit in small rooms. Noone even have a washing machine, you have to walk with your clothes to the next lavomatic, often several blocks

Aw yeah it never appealed to me at all but someone who had lived in both told me it's better than California. Where in France are you from?

He's a notorious actor

Why did you go there?

Weird. I guess that's because he grew up in California, so he liked how New York was different. I'm from Switzerland originally, Geneva.

For work

>I'm from Switzerland originally, Geneva.

"Wow, do you like meatballs and ABBA?"

t. American

He grew up in Texas and lived in Cali and New York. His thoughts were that Cali was too fake whereas New York was more rough and dirty but had more character to it or some such shit.

Are French assholes to all foreigners or do they just hate English speakers?

We're assholes to anyone coming as an entitled brat and not respecting our culture.

Most often english speakers.

>His thoughts were that Cali was too fake whereas New York was more rough and dirty but had more character to it or some such shit.

Not from what I saw.

I've lived in America my whole life and have never been on a bus what the fuck is this guy talking about

Funny, because the French are some of the biggest spoiled brats in the world

So if I go lithuania it will be based or are you talking out your ass?

>They say their subway is the best in the world, it's the most overrated in the world actually.
nobody says this.

Why are the French so self obsessed? I dont understand it.

Not true, I spoke what little French I could and am always polite but as soon as they realized I didn't speak properly I would quite often get an attitude from people, like rolling their eyes at me and shit like that. Not everyone was like that but I never experienced it once in any other country and it happened a few times in France.

Yeah fair enough, always interesting to hear different opinions. Like everyone goes on about how amazing Berlin is but I thought it was a fucking shit hole.

Some of us are for sure. And when they go to other countries they get big problems...

I don't really see the issue there.
We find these kind of people in all countries. Only anglos seem to think it's specifically against them.

to be fair, I used to confuse Sweden with Switzerland when I was younger, I was shocked when I found out you didn't share a border. Suécia and Suíça sound really similar

The cannot let go of the times when they were relevant.
They hate Hollywood and everything American, while believing that their own culture is superior. However they haven't made anything relevant for multiple decades and they ceased being an empire an even longer time ago. So instead of facing the reality of being a dilapidated country, full of angry arabs and lazy youth they instead hide under the some stupid mask of sophistication and relevance.
This mostly goes for Parisians though, the rest of the country is better

>Not true, I spoke what little French I could and am always polite but as soon as they realized I didn't speak properly I would quite often get an attitude from people, like rolling their eyes at me and shit like that.

Because you only spoke to café waiter or employees in tourist areas, admit it. They are assholes to french people as well.
You have to realize how ridiculous it sounds each time an anglo says he went to France and was given this attitude. I don't know anybody who would do such a thing, except for a type of assholes we find in restaurants in Paris.

Honest American here. Ask me questions. I'll go through many of our stereotypes
Yes it's disgusting and I'm in one of the fitter states
Only down south in Mexico jr
Exaggerated. It's just that anyone with a gun feels compelled to talk about them
>naive to Europe
Most people don't even know where our own states are so don't be offended when they never learned glorious slovenias capital
>overly social and friendly
Good god yes. Shut the fuck up everyone. I think people here get physically ill if they don't talk for one hour
Never witnessed clapping except at a performance like dancing or music shows
Ferocious amounts of tipping. If you don't tip at least 15% youre considered an asshole
Any other stereotypes to discuss?

I was in the South somewhere in the vicinity of Frejus, I stayed away from the coast and mostly went to small shops in the villages where most people shopping were locals.

I heard a lot of stories from other people as well who had similar experiences, not all anglos either.

The tourist industry is a billion dollar business in France. It attracts all the most greedy and unlikable human beings.
This is not real France.

>let me tell you about your country

What do you imply? That we all hate people that don't speak french? Can you take 2 minutes and think about that? Do you really believe this bullshit?

Thanks for the information m8. Only speculation across the sea