ISIS is fake right?
ISIS is fake right?
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based late night Sup Forums ISIS video threads
These threads just make me feel sick.
alex jones says theyre just al queda rebranded who are being covertly supported by the globalists to topple assad and destablize the ME
The Russian shillbots want you to believe that
Nah, they're real. We were always at war with ISIS, we were never at war with Al Qaeda.
of course
If this gets deleted I'll start a cartel kino next
good practical effects
can you do the recent brazil prison riots?
that shit makes cartels look small time, the one with the guy poking his eyes out with a shank, nasty stuff
I've seen this with the audio on, the people doing it are joking and laughing while this guy gurgles to death
Not like it'd be any less fucked up if they were just silently doing it.
guys i need some more gore kino
>This is what Sup Forums has become
Just kill it already and end it's misery.
Never followed that or seen videos sorry lad
why didn't he just get up and run away
i thought brazil was a country of peace
will make spammable webms very soon
wtf happened here
you can see the blood spill out his head as he tumbles down the hill. he got shot in the head.
isis is a name for 12 year old moslem grills stop being bigoted towards racists
>that one guy playing dead the whole time
Al Nusra aka the moderate rebels are LITERALLY Al Qaeda rebranded and ISIS is a break off group
come to brazil
>Sup Forums full of Sup Forums tier threads
Where are the MODS?
Also, fuck off with your trash underage virgin faggets.
Criminals killing criminals.
Why did Obama always call ISIS "ISIL"?
a Tarantino kino
He wanted to seem cool.
Are they ok?
Fake as fuck. Blood is almost black not this ketchup bullshit.
case closed boys, we have an armchair forensics expert here
You stupid fuck, they used pigs blood.
ditto, makes me sad at how cruel the world really is outside my safe country
thank god I was born here
I'm convinced that ISIS is just Videodrome, and the USA will just nuke them and nobody will remember or care about them or any muslim anymore.
Are ISIS productions kino?