Tell me your biggest secret

Tell me your biggest secret

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Quality shitpost Sup Forumsro :)

I killed a man in reno

I can almost put my whole fist inside my ass

I have a similar jacket

I have a thing for non-passing trannies/crossdressers

I raep

On a friends birthday, I fucked his passed out drunk wife.

I like a girl called Catherine

Just to watch him die?

i wear pantyhose instead of longjohns - just feels better

thank you user

My fbi agent knows my number. Fuck off

I have impure thoughts when I see thots that are 13-17yo.

I can see them. They think they're disguised as a lamp post or a transmitter or street light, but i can see them.

i stole a cookie from the cookie jar

you too? I've been shoulder to shoulder with one pleading with a family member about if they could see it or not.

fucker just stood there, acting like I wasn't calling it out.

I once had sex in the missonary position, and while my wife thought it was for the sole purpose of procreation, secretly i thought it felt pretty good

my dad wears sneakers in the pool

Yeah! Elon was all the time..

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Fucked my friend's wife.
She had my daughter.
She never told him, raised as their daughter.
I'm uncle Todd.
Fuck my 'niece' on her 21st.
Feels good.

You have no soul. I hope you get your dick melted off in a smelting accident.

I can fit my entire arm up to my elbow

the omen was about my mom

Bro wtf not cool


Fuck off with this, faggot.

I can put my entire dick in your mom

Seriously huh

I fucked your mom
>she has no legs

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Meeee too

I expelled some gas, and a small amount of liquid soiled my undergarment

I suck mY thumb.

I am a undergorund corpse / organ dealer for a booming industry in the medical research and human experimentation field in "Europe". That truck full of chinks that was in the news the other day... they weren't immigrants.

imagine the taste

>waiting 21 years for your own daughter's pussy