Can any Frenchbro translate this for me please?

Can any Frenchbro translate this for me please?

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Bump. My waifu sounds pretty upset and I can kind of get the gist of it, she's saying something about a war being declared and muslims not being able to integrate to French society

Please I want to know what she's saying

Islam has attacked once more
Children hospitalized
Muslim terror attacks
No more time for candle lighting and flowers
If we don't kill Islamism, Islamism will kill us
When an enemy declares war, there is no alternative, either with us or against us
Cannot tolerate excuses anymore
Who is responsible? Foreign terrorists, children of foreigners.
But also the government who does nothing, the politics who let them in and do not assimilate them.
We can assimilate a few but not an entire population.
Propaganda for multiculturalism is still going on and it's wrong
Responsibles are Sarkozy who removed a lot of policemen jobs
Muslim Brotherhood responsible, terrorist organization, too many connections in radical mosques
Deport imams who have two nationalities
Politics say "If you get killed by terrorists, it's your own fault for not being nice enough"
Stop the self-hating of Frenchmen
Remove family regrouping
Combat immigration
If the current politics don't act accordingly, we will

I hope shit turns out well for you, French bro.

You're lying right?

No? Literally just translated extracts from the video. I am definitely not translating word for word for free m8.

Front National is a mess right now, it won't save us. Marine is a poor leader with conflicting ideas. She is more "left" than "far-right" honestly. Her main ideas about closing the borders and going out of the EU won't be enough to save France.


Thank you brother

my god, she's perfect


She's you're Joan of Arc France. Don't let us down.

I don't speak French but I can feel the indignation in her voice, it hurts

Is Frexit a thing? How popular is Le Pen in France? Objectively.

You forgot

My dear compatriots

-No, neither the democrats nor the "republicans" want a referendum, only the small parties and FN would propose it
-30% objectively, as I said FN is not clear and harsh enough in their political program to be validated by the general population. Their executives don't follow the same mindset and as such it's creating a lot of discord that the "establishment" relies on to crush them.

Marion vous pouvez ne jamais lire mon message, mais je veux que vous sachiez que vous êtes une grande personne pour le bon combat pour la France . Je vous admire vraiment et je déplore ce qui se passe dans votre pays et dans toute l'Europe avec tous ces gens qui ne peuvent pas intégrer dans votre culture , il est très triste de voir une grande nation et une chute de continent sans un combat . Je vous souhaite le meilleur et j'espère vraiment que vous pouvez apporter votre pays à son ancienne gloire . Dieu vous protège

Can a French nigga do me a solid and fix this so I can email it to her?

Nah, that's just how the French from France speak.

Might as well leave the mistakes, it adds character. It's perfectly understandable anyway

Try teach you tacos Francise in school now?

Leave the mistakes in and tell her you're American. Very few mistakes in there actually., it's 99% fine.

Replace Dieu with Allah and you are good to go

Alright then I hope she gets the message

i really *really* want to fuck her

We'll tell you if in a TV show she mentions "The other day, I receive this message from an American citizen..."