Sup Forums what are you doing to help black people?

Sup Forums what are you doing to help black people?

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Putting them out of their misery

Paying my taxes.

Spics and niggers need to hang from trees

I got my train conducter degree


nailing a black chick

nothing. they are not worthy of my help.

Tough love.


this picture is making me sick.

what the fuck is wrong with a man to do something like that?



Ive planted 3 new cotton fields, what more do you want?

nothing, they need to help themselves.

Their future is what they make of it and using excuses from the age of Jim Crow and slavery does more harm to them than it does us.

Not treating them like victims but like individuals with agency who are responsible for the state of their race.


Campaigning to restore slavery.
That way niggers can't freedom themselves into crime-ridden ghettos, poverty, fatherlessness, and other such results of bad decisions.
If we had whitey making the decisions on behalf of the niggers, the niggers could be protected from their own impulsiveness and low intelligence.

If it's the fault of the White Man's racism that other races aren't doing well,
and thus the White Man's responsibility to bringe other races up to his level,
why do we let them go free instead of forcing them up to our level?

Case study : every African country returned to black rule

Case Study: Blacks can't even pick Potatoes properly

Am I the only one that's really bothered by dead bodies when they're in caskets?

Freaks me the fuck out

Not treating them all like retarded helpless children.

The blm does not represent black people, it represents worthless niggers.

Good one

He said I'M sorry which means he is taking responsibility for killing alton sterling. Lock him up we gotem.

I opened a new KFC and charge nigger extra.

I'm not doing anything. Good or bad. I don't see black people normally

Paying taxes.

I would spend $$ in black business's but the last time I did (took car to black mechanic) left my car overnight. Ended up paying $60 and then had to take it to a dealership service since some nigger siphoned gas fucking up the fuel system which cost me $1500 to get fixed. You live and you learn. Never again.

I made this video

I've never seen a black person in my life.

Then your Area didn't get culturally enriched yet. Time to change that!

Shut up you fucking abo

Stupid self-righteous nincompoops like this cunt are the ones enabling the BLM chimpouts. If white cucks were kept in check, none of this bullshit would happen.

Race relations are at the worse they've been since the LA riots, all of this because of SJWism and college fags.

Check out the corn rows on that bitch at 3m:20s, you know she's game for the BBC.