>first day joining a kickboxing class
>instructor says this will be your partner today
>turn around
>see this
>she says "put em up mister, im gonna wreck you!"
>wat do?
First day joining a kickboxing class
I've been missing this one a lot! It's so cute!
what are these stupid fucking threads for?
you lack attention irl?
That'd be real for a second, I'm over 300lbs.
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laugh while she kicks and punches me in the balls
Roundhouse to the head.
LG is hideous now
I've been on Sup Forums for like 8 years and I still don't know who these girls are supposed to be or where these threads started
Couldn't happen.
There are laws against that.
report and sage all pedobot spam
remember to put sage in the options line so you don't bump this pedobot spam
I'm sorry Laneya!
no worries i'll bump it
Jordyn was cuter when she was smoler.
>he PAYS a poo in loo to solve captchas so he can spam a mongolian waterboot forum because he got buttblasted years ago that his pedo spam wasn't welcome here
these threads are funny sometimes FUCKOFF
remember to report and sage all pedospam
She's always kinda been in her prime. Just depends on how she styles it.
Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...
Lots of tasty normalfag salt in this thread, wish I had something to put it on.