M, 25, pic related
M, 25, pic related
Good luck paying that shit back.
>$350 in savings
Get your shit together
Good thing it belongs to me and not borrowed
doing better than me user
Would you be willing to slap some of that cash in my direction brotha
No point in placing in savings, shit returns. I tried putting some in stocks but that hasnt really been working out
Not really, i worked hard for this Sup Forumsro
How did you earn that money?
Come on man how u gonna miss about $3.50
I found a job that gives me 60+ hours a week. Work 6 days a week, dont spend on unnecessary shit. It's crazy how fast it racks up. The OT pay helps
come on man i just need that $3.50
>Tree fiddy
Sure roll trips
You get 2 chances
Good for you OP. I like to see someone who is responsible.
I work, my wife stays home, we don't spend money on unnecessary shit.
I manage to save $2,700 a month. It stacks up super fucking fast if you just don't touch it.
Rollin' for tree fiddy.
It helps that I dont have a wife or kids. I hear they can be quite costly
Strike 1
I was better at one point
bro you can get 2.05% APY on savings with CITI bank.... which is almost 3k a year for free.
Dont be a fucking retard
My wife is Canadian and was raised conservative so she has some values.
She doesn't blow my money on pointless shit.
I was going to place in a CD or maybe pass of to a fund but I was thinking of buying a house so don't want to get penalized for pulling it out. Unfortunately, i live in CA so it's kind of hard to find the motivation to hop into the current housing market...
Hmmm...So he was behind of that..?
Sounds like you have a keeper. Stay at home? Or does she work?
I'm having trouble helping my gf start her career
Funny, I work for Elon. Ironic bot is ironic
My wife was a teacher for 15 years before she moved here and we got married.
She stays at home now which is how I like it. She would work if I wanted her to, but, there's really not much need.
I was raised by my grandparents so I'm very traditional.
If I can afford for my wife to stay at home and keep house, that's how I'll have it.
I'm a pretty traditional guy as well. I make enough to currently support us both and would love to start a family with her but she also lacks the drive to maintain a household as well..
What do?
Yeah lol it's crazy how fast it racks up when your parents give you a college trust fund huh XD
Fun larp. :)
I've dated a few dozen women in my day. Yes, I'm nearing 40, probably what you would consider old. (I consider it old too. Fuck me.)
I've had relationships that I thought were good that I later realized were terrible for me.
My advice, never settle when it comes to your life partner. If you do, it almost never lasts and the longer you are in the trenches with her the harder it will be the separate from her.
If I had it to do all over I would have avoided dozens of relationships and just waited for my wife to come along.
I still would have fucked the skanks, don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't have taken them home to support them.
You have money, you are presumably a young guy, you can find a woman who isn't a fucking shitter.
My recommendation is to do that.
You can't take someone who isn't what you want and turn them into what you want.
If you want a woman who will respect you, clean house, and appreciate you taking care of her, find one.
You won't make one out of one that isn't though. That's a waste of time and effort.
Get a high interest savings account with Ally
I didn't go to college. Parents didnt give me shit. I started my career relatively young. But you know it all so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Let's see...
I am gonna be 35 before 2020, I live with my parents. I have 41k CAD in savings, 97K mortgage.
fuck me...
Invest in large cap, like severely basic bitch large cap. I’m going to hit 18% growth this year off of my tiny ass investment.
Also, since you’re young, get vanguards.
Little more context -
She's my high school sweetheart. We've been together since we were 17. Shared a lot of firsts, been through some tough stuff together. She's kinda my only friend.. I'm having trouble justifying leaving her when her flaws are just things that don't align with my preferences..
What's a larp
hey man, if investing isn't really you're thing but you still want some return, I would recommend to check out "fundrise" or "wealthfromt"
nigger gonna nig
>mfw I haven't made over 6k annually in over 8 years and I'm 10 years older than you
why are you so fucking poor
Aww daddy worked hard for you to show off your college fund on Sup Forums, learn to save some money yourself instead of suckling at the financial teet of others.
Any penalties for taking back your money at a moment's notice? Just waiting for a good deal to buy a house
Lol, how about I show you how I made my money? Will you agree to say "I'm a fuckwit that thinks I know it all"
Good shit op. I'm proud of you. Through my early 20s I was on course to do the same thing. I had been working my way up the job market, going from an IT manager for hotels, to becoming a managed service provider for all kinds of medical centers and engineering companies. Then I threw it all away to depression, a Xanax addiction, and spending years taking care of someone I knew couldn't work to help contribute to bills. Ended up trying to kill myself and got put in jail for what almost ended up being Christmas Eve through New year's. Now for the last few years I just deliver pizza and struggle to catch up my bills. Don't be like me, user. Do something with your money, invest in smart financial decisions, and invest in yourself.
kek. True
>Living with parents
How did that happen?
What's your profession? I'm the same age as you and jealous as fuck. Good shit by the way, keep it up.
You guys sound like a bunch of minimum wage wage slaves. Stop it, you're killin my vibe
Damn man that's a pretty shitty turnaround. What led to it? Would like to avoid that..
I work in the aerospace industry. Nothing special, just a technician
Kek my car is worth more than your savings... Poor Amerifag...
My savings only has $350 so more than likely your statement is accurate.. gj
5k in bank $600k mortgage please kill me
I must admit that was a 10/10 comeback
Too much work stress, and wanting to make more and more money. I wanted to have a big ol stash of cash away in a bank, whatever cars I wanted, and a house by 27. I had been an IT manager from age 21, so when I was 24 and going into being a managed service provider, I felt like hot shit. Seeing the big checks every other week was unreal, almost 2k a check after tax, and I get reimbursement checks equalling at least 1k a month? I knew I had money to spare, but I banked it all. Eventually the high stress of the job and 80 hour weeks got to me. My girl (who couldn't work) and I had moved back to her home to care for her dad, and from there the stress just began to build astronomically. I was spending hundreds a day in drugs. Especially coke and Xanax. Would take 20 bars at a time and wake up a day later not remembering shit, or still being fucked up going to work. Eventually, right before Christmas after months and months of this, my girlfriend found me with a knife in my neck. Cops got called for a wellness check, and ended up accusing me and arresting me for domestic abuse (which never happened, lawyer beat all charges, etc), bit it still super fucked me up. I was almost gone til New year's but by a stroke of luck one of the officers got mad I didn't get my phone calls set up and helped me do it so I could get bailed out. I ended up quitting Xanax after and have been off it for years. But now I've been away from IT too long to get a career in it again, so I'm fucked and have to start over. Now I deliver pizza while still trying to make car payments and get out of debt. Right now I'm trying hard to save up 1k so I can get out of my car loan and save hundreds a month. Realize you could be at this point one day, and don't make stupid decisions. Be better than me, anons. Don't be a failure.
Sorry about you're grandma
Thanks, it's hard being poverty stricken and living in Mexico
Fake and gay. The harder u work the more money u give to the gov
I hope you make it back on your feet user. Going to bed now, just got back from a 14 hr shift and not willing to deal with these kids that bash on others based off their own shortcomings. Best of luck on your future endeavors!
Thanks for advice and story bro.
Imagine being this brainwashed
Sleep well user. I'm just about to head in for a 12 myself. Children will act like children, this is Sup Forums after all, lol. I'll manage. Slowly but surely I'm trying to get the remainder paid down on my loan so I can sell my car for the difference. When I finally get that thousand it's going to be life changing, so I know it'll come in time.
Highschool sweetheart shit never works out.
+1 on that
No. You're using TD. They're a bunch of dirty pig fuckers.
You did t take 20 bars a day anyone whose done xans knows you’re jus. Over exaggerating on you’re miserable life
Go take a bottle of aspirin
Your life makes me want to an hero
>Unfortunately, i live in CA so it's kind of hard to find the motivation to hop into the current housing market...
Why not leave California?
>Chase College
lol ok
You should buy a trailer and live comfortably off the rest of your savings. Nice stuff is overrated
Trades are easy, and what little help I need from them doesn't come with them peddling shit like goldman or merrill. Who do you use? I was using Scottrade until they were bought out.
So OP is expecting smart people with common sense to take his word for it that he earns enough to have 6 figures in his account, while only having 350 in savings?
Yeahhhhh, not today.
It's possibly a loan or a mortgage that has been paid in to the main account, with the guy earning enough to pay monthly payments.
Amended HTML via the phone's console.
Its funny when neets claim youre cucked for working. My wife and I make about 8k/mo before taxes working under 40h/week. We have lived on as little as 1k/mo (house paid for). We are semi retired and plan to be that way the rest of our lives. We are both under 40.
meanwhile, in Canada.
There is a guy on welfare with 60k in school debt.
but he doesn't pay a penny towards it,
cuz he is on welfare
There is a guy going through a divorce
but he wont loose anything, not even pay the court fees for divorce,
cuz he is on welfare
Life is good if you don't work
hey boomer, most zoomers don't have savings account, you know why... cuz interest on them is smaller than inflation... thats why, you actually loosing money
they managed to fuck up my name in TD so i had problems accessing my funds overseas and when depositing 16grand they made a 'oopsie' for 800 bucks in their favor.... twice.... i made them count that shit by hand
What garbage did you buy? You have to try to lose money in this market.
Invest in Worthy Bonds, 5% interest, works as a savings account, no penalty for drawing before bonds mature and you support small business