First time since my grandfather past away 12 years ago that I cried. Was in a theatre full of old women, myself and my girlfriend. Nobody left the theatre with a dry eye.
Does Sup Forums like this movie?
First time since my grandfather past away 12 years ago that I cried. Was in a theatre full of old women, myself and my girlfriend. Nobody left the theatre with a dry eye.
Does Sup Forums like this movie?
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It literally made me wish I had a cause worth dying for.
You have a cause worth fighting for, you just don't know it yet.
Hear a lot of people who don't like Russell Crowe in the movie. I like him a lot in it though.
Is this a new meme or people really have this kind of shit taste? Read the fucking book if you want to cry with the redemption of Valjean, faggots.
I will. I own it.
Is it really that worth it? My gf read it, said it is good but there's lots of dry parts.
Yes, fuck those digressions, though there are some good ones. It's like Moby-dick: you can skip them.
Because he sings differently from the stage actors who try and make Javier "badass" while russel made him a tragic one.
His version of stars is my favourite despite listening to the so called best Javier performers. They just bellow to much
it's not really a sad musical. maybe if you're a dumb broad.
I like and hum along with the movie/play/soundtrack but I'll be goddamned if the last song a valjean's death doesn't crush me every single time.
I loved it. I believe the story of Les Miserables is one of the best fictional narratives of all time. The story of Jean Valjean's redemption is heavy on my heart - without getting too religious, it amazes me how Hollywood can make better stories about Christianity and tell better faith-focuses stories than Christians can. Christians make "Fireproof," Hollywood makes Les Miserables. Christians make fucking "God's not Dead 2," and Hollywood makes Silence. Incredible.
Call me a faggot but after seeing the most recent film, I decided to tackle the massive tome of a novel that is Victor Hugo original novel. It quickly became my favorite novel ever. Give it a go, if you find a good translation.
Tl;dr - yes, loved it. Every part of it, even Crowe, hah.
"Remember the truth that once was spoken: to love another person is to see the face of God."
I like Les Miserobble Robble more
>Hollywood makes Les Miserables
...uhh, sweetie, that's wrong
I guess I'm a dumb broad. I cry every time that chick dies near the end, whatever her name was, when she is denied.
The vs. scenes are so fucking good.
This movie tugs at my heartstrings so much, and I don't know why.
This is only my second time watching it. When it first came out I saw it in theatre, and I cried like a little bitch for the first time in so long.
Watching it now for the second time, 20+ oz of rum in me. Trying to get a better feeling of the film. It's still great though.
>A movie staring Anne Hathaway, Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Eddie Redmayne, and Amanda Seifried, directed by Tom Hooper... distributed by fucking UNIVERSAL STUDIOS...
>isn't Hollywood
It has sad moments but the ending should leave you filled with hope and joy if anything.
I didn't go to see this because I didn't know how to pronounce it without embarrassing myself.
"Lay Mizz er ahb luh"
the last half hour really drags on though, if they all died in the revolt it would've been better.
>literally everyone has the worst life imaginable and gets murdered
>not sad
Holy fuck the vs scenes are so good.
Didn't care for the movie. Their versions of the songs didn't fly with me. Preferred the stage performances, especially when you can see them in their original Klingon.
To be fair Mr. and Mrs. Thernardier didn't get murdered or have bad stuff happen to them.
When it was on Broadway they made a point of advertising it as Les Mis, because saying "lay miz" is a lot less to expect than having people deal with the actual title.
Why wasn't Javert allowed into the afterlife?
So nobody here gets a good drunk in and has a good cry watching this?
this post is satire
>le atheist i'm too cool for Christianity fedorapost
You'll never be able to understand Ayn Rand until you read it
>Ayn Rand
WTF? The book is Socialist as fuck. If anything you need the book to understand left wing politics.
Hasn't anything to do with politics. Form, not function.