I can always tell when i start to get depressed because i come back here

i can always tell when i start to get depressed because i come back here

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I hate your entire life

Welcome back

yeah me too

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I just got back too

what happened user? who hurt you?

You should buy a house plant

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i've actually been thinking about getting one recently, but i'm a dumb lazy fuck that can't take care of anything and it would probably die

House plant will reveal all OP.

then get a cactus, they're relatively low-maintenance but still do need watered

I messaged this girl I had been talking to, to see if she finally wanted to meet up since she moved back to town, she said she was busy the first time so I waited a few days and tried again. Then she said she did t like me asking twice and that she's picky with who she meets up with. Meaning the entire time I thought I was establishing a connection I was just orbiting. What happened to you?

plus they look cool. good idea. thanks, user

don't waste your time, user. she's the one being unreasonable.

having a hard time with women in general. i'm a 22 year old virgin and for the first time in my life i've actually been trying to take care of myself. i've lost 40 pounds and have been taking my meds. while i'm having a much easier time talking to girls (and people in genera) i've had no luck romantically. i'm not angry about it, but the loneliness is killing me.

Just started a job yesterday I'm already not going to show up tonight...I fucking hate myself

user, if you wanna get out of this shithole, you gotta go. don't be a neet. you can do this.

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Yeah being a mammal incapable of finding a mate feels bad

I'm proud of you user! Font worry so much about the romantic aspect. When the time's right and you found a person you deserve, you'll know it. Just focused on other aspects of your life. Try meeting people and making friends.

Go to work user I believe in you. You can do this. You are better than you think.

My will power is absolute dog shit user. I always make friends easily but I have absolutely no fucking emotional connection to anyone or anything.

But you're not alone, have you tried investing yourself in a hobby and meeting people that way? I hear that's what you're supposed to do

I appreciate the advice though, I shouldn't be such a little bitch

thought i had perfect relationship with ex until a few months ago. started being despondent. broke up with me. keeps on texting me for some reason. adopts this arrogant bitchy attitude towards me now. didn't even do anything wrong. had sex with other girls since but it's mostly aromantic. she's already moved on to another guy. been feeling pretty shit. hate it at my university.


when did Sup Forums become so positive.

when I posted here 2 or 3 years ago saying I wanted to kill myself I got encouragement.

not complaining though.

I think it's because more and more young people are feeling the same way user it's a fucked reality

Stream your death and you'll get 2 bitcoins

i accept advance payments.

you get one bitcoin

Please do go. Do it for me user : )