Lions they don't recover like humans

>Lions they don't recover like humans

who else is glad this shiteating cunt is finally becoming irrelevant

he did recover faster than normal, just forgot to mention the bad that he would be 10x worse than before

the part

what part

the bad part


the part where zlatan finally shuts the fuck up and retires

always thought he was cringeworthy ugly cunt who was vastly overrated because of his retarded mannerisms/quotes and rare acrobatic goals

If he retires in the MLelS i hope everyone gives him shit eternally from that, like i want it to be brought up to him in an interview, because he talked shit about american soccer and their leagues a while back

t. oguchi onyewu

he recovered too fast

looks like he's done now
and isn't a real God, but just a very technical and strong hoodrat fighter

think this is the end, before heading to mls

>the problem with Zlatan is that he recovers from injuries too fast

i meant done in Europe
would be great if the would play at the WC

He won't.

Ibrahimovic was locker room cancer no.1 and caused a rift in the team. Many players are glad he's gone.

I remember last Eurocup during half-time.
The face-to-face shouting match between Ibra and Granqvist, Zlatan had just shit on everyone in the team (not even a little bit constructive criticism, just hurling insults), Andreas got tired of his shit and started talking back and standing up for the guys. The ex-coach Hamrén just stood back in the corner quiet like a cuck while they were going at it too.

I mean I'm pretty sure CR7 is more liked by his national teammates than Ibra.

Well, zlatan is a Serb. Serbian soccer fans fucking kill each other at every game.

Only reason why I watch Red star games is for the fan violence

Not hard. CR7 is a God for his teammates, a living legend with a heart of gold.

Also, any non-swede who wants Ibra out of the WC should off himself immediately.

You know know that Serbia's average IQ is 89, one point below Albania

he isn't a serb at all. Bosnian father, Croatian Mother.

And he was right about that since mls is an unwatchable joke.

Lions dont live to 36 years old